Addicted to you

38 Paparazzi photos

When Yeri woke up they were already parked from where Shin parked last night. She looked to her side and Shin is busy tapping on his laptop.

"why didn't you woke me up?" she asked rubbing her eyes.

Shin smiled and closed his laptop, he reached out to Yeri and kissed her."good are you feeling? does your back hurt?" Shin asked worriedly.

Yeri just shook her head and fix herself.

"I didn't meant for us to sleep there, you should have woke me up instead." Shin spoke not losing his bright grin.

"it's fine.", glancing at Shin, she was a bit surprised seeing him staring at her intently. "what's wrong?" she asked, subconsciously touching her face, 's*it did i drool or something?!'

" are so beautiful." Shin admiringly said still staring her.

'nah~ it's because i absorbed a lot of energy from you last night, my innocent beauty elixir' she happily thought.

"oh, thanks" Yeri briefly replied, acting nonchalant. "by the way I have to go, I still have to tidy my things before going back home."

"hmm... I also have an urgent matter to attend to and don't worry about the mess at your dorm, I already had someone take care of it." Shin winked at him.

"oh~ ok!", she smiled sheepishly and about to open the car door when Shin stopped her.

"didn't you forgot something?" Shin asked looking like an abandoned puppy tugging at her.

Yeri just blankly stared at him.

"aren't wifey supposed to kiss their husband before leaving?" Shin disdainfully said as if she committed a grave sin for forgetting something trivial.

'jerk! who is your wifey?! I want a divorce!', Yeri scoffed internally. Anyways, arguing with a bipolar person is tiresome, so Yeri just give him a peck kiss.

"wait, wait...I didn't feel that! do it again." Shin demanded.

Yeri heed his request and kiss him again but still Shin complained. "baby, what was that? where's the feelings? do it again."

Yeri glared at Shin, she's starting to get annoyed. Why is this guy provoking him this early morning?! still she kissed him again.

"alright, one more!"

"Shin!", Yeri finally snapped and hit Shin's chest. "I thought you have an urgent matter to do?!" she huffed looking infuriated.

"hahahaha! you're finally awake." Shin laughed out loud.

The corners of Yeri's mouth twitched in annoyance, she yanked the door open and went out, a little bit more and Shin's craziness might rubbed off on her.

"Yeri Zhi!" Shin shouted surprising Yeri that she almost stumble.

She looked back staring daggers at Shin, this jerk dared shout her name! what if someone see them?!

"miss you already..." Shin spoke, grinning from ear to ear.

'arrggghhg!!! idiot! jerk! crazy bipolar' Yeri cursed inwardly, just a little bit and she will start throwing stones at him, in the end, she decided to ignore him and fasten her pace before the bipolar CEO decides to chase him.


At that very same day, an article release by a certain publishing company cause another major uproar, while other media companies almost went ballistic for not getting the upper hand over the most trending topic.

[CEO Shin Keir and his rumored girlfriend spotted leaving Vertice Hotel]

The article showed 3 pictures of Shin and Yeri taken by a paparazzi, the first picture is the two of them walking towards the car with Shin following behind Yeri, second is the two of them talking at each other beside the car and third is Shin opening the car door while his other hand is wrapped around Yeri's waist.

Eventhough Yeri is wearing a mask from all 3 photos, Shin wasn't and the CEO famous for being a sexist is doing quite the opposite, he looked gentle smiling warmly to his girlfriend from the photos taken.

Meanwhile, Calin Wang arrived at a studio for her pictorial. Since the project this time is for a children's foundation, there were a lot of staffs and some artist along with their people.

She went straight to the dressing room assigned for her not bothering to greet other artist, she really don't care about the foundation but as a public figure it is necessary to support one to boost your image.

"hey! have you already seen the article about CEO Shin Keir?!" one of the make-up artist excitedly ask her friend.

"yeess! I almost fainted seeing his handsome face!"

"who do you think is his girlfriend?!" a third person joined in.

"she's possibly a celebrity, why else would she wear a mask?" another person butt in.

"hah! whoever said Shin Keir is a woman-hater should be jailed! damn it! how could they deprived us women all this years to see the male god!"

"exactly! hahahaha though I prefer his car!" one of the women joked.

Calin Wang narrowed her eyes towards the bunch of ugly women talking about her fiance. She can't wait to see theirpathetic faces once her engagement with Shin is announced.

But what are they talking about Shin? Calin took out her phone from her bag to check for any news about Shin while someone is styling her hair.

After reading the article, Calin's face turned red from rage. Who the f*ck is that sl*t?! to think they just came out from a hotel!!!

The hair stylist doing her hair notice the change on her face and worriedly asked if she's ok but Calin ignored her, she abruptly put down her phone in front of the mirror not minding to read her father's new message and closed her eyes to calm herself.

Just then, her nosy assistant went in and thoughtlessly read the message from her opened phone.

{Honey, your engagement with Shin Keir has been confirmed...}


The assistants eyes almost gouge out from shocked that she did not read the rest of it, she hurriedly shake Calin's arm.

"what?!" Calin irritatingly asked, looking at her dumb assistant in fury.

Not noticing her bad mood, the assistant asked in a hushed manner, "sister Calin! don't tell me you are that woman in the article news about the CEO Shin Keir?". Her eyes full of excitement.

"what do you mean?"

The astonished assistant handed her phone and grabbed a nearby chair to sit.

After reading her father's message, a sudden idea crossed Calin's mind. Looking at her dumb assistant, she flaunted her delicate smile.

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