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88 The thief who stole his heart but doesn'st want to take responsibility

Of all people, Klaus didn't expect Shin to make an appearance, isn't this banquet quite unprofitable and insignificant for the country's no.1 business tycoon? did he do or say something out of the ordinary to gain his attention?

"CEO Zhi, good evening." Shin suddenly spoke disrupting Klaus thoughts. "by the way, please meet Tristan Felan his my company VP."

"Thank you for coming CEO Keir and young master Felan.", Klaus greeted Shin and Tristan with a handshake.

"I prefer if CEO Zhi will just casually address me as Tristan, im not really a fan of formalities and i hope you don't mind if i tagged along with Shin tonight; honestly, im looking forward to get a discount card from the man behind the successful cafe zhillion." Tristan jested.

"hahaha! no worries at all Tristan, please make yourself comfortable." Klaus laugh at Tristans witty remark. "unfortunately, cafe zhillion doesn't have a discount card but i might consider that as a business strategy..."

While the two got along quickly, Shin suddenly had the urge to smack Tristan, why is he competing with his father-in-laws attention?!

"ah, allow me to introduce my beloved wife, Zenia Zhi." Klaus proudly spoke, unknowingly forgetting his previous worries.

Tristan merrily greeted her, while Shin and Madam Zhi remained casual and somehow wary of each other, owing to the fact that, Shin never had a good impression with step-mothers based from his past, whereas, Madam Zhi is feeling skeptical due to Shin's terrible reputation with women.

"Uncle Klaus, Aunt Zenia good evening!",a young woman interrupted their conversation and shyly gaze at Shin & Tristan. "hello, good evening! its truly an honor to meet you CEO Keir and VP Venice Zhi."

Madam Zhi arched an eyebrow, obviously displeased, they are not in good terms with the extended family branch andYeri's cousin- Venice is no doubt the very definition of the word 'thick-skinned'!

Before Madam Zhi have the chance to reprimand Venice, more from the Zhi clan suddenly appeared from the crowd and introduce themselves to Shin and Tristan.

Klaus Zhi's face turned stiff from embarrassment, these people always act like hungry mongrels whenever an opportunity arise.

Setting aside the Zhi couples sudden change of demeanor, Shin intently look at the people in front of him and his gaze randomly landed to Venice, his expression softened and a subtle smile came to his lips, stunned, Venice quickly averted her eyes and looked down at her feet, she felt her face burning and her heart is throbbing like crazy.

What just happened?! the man admired and coveted by most women actually smiled at her?! if her memory serves her well, no woman had ever captured Shin Keir's affection, not even that pathetic liar Calin Wang.

Those who witness Shin's change of expression towards Venice were astounded, the famous dark king smiled! it was so blinding that for a moment there, the men doubted their gender and the women bathed in dreamland festival.

Unbeknownst to them, Shin subconciously compared them to Yeri, aside from her parents, how come her relatives are unexpectedly just average-looking? or clearly, his baby loves beauty is just out of this world that no women can't hold a candle to her! with that thought, Shin felt even more proud and blissful, oblivious of the visible change on his countenance.


"Yeri's banquet is surprisingly star-studded! by the way, who is that woman in red, acting all sheepish and mushy?" Nina jested to Levi, they were a few tables away from Shin and others.

"she's Yeri's cousin who tried to enter SC University twice but failed...then she went abroad to study but then again failed to get into the advance class, i heard her family bribe the school so she wont repeat a year and be on the same school year like us, eventhough she's 2 years older." Levi blabbered.

"seriously?! wow! i didn't expect that since Yeri and Jj are really smart...anyways Levi, no wonder you get along with Yeri, you're both kinda straightforward that others might think its mean."

Levi: '...'


"welcome honored guests, ladies and gentleman to our precious daughter's birthday banquet..." Madam Zhi's cheerful voice resounded from the stage."blah...blah...please welcome the birthday celebrant, our gorgeous and beloved princess, Yeri Jewel Zhi!"

The guests broke into spontaneous applause and their gaze darted to the grand stairway close to the stage, a melodious music started playing from the band of orchestra, and Yeri slowly walk down the stairs with Jj as her escort.

If goddesses are real, then there's no doubt Yeri Zhi is one of them, her bright and alluring eyes were simply spellbinding, enough to suck the life out of every men present.

How could Klaus Zhi hide such a gorgeous daughter? she could have effortlessly graced every billboard and magazine cover!

"The Zhi family sure is blessed by the gods!" a guest exclaimed looking at Jj and Yeri together.

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"if i have a daughter like that ill be worried...she's exactly the type every women would hate." a woman sarcastically said.

While the guests were swooning over the Zhi cousins, Shin can only hear the sound of his heartbeat, the moment Yeri walked in, everything around him went to a standstill and his eyes can only see Yeri...her hazel eyes and ravishing eyes, perfect skin, curvy body and every gestures she makes are like ripples of fire stirring every part of his being.

The woman who change his life and made him feel how to love; the thief who stole his heart but doesn't want to take responsibility...'mine, she is mine.' Shin mumbled.

Halfway down the stairs, Shin only notice Yeri holding a man's arm and he immediately felt upset.

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