"Philot?" Zefa looked at the information sheet in his hand and looked at the naval major from the West Sea in front of him.

"Major Naifa Filot of the Nineteenth Base of the West Sea."

I saw the burly-looking navy major immediately saluted Zefa.

"There is this rule in the Naval Academy." Zefa looked at Philot and responded with his head.

"I'm going to challenge Captain Su Qiu."

When Philot said this to Zefa, he turned to look at Su Qiu.

And Philot even clenched his fists, obviously ready to fight at any time!

Zefa didn't say anything, but took a step back.

The instructors of the Naval Academy behind him, or the surrounding navies, immediately understood that Zefa was the default.

Su Qiu looked at Philot, took out his pocket watch, looked at the time, and said, "Because special recruits can stay at the naval base directly after graduation, and do not need to go to other branch bases, I am blunt. , I won't give it to you, but now..."

Having said that, Su Qiu stuffed the pocket watch into his arms, then took off the Navy Justice Cloak with the captain's epaulettes on his body, folded it, and held it in his hand.

After doing this, after pushing his glasses, he looked at Philot and said seriously: "It's five o'clock, I'm off work. Next is my private time. If you want to challenge, please find me at nine o'clock tomorrow, I get to work at nine o'clock."

After that, Su Qiu turned around and walked towards the town behind the harbor wharf without looking back, as if he was going to do his own business after get off work.


PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for collections

(month day to month day)

Chapter [-] Because Su Qiu is too strong

"Teacher Zefa, do you need us to stop it in time when necessary?" The female instructor with short light blue hair stepped forward and asked softly.

"Since he has become a special recruit, these are the things he should undertake." When speaking, Zefa looked at Su Xian, who was surrounded by all the cadets who came to report and had launched an attack.

"That... Ze... Teacher Zefa."

Jello stood beside Zefa, if someone didn't rush towards Su Qiu, then there was only Jello.

"Huh?" Zefa looked back at Jello, puzzled a little, but didn't speak, just looked at Jello.

Jello looked up at Zefa, "Excuse me...is there only one exam? What happens if I fail?"

"If you fail the entrance exam, you will be disqualified from admission. However, there are three tests, and the final score will determine your decision." Zefa looked at Jello and replied.

Just listening to Jello immediately asked: "That means if you don't participate in one match, and if you perform well in the remaining two assessments, you can also succeed in the assessment, right?"

"Well, but the next two games have to be very good." Zefa nodded, watching Geralt think about this timid-looking Navy lieutenant, his former student Lockerbie also told him. a few words.

You need a good mentor to guide you, and your heart is tough and unyielding to your own justice.

Is it really as his former disciple Lockerbie said, Zefa doesn't know, it remains to be seen, but he can see that Jello is not planning to participate in the first competition.

"That's good, as long as you work hard in the next two games." Jero made a decision after heaving a sigh of relief.

Zefa stared at Jello and asked, "Tell me the reason for not participating."

"Huh?" Jello was stunned for a moment, then he stretched out his hand and scratched the back of his head a little embarrassedly and said, "Because Su Qiu is too strong, I don't know about others, but I'm like this, Su Qiu can solve it in just one click, instead of this , it's better to keep your energy and work hard in the next two assessments."

"Huh?" Zefa froze for a moment, "You...!!!"

It was just startled for a moment, but when he opened his mouth to say something to Jello, Zefa suddenly felt something.

Swish! ! ~~~~

It's not so much a gust of wind, it's more a gas...

The anger that gave people the feeling of being very irritable instantly passed around him, from all the instructors, from all the sea soldiers watching the lively around him!

Instantly flock to the direction!

The originally calm sea water is even more turbulent because of the passing of this gas!

Without any hesitation, Zefa immediately looked back.

I saw that Su Qiu, who was originally surrounded by dozens of people, was still standing at this moment, but the students of the Naval Academy who had just swarmed around him fell to the ground.

And it can be clearly seen that around Su Qiu, there is a spiral airflow that rises, like a wall, and like a blade that can cut everything at any time.

And this scene not only made Zefa look surprised.

Even the other instructors and the navy watching the fun all looked at the man standing in the air with shocked expressions at this moment.


(month day to month day)

Chapter [-] The second assessment!

"In the end..." The female instructor with light blue short hair looked at Su Qiu and didn't know what to say.

The navies here may not know it, but these instructors have a good idea of ​​the strength of these students.

The strongest among them is a lieutenant colonel of the navy, a person from the first base of the Great Airway, whose own strength is no less than that of some of their instructors.

As for the others, they are recommended here because they have enough achievements, and a considerable degree of combat power and potential.

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