In addition to the stone table, there are other weapons and tools such as sticks made of stone, stone hammers, etc.

"This thing is made with a little bit of technology I learned when I followed Lieutenant General Garp to Wano Country. Although I only learned a little bit of fur, it is quite good. This table was originally intended for Garp. Lieutenant General, but he refused, so I threw it here." Revel put aside the stone sticks and other items on the table and introduced it to Su Qiu.

"Stone?" Su Qiu looked up at Revel.

"How could the stone be hidden so deeply by me? It's the sea floor stone, which is used for devil fruit power users! Your power is devil fruit power, right? This thing is designed to restrain you. Although it is only mixed with some , but this thing is harder than a diamond, if it weren't for the skills of Wano Country..."

Halfway through again, Revel stopped talking.

Just looking at the sea floor stone that he scrapped for a whole few months to make, but now it is completely broken.


Levre looked at the sea floor stone tables with neat cuts on the ground, and couldn't believe it, because this was sea floor stone! !

Then, squat down and pick up one of the pieces and look at it...

quiet, silent...


"What the hell are you doing with such a solid thing!!"

Levre couldn't help but swear at Su Qiu, and even asked what he had been holding back.

Su Qiu pushed down his glasses and said seriously, "To save money."


PS: Add more and more, ask for flowers! !Ask for a review ticket! !Ask for all kinds of support! !Please be a little more active in the book review area! !Anyway, I'm just asking for it! ! !

(month day to month day)

Chapter [-] Are you kidding me?


Levre looked at Su Qiu with a question mark on his face, and then said directly: "Don't cut the table to save money!!"

"Boss... No, if you are a former colleague, then you should be called a senior. The senior told me what you hid, then I can also tell you what I have hidden."

When it came to this, Su Qiu pushed down his glasses and his expression was even more serious.

And when Leifel heard this, he saw Su Qiu's particularly serious expression, and the expression on his face became serious and serious.

"I have a very bad feeling of getting up."

Su Qiu looked at Revel and said very seriously.

"Are you kidding me?" Leifel asked Su Qiu directly.

Su Qiu looked at Revel and said, "No, my feeling of getting up is worse than you think. Every morning, when the alarm clock rings, the alarm clock will be chopped by me instantly. Similarly, place the alarm clock. The table will suffer. This morning, I found that I have spent hundreds of thousands of bellies on the table, and it must not be as simple as hundreds of thousands of bellies in the long run, so I need a table of solid material, in order to save the table money."

"Put the alarm clock on the floor and keep the table away!" Revel said immediately.

"If the alarm clock is on the floor, I'll shred the floor completely. It will cost more to fix."

"Stop the alarm clock!"

"I'll stay in bed and maybe be late for work in the morning."

"The strength of your kid must be a general, then find a sea soldier to wake you up!"

"Do you want me to be a murderer?"

Listening to Su Qiu's words, Leifel reached out and pinched his eyebrows, and the brave man said helplessly: "What the hell are you doing here..."

"Buy a table!" Su Qiu replied immediately.

Hearing this, Revel felt a little headache in his head.

But this time...

Su Qiu noticed that on the other side of him, it looked like a place where garbage was placed, with many wooden boards.

Looking at these wooden boards, Su Qiu pinched his chin and fell into deep thought. After a while, he looked at Revel, "Are all those wooden pieces unnecessary?"

Levre looked at what Su Qiu said and nodded, "Well, they are all scraps, although they can be used, but the goods made of these wood cannot be sold to people, so I have them there. I'll use it to make some knickknacks...if you want it, I'll sell it all for five hundred bellies..."

Speaking of which, Leifel seemed to have thought of something, and turned to look at Su Qiu, "Boy, do you want to learn woodworking?"

Su Qiu pushed his glasses, looked at Revel, and bowed slightly, "Please teach me how to make a table."

"Hmph, you can't be a carpenter casually! Besides, if you just want to make a table, I don't have the time to teach you!!" Levre said loudly as he looked at Su Qiu with his hands on his hips.

"Well, if it's not my will to just learn to make a table, I want to learn to make other furniture. So please teach me, Master."

Su Qiu bowed again.

Tables, beds, stools, cabinets and all other furniture, if they are made of those scraps, and if they are made by themselves, they can all be obtained for a few hundred bellies.

On the market, even the smallest stools cost two or three thousand berries!

Very worthwhile to learn!

"Humph! Then, go and change your clothes! Learn from scratch for me, the old man is quite strict!"


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