Addicted to you

72 Unusual day at K.V empire

When Yeri went back to the cafe, Stan is already gone. According to his mother, Stan received a call from his manager about some changes in schedule also his currentproject is moved out of the country and there's no definite date of his return.

Yeri silently cursed, she don't care where the hell his going but she have yet extracted some information about Calin.

The entire time she stayed at the mall with her mother and Thea, Yeri didnt enjoy shopping. The crazy bipolar is like a fireball stalking her! whenever they would stopped at a certain shop, she would notice Shin across another.


After the weekend, Shin showed up early monday morning at K.V. Empire.

The employees were beyond shocked after receiving an email notification of Shin's resignation as the CEO. There were countless speculations that it was due to the recent rumors about the CEO, others were stating that the Kiers family status is stumbling down and the company will have a major change of leaders.

Majority of the employees are disconcerted and anxious that it might affect their employment especially those who were expecting promotions and new recruits who have yet establish their footing with the company.

Meanwhile the meeting held with the investors and stockholders has been going on for 4 hours now yet there's still no sign of it ending sooner.

The room turned into a complete pandemonium with everyone expressing their opinion and demands, it was an endless debate full of indignation, competition and defiance.

Elli Keir firmly clenched his fist trying to retain his calm demeanor, earlier when Shin announced his resignation there was already a strong enmity amongst the board members.

He initially wanted to be the temporary CEO but given his age and most of the people present were aware how he failed to obtained the position before with Allister as his competitor, they will surely question his capability so Elli decided to put his most doted son Hiro as the next CEO but to his dismay majority of the stock holders is adamant about the idea, thus the current situation transpired.

"over the years of working with the company, Hiro learned a lot and proved his worth! he is a Keir, let's give him a chance...since K.V corporation upholds moral standards it wouldn't do us any good with the current CEO's rumors." one of the stockholder said while he nervously glance at Shin.


"such nonsense! have you all forgotten how our CEO filled your pockets over the years?! and learned? this isn't a school were you can do a retake once you failed! the business world is a battlefield and we have a lot of competitors... CEO Keir, i will pull-out all of my investments if this continues." one of the stockholder fiercely chided.

"i agree...if the company upholds moral standards then it shouldn't just apply with one person, why don't we take out all of our dirty linens here as well...let's see whose more shameless!?" another investor spoke out.

Hiro tried to sell himself and sounded like a politician yet the clamour continued. Elli is already at his limit and felt like punching someone, they dared question Hiro's capability a legitimate Keir over a parasite?

Just where did this blind patriotism coming from?!

While the meeting room is still on fire and the employees were agitated, Shin's goddess just arrived in front of K.V empire.

She's been trying to call Shin for hours now but she's always directed to voicemail and it only fueled her anger. Its supposed to be a great monday morning for her but when she arrived at her dorm earlier, a spooky and hair-raising sight welcomed her!

This time the jerk really gone too far and he dared not answer her calls when he bothers her when she's in class! not waiting for Shin to call her back, Yeri decided to pay him a visit.

The security guards saw Yeri approaching and were about to stopped her from going in but the bodyguards Shin assigned to her were quick and efficient, one of them - eyes, immediately showed his badge and id.

The security guards were trained to identify the badge only their CEO's personal bodyguards carry and the identification system must confirm its authenticity along with their Id.

Upon confirming all the five bodyguards badge and id, they were allowed entrance along with Yeri however they still need to pass through the reception area, Eyes is aware of that himself.

He actually felt bad for their youngmiss since he can only get her inside the building, his also unaware why they can't reached their Boss and Secretary Yan, even VP Tristan is also unavailable giving them no choice but to follow the standard procedures for guest.

Since they came unannounced, hopefully the Boss won't castigate them if he learned the youngmiss would have to wait on the waiting area.

Contrary to what eyes is thinking, Yeri didn't mind at all since she's aware that companies have strict compliance especially a company like K.V. Group of companies plus she came without prior notice.

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