Addicted to you

91 Fairtytale dance

Venice watch the unfolding fairytale moment in front of her with eyes full of resentment and jealousy, she was just away for 3 years and unexpectedly, Yeri has change a lot.

Did she possibly went through plastic surgery? Venice can't argue the fact that Yeri is pretty, its one thing she hated about her but how about her body? Yeri used to be just slender not curvy with big breast and buttocks!

Venice clenched her fist tightly, no wonder the known woman-hater Shin Keir got smitten by that vixen!

"what are you doing?! i thought CEO Keir has a thing on you earlier? you actually let Yeri took away his attention?!" Venice's mother suddenly asked.

"can't you tell how Yeri change over the past 3 years?! i can tell every men in this banquet hall wants to f*ck her." Venice angrily greeted her teeth.

"so what? your just gonna give up? if CEO Keir finds out how scheming and wicked that woman is, im sure he will have a change of heart, so stop dilly-dallying and act now! you know Klaus purpose of inviting him, we can't let him and his vile daughter succeed. If you can't find a way to meet him in the future, try it with youngmaster Felan."

"mom! why would i settle for less when you said so yourselfCEO Keir fancy me?" Venice chided.

"Venice that's not what i mean, im just asking you to be friendly with young master Felan, otherwise, how will you interact with CEO Keir after tonight? I'd been to different socialite gatherings and other events but so far CEO Keir only showed up once! thats how distant he is, not only him but those people from the noble families are not that eaay to mingle with."

"fine! ill think of a way." Venice agreed.


Meanwhile, the guests have mix reactions and opinions seeing Shin Keir dancing with a woman, one might consider his just being tolerant with the celebrant but is he really this type of person?! such scene never happened before thatit seems like an omen for an upcoming apocalypse!

Whatever it is, majority of the guests were hypnotize by the peerless and brilliant appearance of the dancing couple, they look perfect together that no one dared to join them dancing and ruin the dreamy fairytale moment.


"Shin what were you thinking? can't you see everyones shocked faces?" Yeri anxiously whispered to Shin, her face just a few inches away from him.

"hmm? I dont care about you look so gorgeous tonight." Shin softly spoke with a warm and gentle expression.

"stop teasing me, im always point is, how about your image?" Yeri replied impatiently.

Shin mildly laugh and pulled Yeri's body closer. "your usinga new perfume tonight? i like it."

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Yeri's delicate eyebrows knitted from annoyance, can she just slap the bipolar jerk?! everyone will definitely think somethings going on between them from the way Shin gaze at her. If her parents find out about their relationship, much more how they met; undoubtedly she will be crucified!

"Shin just how long are you planning to dance? im tired...and will you stop looking at me like that? i don't want my parents to suspect about us, if i get busted then its over between us."

"you dare?" Shin squinted his eyes and his grasp tightened.

"you think i can't?" Yeri bravely taunted.

Yeri could feel the pressure from Shin's hold as she gaze at her blankly. why did she even provoke a lunatic?

"right wing, conference hall, meet me in half an hour." Shinwhispered to Yeri and abruptly ended their dance before she can retort.

Is he that angry to the point that he wants to murder her right then and there?!

Contratry to what Yeri is thinking, Shin almost couldn't stop himself from kissing her. Although he felt furious from Yeri's provocation, at the same time her scent and touch is enough to awaken his soul, he wanted to prolong their time dancing but even just focusing on the way her eyelashes fluttered is simply a torment to him, had he stayed for a little bit more, he'll surely have a hard-on.

After half an hour, Tristan gleefully stride towards Yeri, who just downed a glass of wine.

"Sheri, happy birthday! careful with the wine or youll get drunk."

"none of your business, why don't you put on a leash to your cousin instead?" Yeri retorted.

"well, Shin has extremely high alcohol tolerance, you don't have to worry...are you planning to get drunk to evade your parents burning questions later?" Tristan playfully asked.

"how about you don't talk to me? I can feel the women's prickling gaze you know...its my birthday, im supposed to enjoy this night! not worry." Yeri complained.

"alright, ill reprimand Shin a little later...anyways about Calin, mind telling me why you didn't want her to go to jail?"

"tsk! where's the fun in there?" Yeri snickered.

"Sheri, you're starting to sound just like Shin or are you always like Shin?"

"are you done?"

"yup, just like Shin..." Tristan smirked, "well, i sent you a file earlier regarding your brother, just check your email."

"why? i didn't do anything to help you with Calin..."

"If you didn't showed up that day then Calin won't lose it, so as agreed, im giving you the information you need and as for Calin, just let her rot in jail."

"Thanks..." Yeri subtly smile.

"most importantly...Sheri, aren't you forgetting something? perhaps a lovers rendezvous?"Tristan smiled deviously.

sh*t! Yeri cursed, remembering her meeting with Shin, she gloomily looked at Tristan but as expected, his face say it all - 'I'm pretending i don't know so i can't and won't help you'.

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