Addicted to you

80 The devil within him quivered in excitemen

Calin's body shuddered tremendously, terror-struck, she let go of Yeri's hair but Shin didn't release him.

"Shin that's enou-" Tristan cut his words when Shin tightened his hold on Calin's neck. "get reinforcement!" he shouted to Secretary Yan instead.

Secretary Yan anxiously dashed out of the office, the ferocious monster is awake!

Calin struggled to breath from Shin's strangling while Tristan tried to tackle Shin.

"Shin you can't! at least not here and now!" Tristan demanded although the possibility of Shin stopping is futile.


"aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Calin shrieked as she slumped to the ground.

Shin finally let go of her neck in exchange of breaking her hand, just when she thought its over, Shin clasped her other hand and crushed it like his just crumpling a piece of paper.

Calin screamed helplessly unable to defend herself, it was so swift that she only catched the sound of her bone breaking.

"don't ever call my name with that dirty mouth of yours and don't touch me." Shin coldly uttered with a blank expression.

"you monster! did you forget what my family is capable of?! you will pay for this i swear! all of you!" Calin foolishly spouted.

"dead people can't talk." Shin remarked and nonchalantly walked toward a bookshelf and pull out a thick book.

Calin took this opportunity and tried to get-up but panic and fear turned her body woobly, she gave a cursory glance to Shin but immediately regretted it. Calin stared at him with petrified eyes, her bowels churning as she shooked her head in disbelief and shrank back, is Shin serious?! "dd-dont come near me! stay away!" her voice croaked.

Shin pace back to Calin holding a gun, every steps he took seems like a countdown for the remaining seconds of Calin's life.

"help! help me!" Calin shouted to Tristan.

Tristan disregarded Calin's pityful cry for help and approach Yeri, "Sheri you have to stop Shin he isn't playing at all, last time he went berserk it took more than 30 men just to stop him. Luckily, he didnt have a gun at that time but Shin almost dismembered them."

Of course Yeri knew Shin isn't acting at all! the pressure felt so intense even Yeri's hand trembled and her back is now covered in cold sweat.

"No...i refused, that isn't Shin at all." Yeri incredulously replied.

"you don't have to be scared Shin will never hurt you, i've already asked for back-up but obviously they won't make it in time. Calin will really die!" Tristan explained.

"then let her die!" Yeri replied irritatingly, why must she sacrifice herself instead?

"Sheri for Shin's sake just stop him, Calin can die later but there are too many witnesses who knew she's here...I don't want to silence our precious employees just coz some dumb woman entered the demon's den."

"so its for your own sake not Shin!" Yeri scowled, "still i refused! do it at you own risk!"

Tristan impatienty grabbed Yeri's arm and pushed her to Shin.

"Tristan you imbecile! i swear to all the demon present i'll hunt you down even in the afterlife if i die now!" Yeri angrily gritted her teeth while staring daggers at Tristan. "i told you his not Shin, just look into his eyes...that isn't human at all!"

"so his possess? thats fine, go exorcise him!" Tristan casually said and pushed Yeri to Shin.

"you-" Yeri froze right in front of Shin, she gave Calin a side-eye and saw her motionless, looking like a corpse.

'She might have long fainted from shocked' Yeri thought but that doesn't mean she's safe either!

Back in hell, she never once approached or get close to the raging demon king even if he greatly favored her, not even the other demons have the guts to do so.

Yeri just stared at Shin unable to say anything, the feeling of cold metal pressing against her forehead is like a key to open the gates of gehenna.

"Shin snap out of it! you are scaring Sheri." Tristan spoke and blocked the gun with his palm.

Shin remained expressionless but his eyes seemed forlorn and sorrowful. The devil within him quivered in excitement,ready to wreaked havoc but the sight of a familiar face gradually suppressed his outrage.

The image of her smiling face slowly faded as she slowly close her eyes, she bath in blood and darkness enshrouded... such sight replayed over and over again it shattered his heart to a million shards, leaving him behind in a cold and desolate world.


"wait!" Yeri interrupted Tristan, she looked at Shin curiously, reading the inner turmoil from his eyes.

Yeri heaved a sigh of relief and hugged Shin. "such a kid! why are you sad? youre not lost, im here...i found you." she whispered to his ears.

"Yeri?" Shin asked after a short time.

Yeri smiled and nodded, she just lost a month supply of energy. Maybe she should start demanding for payment whenever the jerk cause her distress.

"oh finally your back!" Tristan scoffed. "can i punch you just this once? damn it man, you just owe me a lifetime supply of women."

Shin didn't reacted and just stared at Yeri with complex emotion, his eyes filled with remorse. He just pointed a gun to Yeri!

"im sorry..." Shin muttered bitterly while touching Yeri's cheek.

Suddenly, the door flew open with Secretary Yan and a bunch of bodyguards coming in.

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