In the previous world, although Su Qiu kept exercising, and his strength was constantly getting stronger, but in the previous world Su Qiu was an ordinary office worker.

Even if he came to this world, Su Qiu only used a little strength when he was in the East China Sea. The previous battle with Zefa was considered to be Su Qiu using some strength.

And today, he wanted to speed up a little bit.

The result is too fast.

out of control.

"Does it get a little out of control due to being too strong?" Kuzan chuckled, "Anyway, you can do it yourself. Although that guy Sakaski is very serious, I heard that he has done this kind of thing before, so don't think about it too much. , but if you think there is no punishment, then you are too naive."

As he spoke, Kuzan stood up and walked, walking to the bicycle.

The ice crystals that were originally under the bicycle wheel disappeared the moment Kuzan touched the bicycle.

Then he was pushed by Kuzan and walked towards the sea.

"Mr. Kuzan, are you going out?" The Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters said immediately.

"Well, I got a little news about Nico Robin, and I'm a little concerned." Kuzan said after waving his hands.

"But I just got some news about Whitebeard." The lieutenant general said immediately.

"Mr. Karp, Sakaski and the others are all here. It would be good to have them."

But when he finished speaking, Kuzan suddenly stopped and looked back at Su Qiu, "I almost forgot to tell you, Mr. Warring States is looking for you, and I will be waiting for you in the office now."

"Then, bye bye."

After that, Kuzan got on the bike like this...


Just rode on the sea and left...


PS: Dude! !What about flowers! ! !Ask for flowers, review tickets, and ask for all kinds of support.

PS: I have a dream that my evaluation votes exceed [-]...


(month day to month day)

Isn't Chapter [-] supposed to punish Su Qiu!?

on the port.

"My friends need help, can I send them to the medical building?"

Su Qiu looked at the many sailors and began to carry the supplies he got on the huge warships on the shore, and then looked at the small warships on the sea who were also handling them in an orderly manner.

Knowing that he didn't need to do anything here, Su Qiu turned to look at the Vice Admiral who was commanding by his side.

The Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters in a yellow striped suit was stunned for a moment, then glanced at the direction Su Qiu was looking...

I saw the young man lying motionless on the ground, the girl lying on the ground sobbing, and the little fat man vomiting on the other side of the port.

Immediately, an order was given to a group of soldiers to send Crofts to the medical building.

As a former student of the Naval Academy, the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters recognized Su Qiu's clothes at a glance.

And as a past person, he also knows how to swim and it is a group training course.


The Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters was very suspicious of Su Qiu.

The lieutenant general of the headquarters had just returned from the mission, and naturally he had just seen the huge waves on the sea caused by Su Qiu's fast swimming.

Although surprised, he didn't feel anything.

But seeing what Su Qiu did just now...

What does he think...

The lieutenant general of the headquarters walked up to Su Qiu, "How about you, are you not injured?" The copyright of the novel resource belongs to the original author. The text is only for personal study and trial reading. Please delete it within 24 hours after downloading. Please support Subscribe to genuine novels and refuse piracy!

This novel was first published by "Dragon"

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"I'm fine." Su Qiu looked at the lieutenant general of the headquarters, "but please order to check the sea surface, because I just got all the things I can see, and I can't be sure if there are any materials that fell from the warship. Or the debris is still floating on the sea."

Hearing this, the lieutenant general looked towards the sea, and then immediately issued an order to search for supplies to the marines beside him.

Looking at Su Qiu again, the lieutenant general found that the student didn't have any panic after the accident, or anything else, just stood there, staring calmly at the two-half warship.

The most important thing is that going to see Su Qiu at this moment also made the lieutenant general of the headquarters fall into silence again.

With three people who have weights on their bodies, they also have weights on their bodies, especially one with a weight of kilograms and four with a weight of [-] kilograms. Even so, they are still swimming rapidly, and after hitting the huge battleship, they are unscathed.

And he made the amazing move just now without taking off the weight on his body...

Devil Fruit?Absolutely impossible, a devil fruit person can never swim in the sea...

So what is this...

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