Addicted to you

51 Just stay by my side

Yeri suddenly run towards Shin giving him a hug that he almost spit out the wine in his mouth.

"you- what do you want?!" Shin scowled.

'yes! achievement unlocked!' Yeri inwardly remarked. "Shin, I'm sorry... i know i disappointed you, but you see, im notreally a good person. I can't even promise you that i won't lie again in the future." she said looking straight to his eyes, this time Yeri really mean it, since she can't avoid him anyway and to set his expectations it's better to let him know and maybe someday he'll realize that she isn't a woman fit for him.

Shin stared back at her ominously, is she really apologizing or provoking him? but before he can retort back, Yeri continued.

"i actually have an idea! how about this, ill stay here at least once every weekdays since i need to go home on weekends?" Yeri happily suggested, "i can't just stay here all day Shin, i miss school!"

Shin intently gaze on Yeri's eyes, her seductive hazel eyes is brightly smiling at him like that of a summer paradise basking the warmth of the sun, there is no trace of remorse or fear. "you...why are you not mad at me?"

Yeri retained her smiling face, this jerk have the guts to ask her, if she's going to take things to heart, she'll probably turn into an old hag before she know it. his annoying attitude is obviously congenital. "i was, but Yeri isn't mad anymore. promise!" she pouted.

Shin smiled faintly, his left hand playing with her hair. does that mean that he mean something to her even just a little or his not just worth getting angry for?. Shin hug her back and buried his face in the crook of her neck. "I'm sorry for hurting you" he said softly.

Yeri froze, whoa! did she just heard him apologize?! the crazy bipolar! the jerk! the great misogynistic CEO Shin Keir is actually saying sorry to her?! she can feel Shin is really regretful. "no worries...uhm, so what do you think of my idea?" Yeri asked breaking away from his hug, Shin's abs is taunting her.

"hmm, but it needs some minor amendments" Shin sitted down and gestured Yeri to sit as well. "first, 3x a week not one and I will assign bodyguards for your protection..."

Yeri looked at him with indescribable expression, how is this considered a win-win deal?! it's now 50-30! this damn capitalist! "i can't, this place is far from school and we have exams every week, how can i study and why bodyguards? i already know you have people following me."

Shin looked serious as if his negotiating a business plan, "alright then, 2x a week and you can choose any day of the week and bodyguards is still different from the one's before."

gah! just when she thought she's on the upperhand, but the jerk easily twisted it! Yeri bit her lip thoroughly thinking about it. It's better to be confined within Sin City walls than just here and honestly she isn't in a better position to argue either, if the bipolar changes his mind then she'll go back to square one. "alright then, i agree!"

Shin grinned looking satisfied, experience and age wise, negotiations is something he can do even when asleep as a veteran in the business industry.

"by the way, where's my phone?"

"drawer...bedside table" Shin briefly answered.

Shin watch Yeri happily strode toward the bedside table, the shackles gripping his heart this whole week is nothing but just a nightmare now, her smile is enough to turned his world upside down.

"oh you're going back to work right? then ill go outside so you can do what you needed to do."

"wait!" Shin grab her hand and hugged her again.

'is today a hug day?' Yeri thought. "Shin?"

"hmmm...just a minute", this past week Shin would always watch Yeri sleep but deter himself from doing anything that would wake her up, God knows how much he misses her. "I know...i know you don't love me but until you find someone that you wanted to marry, please stay by my side...just staywith me for now."


"o-ok ok! no w-worries lets ddo t-that" Yeri stuttered and gently pushed Shin. "uhm...anyways i care about you don't take it to heart what i said last time." she blabbered and lowered her head. 'what is wrong with her?! for a moment she actually panicked hearing what Shin said and felt something pricking her heart, was it because of the juicy abs?', Yeri thought.

"so we have a deal?" Shin asked.

"y-yes yes! deal!" Yeri subconsciously agreed, her mind is muddled. "then ill go out now" she said and immediately scurried out.

She did not bother looking at Shin that she didn't notice his mischievous smile. Even if Yeri don't love her now, as long as she's by his side, he will have plenty of time to make her fall for him. Marry someone? ha! not even a ghost! he can easily get rid of any annoying flies in a mile distance.

Tristan apparition ~ 'dearest cousin, you actually trick your own girlfriend? just how shameless are you?!'

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