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99 A perfect murder

Yeri let out a strained smile upon seeing her parents, she genuinely feel bad that all their efforts for tonights banquet was ruined.

"princess! oh my god, are you ok?! what happened?!" Madam Zhi frantically run towards her, embracing her.

Klaus Zhi also sat beside her, looking seriously disturbed. "what happened princess? are you hurt?"

"I'm fine Dad, Mom, nothing to worry. The hotel staff were very efficient and helpful to me."

"they said the shooting occured outside but how come the daughter from the Rhian Family is badly injured?" Klaus coldly spoke.

"that's right! they didn't even let us out to find you, princess why did you left the banquet without telling us?" Madam Zhi said in a dissatisfied tone of voice.

"Mom relax, i think they did that for the safety of the guests, also this hotel is one of the best hotels of the city, who would have thought this will happen?" Yeri explained and tried to change the topic. "by the way is the banquet still going?"

"I'm sorry princess but with what happened to that young woman..." Madam Zhi paused, her daughter's joyous night messed up.

"don't feel bad Mom, its fine, I understand." Yeri grabbed her Mothers hand to comfort her.

"we should leave as well, let's continue this conversation at home, and you're not staying here tonight princess." Klaus firmly said and stood up, not giving any space for argument.

"Dad-" Yeri paused, suddenly covering her mouth, terror and pain gleamed in her eyes.

What she had done, she can never undo.

"princess? what's wrong?" Madam Zhi nervously asked.

Yeri withdrew from her Mom's embrace, her heart pounded against her chest, threatening to explode, she struggled to prop herself up but the sudden jolt of pain quickly escalated,like a storm violently raging inside her.

'Karma, must you be so hasty?' she chuckled inwardly.


She was expecting this will happen but didn't expect it to be sooner and extremely unbearable. That time, when she saw Shin, she could had stopped but greed got the better of her.

She knew Shin won't hesitate to shoot those men, not only it was a good opportunity to test if her ability to draw out soul works, but no one will also suspect her of the crime.

It was a perfect moment for a perfect murder.

"ahhh! Klaus call an ambulance!" Madam Zhi squealed, panic-stricken. "princess! tell mommy what's wrong!"

Yeri is unable to utter any words, clutching her stomach andmouth, her weak human body couldn't endure the surge of excessive energy from those souls, she don't fear death but the torment and pain.

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"w-we already called for another ambulance! they sh-oul-d be on t-the way now!" the clinic staff stammered.

"let me check her! irregular heart rate, pulse is abnormal..." the on-duty Doctor quickly examined Yeri. "listen we don't have enough equipment here to diagnose her but she needs to be rush to-"

"ahhhhhh!! no! no!" Madam Zhi cried.

Yeri started coughing up blood, unable to hold it any longer, she initially planned to hide for a while to cure and improve her body but evidently it's too late.

"were not going to wait for an ambulance!" Klaus said, he carried Yeri and dashed out of the clinic.

"I'm sorry Sh-" Yeri muttered before she lost her consciousness.


Shin just ended his call with Tristan when he heard someone screamed inside the clinic, from the corner his standing, he walked towards the door but what greeted him is Klaus running out, carrying Yeri with him followed by hercrying step-mom.

What was that?! Blood?!

Shin immediately trailed them, his gaze peering at Yeri, every second feels like a living nightmare to him, exploiting on his only fear.

"B-Boss, is the Young Miss poisoned?" Ears anxiously asked.

Shin didn't respond, all he wanted now is to hug her, see her usual smile and hear her voice.

Why? If she's really poisoned, then why did she lied to him?

Did she think he can't save her?

"Zenia! tell the driver to get the car!" Klaus said to his wife when their almost outside.

"my car is at the entrance CEO Zhi, i'll take you the hospital!" Shin butted in, fighting his urge to take Yeri from her father's arms, she look lifeless with her arm hanging down, blood trickling.

Klaus didn't hesitate and quickly nodded.

At the same time, Tristan was almost at the hotel entrance when he saw Shin and the rest hopped in the car and sped off.


Sin City Downtown

"What a lively night..." L muttered, admiring the cityscape from the 68th floor of a building.

He was shocked to hear from Tristan that they activated Inferno, it was never been used before and he thinks it's not really necessary, Spiros don't need such grandeur, he assumed something must have triggered Hades to act.

"super flash kick!"

"a thousand steel punch!"

"Master Red, i think were on the wrong place." L interrupted, seeing the messy bar with shards of broken bottle of liquors and few men lying down.

"not yet! that damned no.2 and Trickster! I can defeat that Gecko myself, now i have a lot of competitors!" Red angrily blabbered.

A man stealthily crawled towards the door, when Red stomped his foot, blocking his way and almost crushing his head. "you! do you know Gecko Dialtone?"


"it's Grego Dayton, Master Red, and based from our intel information, Spiros gangs have this ring size tattoo of a geometric skull behind their right ear...i don't see any from these men."

"my instinct says that these Espressos are here!" Red insisted.

L decided not to argue any longer, although the infamous Cerberus of the underworld is brain dead, his strength and ability to sniff his prey is outstanding.

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