Chapter [-] The Great Pirate?

This content was first published on boshisw, and Jack, who was on the Mammoth at this time, didn't care about the places around him that were destroyed by bombs. He held two scythes in his hands, and his bloodshot eyes watched Su Qiu rushing over.

Without any superfluous movements, the moment when the two Schotter knives in the shape of a straight knife on the lower body and a sickle on the upper body were raised...


In an instant, the two SCHOTTEL knives turned black and purple.

And in the next second, he crossed and slashed towards Su Qiu, who was rushing down towards him in the middle of the word!

boom! ! !

With a loud noise, Su Qiu saw a hilt in Su Qiu's hand that was a cyclone, and the blade was also a looming gas-like sword.

At this moment, the two Schotel knives in Jack's hand collided with the Qi sword in Su Qiu's hand!

boom! ! ! !

Just for a moment!

The air wave completely exploded!

Jack's Mammoth deck suddenly dragged a layer of skin, and the planks were completely opened without saying anything!

Even above the sea, at this moment, a huge wave exploded with Jack and Su Qiu as the center! !

This scene made all the navy and pirates who had planned to continue firing artillery fire suddenly startled.

Everyone subconsciously looked at where Jack and Su Qiu were.


"Wait a minute, what happened to that sailor! He even withstood the attack of Lord Jack!"

"It's a sailor I've never seen before, and it's wearing a sailor's clothes!"


In an instant, all Jack's crew who saw this scene were shocked!

And not only the pirates here, even the navy looked at this scene in astonishment, and all took a deep breath!

They know that Su Qiu is very strong, but...

It was so easy to block the big pirate Drought Jack's knife! !

Dauberman, in particular, stood on the spot at this time, and before he left, Zefa's exhortation sounded in his head, "That kid doesn't need special care, he can do whatever he wants!" '

"What a joke!!! Our boss is Jack!! It's the whole new world, and even the whole world can be said to be everyone who doesn't know about the big pirates, and the reward is as high as 10 billion Berry!! A sailor is not so arrogant!!"

A pirate watched this scene and immediately shouted.

"It's really a bunch of long-winded subordinates!"

The pair of brown pupils above Jack's iron jaws snapped, and then a low growl sounded from his huge iron jaws.

Hearing Jack's words, the subordinate covered his mouth with his hands and dared not speak again.

But also at this moment, Jack's hands suddenly exerted force!

The powerful momentum exploded on Jack's body, and a Schotel knife in Jack's hand was also pulled out of the confrontation at this moment, held high above his head, and chopped directly towards Su Qiu!

From a distance, the skinny Su Qiu and Jack are completely in stark contrast. Even compared with the Schotel knife in Jack's hand, it is extraordinarily insignificant.

But at this moment...

Swish! !

I saw Su Qiu's figure completely disappeared in place.


It sounded like a beast full of excitement finding its prey from Jack's throat.

I saw that Jack's eyes seemed to have changed, and the originally brown pupils turned blood red at this moment.

I saw Jack raised the Schotel knife in his hand again...

This time, the SCHOTTEL knife in Jack's hand is carrying a greater power, but it is just a moment under his command, as if the air is torn apart, and the scythe-like blade with a roar is directly on the side of his body. Cut off!

And right where Jack chopped down, Su Qiu appeared there!

boom! ! !

A loud bang came out at this moment.

The sea rolled up thousands of waves in this sound!


A scene that shocked everyone, including Dauberman, who made everyone around him stop fighting, appeared...

Su Qiu stopped.

And just like before, the qi sword in his hand was blocked just like that.

"Big pirate?" Su Qiu looked at Jack and said lightly. Although he didn't lift his chin, he still looked up at Jack, but when he asked this, everyone here felt like a scorching sun, especially The words he said made people feel as if they were mocking Jack.

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