Addicted to you

76 The heart of eternity

When Calin arrived at the Presidential floor her attitude swiftly change from being uncouth to elegant, she gracefullywalked and greeted every employee she passed by like she's on red carpet.

The receptionist following behind Calin is about to guide her towards the waiting lounge but Calin ignored her and hastened her pace towards the CEO office.

"ms. wang wait-"

"thanks for taking me here, you can leave now." Calin demanded and meaningfully stare at the receptionist.

The two assistant secretaries present near Shin's office were stunned seeing Calin and were unable to say something till Calin went inside Shin's office.

"isn't that Calin Wang? wow she's so pretty in personal!" one of the assistant exclaimed.

"we were not informed of her arrival, did the CEO or Secretary Yan approved this?" the other assistant asked realizing the odd situation.

"s-she's tthe CEOs fiancee...sshe don't need appointment" the receptionist stuttered.

"what did you say?! so you just ushered her here without confirmation?!" the assistant angrily said.

"what can i do? i can't contact anyone here earlier for assistance and our head manager is on a meeting." the receptionist nervously replied, "iif she complained to the CEO that she was treated badly i might lose my job."

"so you think you won't lose your job this time?! we all know the strict rule!" the assistant snarled, "anyways, you decided this yourself so take responsibility!"

"why?! didn't the CEO's childhood friend also came here without prior appointment?!"

"who?! oh you mean the woman earlier with Boss Tristan? wow i didn't know she's related to the CEO, i thought she's our VP's girlfriend." the other assistant butted in.

"don't tell me she's also inside the CEO's office?" the receptionist asked.

"nah~ the pretty miss went to the 18th floor cafes to buy something to drink, i still can't forget when she smiled at me and asked for im convinced, angels really exist!" the assistant happily said.

The other assistant looked infuriated over his colleagues merry demeanor, the other woman isn't a problem since their other Boss obviously is backing her.

While the three people outside were still arguing, Calin didn't waste time and started to familiarize herself around Shin's office. In the future, she plans to visit Shin more often so everyone will recognize her as the CEO's wife.

Calin settled at Shin's chair, her heart-raced and a pinkish tinge warmed her cheeks, she fell into a daze and some obscene thoughts filled her mind, she felt so close to him just by sitting there.

Shin's office is so neat and tidy that it looks like an office design model from studios, his desk in particular dont have any unnecessary decorations, there's no files or any documents displayed in the open, no pictures or personal effects, the pedestals and drawers were locked especially his computer.

Calin didn't failed to notice an exquisite velvet round box placed on Shin's desk, it was the only one in color contrast amongst the other things on his desk.

Coming from a wealthy family, Calin can easily tell what's inside and how expensive it is just by the box, but to her surprised it was beyond what she thought.

Calin's face looked like a face out of water and her hands trembled, inside the box is a round shape red diamond necklace surrounded by tiny pink diamond halo; however, she isn't dumbfounded with its price and rarity alone but the necklace is very familiar to her.

It's the very same necklace auctioned 5 years ago at a veryexorbitant price, it is said the necklace binds two people together for eternity~ the holder and his beloved, thus it was named 'the heart of eternity' since it holds historical love stories from its previous owners.

Calin just like any other women also covetted the necklace, she recalled attending the auction with her father that time but they lost the bidding with so many wealthy people present, then the final bid went up to 500 million from an anonymous bidder.

Could Shin be the anonymous bidder?

She stared at the box incredulously and notice a little note slipped under the necklace...

[To my heart,

You are my red diamond, my treasured jewel.

Baby love, belated happy birthday~ I Love You.


Calin fiercely clutched the note to her chest, her face pale and her body froze; clearly, the person Shin is pertaining to isn't her! first, there's no interaction between her and Shin 5 years ago, second, her birthday didn't pass yet.

"ahhhhhhhhhh!!!" Calin screamed like a betrayed wife and trashed the things on Shin's desk. "bitch! i swear i'll f**kin kill you! how dare you take away what's mine!"

If only Calin isn't muddle headed, she would have figure out Shin didn't met his 'heart' 5 years ago only to keep his relationship in silent for long plus with Shin's personality, he won't carelessly leave such important item in the open.

Shin always wanted to give Yeri a jewelry and let her know of his feelings but couldn't find a good excuse and moment until 'ears' one of Yeri's bodyguards found out about the post birthday banquet her parents is planning.

Tristan then suggested 'the heart of eternity' and Shin bought it with a blank check to easily obtain it from the person who got the necklace from the bidding 5 years ago.

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