It is a huge school with enough area, complete facilities and many naval instructors headed by Zefa.

Although the number of students in each session is not more than people.

But every student in each class is a young and outstanding talent selected from naval bases and naval headquarters around the world.

When Su Qiu was looking for a rental room yesterday, he already knew the location of the Naval Academy, so he deliberately found a room that was close to the Naval Academy and rented it.

However, in fact, Su Qiu didn't need to make a special trip to rent a suite.

Because all students have dormitories in the academy, and the dormitories are readily available, there is absolutely no need for students to prepare anything.

Just in Su Qiu's opinion...

When you get off work, you get off work, and you don't need to live where you work.

And the Naval Academy, so far, is where he works.

It was [-]:[-] in the morning, after the very skillful cleaning of the shattered brain and the table.

Because of the habit of exercising, I put on the white sports jacket I bought when I was wandering around after finding the house last night and went to the Naval Cadet Training Ground.

At this moment, on the streets of Marinfando town, many business people have already opened their businesses, and even some soldiers of the Navy headquarters are already busy.

However, on the training ground of the Naval Academy, no one was there yet.

Su Qiu's exercise is very simple, just a simple [-]-kilometer run, a horizontal bar pull-up, and a [-]-meter frog jump back and forth.

While running ten kilometers, Su Qiu noticed some instructors standing on the edge of the training ground.

And after the horizontal bar pull-up last night, students began to gather at the training ground one after another.

And after the [-]-meter frog jumping back and forth, Su Qiu saw that all the students started to do their own exercises one after another.

"Everyone! Assemble!"

Just after Su Qiu finished her daily morning exercise task, the instructors who didn't care about the students in the distance suddenly shouted loudly.


All the students who heard this order immediately stopped their movements and quickly began to gather!

Only Su Qiu walked slowly at the back.

After the instructors glanced at him, they didn't mean to urge at all, but looked at all the students and shouted: "My name is Dunbar, the instructor in charge of your morning training, I came to the training at [-]:[-] in the morning. But I only saw Su Qiu doing self-training alone!

No one succeeds by being lazy, only diligence!Only work harder than others!will be successful!

By your side, Su Qiu is a typical example. I kept waiting for him to finish his self-help training before calling the assembly because I wanted to see what kind of training he was doing!He was already running when I came, and then he ran at least seven kilometers, then pull-ups, [-]-meter frog jumps back and forth, this is his own training, and you!

Not to mention the people who just came, even those who were in the past, who only ran for two kilometers, started to stretch and rest and wait for the gathering!If Teacher Zefa was here, he would definitely be disappointed, because the way you were willing to accept punishment last night made him proud, and he saw your determination to become stronger and work hard.

But today, you forgot what you were like last night!I forgot that by your side, there was a special enrollment Su Qiu who was able to fight against Teacher Zefa yesterday!What's more, he should be the target for you to learn and surpass, not to keep you indifferent and adapt to his existence! "

All the students bowed their heads when listening to Instructor Dunbar's words.

Some of them noticed that Su Qiu was exercising there alone, but they didn't think much about it, because who would have thought that Su Qiu came to the training ground so early, only that Su Qiu would not go anywhere before them.


All the Naval Academy students here, except for Jero, are those who have experienced the experience of being instantly defeated by Su Qiu yesterday, and they are the elites who came to the headquarters from various naval bases. very ashamed.

But even Jello, because of his short stature, was standing first in the first row, but at this moment his face was flushed and his fists were clenched, because Instructor Dunbar said he would rest after running two kilometers. It was him, and as Su Qiu's former colleague, he knew that Su Qiu had the habit of exercising in the morning.

But even so...

However, he still only wanted to become stronger through the teaching of the instructors, forgetting that he had to work hard.

"Very good! I see your shame! It means you can still be saved!" Instructor Dunbar glanced at all the students in front of him, especially after noticing Jello's appearance, he said loudly.

And after speaking, Dunbar looked at Su Qiu who came over, and immediately shouted: "Su Qiu, join the ranks!"

After hearing this, Su Qiu took out his pocket watch and glanced at it, then looked at Dunbar and said, "It's only five points now, Instructor Dunbar."

"I know what time it is," Dunbar replied.

Su Qiu pushed his glasses, looked at Dunbar seriously and said, "I only started work at nine o'clock, and it's fifty-five minutes before I go to work."

After saying this, he continued to walk towards the exit of the academy training ground.

The back is the same as last night.

Left to a group of people who were completely stunned by what he said.


PS: This is the addition of flowers, ask for flowers, ask for collection, ask for evaluation tickets!These are all free, if you have more, you can give me a message, any kind of support from you is the driving force for me to code!


(month day to month day)

Chapter [-] If you fail, you will be deported

The Naval Academy is located in the northeast corner of Marin van Dou.

It is a huge school with enough area, complete facilities and many naval instructors headed by Zefa.

Although the number of students in each session is not more than people.

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