
General Sakaski has changed?

The two lieutenant generals looked at General Sakaski almost at the same time, but what they saw was the same fierce expression as before, as well as those ruthless eyes.

"Then, I'll deal with those messes first, Su Qiu, follow me." Saying this, Sakaski walked straight towards the door.

"The punishment starts tomorrow, General Sakaski, and it's already ordered. It's lunch break."

Su Qiu stood there and looked at Sakaski and said so.


Everyone present was stunned when they heard Su Qiu's words.

This kid...

Crazy, what nonsense are you talking about?

The two lieutenant generals looked at Su Qiu and thought so.


PS: Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets~~~~~~ July [-]st!Everyone give me the rating ticket in your hand... I want to add a rating ticket.

(month day to month day)

Chapter [-] The real third assessment content

Haiyuan calendar year, June [-], Tuesday.

The entire navy headquarters has already spread about what Su Qiu did yesterday, especially after the rumors were spread, the whole thing was exaggerated a lot.

For example, yesterday, Su Qiu deliberately crashed General Sakaski's warship in the name of training at the Naval Academy.

For another example, Su Qiu made those warships like that because he disliked those warships blocking the way.

and many more...

In short, it was just one night, and all kinds of rumors began to circulate in the many headquarters bases in Marin.

As for Su Qiu's punishment, it was even more outrageous.

It was said that General Sakaski was directly annoyed and attacked Su Qiu directly in the Marshal's office, but was blocked by Lieutenant General Karp and Mr. Zefa.

Also, because Su Qiu was really disobedient and did not admit his mistakes, the Warring States Marshal who wanted to be lightly punished was also angry and simply threw it to General Sakaski.

and many more...

Just like the gossip about Su Qiu crashing the warship, it is basically completely different from the truth.

But whether it is about the above rumors about Su Qiu crashing the warship, or about the punishment for Su Qiu, no matter how outrageous it is.

But it's just that everyone knows that Su Qiu crashed the warship during training, and that Su Qiu's punishment was handed over to General Sakaski himself, and he was transferred to General Sakaski's troops. Inside.

But anyway...

Everyone knows one thing.

That is, Su Qiu is very strong, and it is outrageously strong, especially when the story of Su Qiu spread, the battle between him and Mr. Zefa also completely dissipated, which made everyone confirm this matter again. .

In the morning, after exercising at the training ground, Su Qiu did not go home, but planned to walk directly to Sakaski's office, and planned to eat breakfast on the way.

Because going to Sakaski's office requires a detour from the square port, it is natural to pass the square port.

However, when passing by, he noticed that the warships of General Sakaski's troops had been redeployed. Because each general had a unique logo, it was easy to identify.

And there are already many seamen one after another who are constantly carrying supplies and making various preparations, as if they are going to set sail.

In addition, Su Qiu also heard some words about the mission continuing.

In this regard, Su Qiu didn't think about it too much. After all, even if he had a task, it would not be his turn. He also learned something about his work at Zefa yesterday afternoon, that is, temporarily acting as Adjutant Sakaski, In other words, it is similar to a secretary.

Moreover, Sakaski also said yesterday that he will stay in the headquarters base.

What's more, there are a lot of lieutenant generals and generals below Lieutenant General under Sakaski's headquarters, and daily travel tasks are also normal.


"After preparing, I will go to sea with Dauberman. Although he is my acting adjutant, he is only a student of the Naval Academy, and his rank is only the captain of the Navy Headquarters. This mission is solely under the command of Dauberman. Follow his orders."

Just when Su Qiu came to Sakaski's office to report, Sakaski had already started processing documents in the office, and when he saw Su Qiu, Sakaski told him so bluntly. .

"Excuse me, what were you talking about early in the morning..." Su Qiu looked at Sakaski and asked directly.


Sakaski leaned back and looked at Su Qiu, "Any questions about my order?"

Su Qiu didn't shy away from Sakharsky's own formidable aura and the coercion in his eyes, let alone any evasive mentality.

He just pushed his glasses and said, "No, because it's your subordinate, and it's also working time, it's impossible to refuse anything in the job that your boss has ordered, but... I didn't say that yesterday. will always be..."

When he said this, Su Qiu suddenly stopped, pinched his chin with one hand, and looked at other places, as if he suddenly realized something.

Have you been cheated...

No, not cheated, but I was negligent.

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