After a while, I only heard Sengoku continue to say: "I don't need to worry about whether Kaido will act because of this. I will ask the frontline base about this later. Your top priority is the contact between Fire Fist Ace and Whitebeard, no matter what. Whether Whitebeard wants to recruit Fire Fist Ace under his command, but if that man does anything, he must not be careless!"


"What is Su Qiu doing now..."

Hearing Warring States' question, Dauberman looked at the glass on one side of the cabin, through which he could clearly see Su Qiu sitting there in casual clothes.

Then replied: "He was fishing and said he was off work."



PS: I have a dream that my evaluation vote can pass 4.

PS: I still have a dream, that is, the number of my rewards can exceed that of individuals, the amount is not important, I just want to surpass others...

PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for all kinds of support! ! !


(month day to month day)

Chapter [-] The old man with a pheasant and ten knives in his hand!

Naval Headquarters, Marin Vando.

Sengoku, who put down the phone bug's microphone, looked directly at a major general standing at the door.

The major general of the headquarters, who had just heard the whole process of the conversation, although he was shocked, he walked out of the office with a salute and went to the intelligence room to inquire about Kaido of the Beasts.

This was because a small meeting was being held here in Sengoku, so a considerable number of people gathered.

At this time, everyone clearly heard the content of the conversation between Dauberman and the Warring States just now. Just as the Warring States showed just now, everyone had an incredible expression.

Especially the Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel of the Navy Headquarters who really played against Jack Drought.

Because he deeply knows how monster that guy is!

But now, he was defeated by a cadet who was still in the Naval Academy...

"That's why it's a little monster." Garp opened one eye and said with a smile, and after speaking, he bit down the senbei in his hand.

"Let's not mention Whitebeard's actions this time, but it's Kaido's place. If Jack hadn't died in the drought, Kaido would have done nothing, but if he died..." When he said this, the Navy Headquarters The female lieutenant general, also known as the 'big staff', opened her eyes and looked at everyone in the office, "It may evolve into a full-scale war between the Navy Headquarters and the Beast Pirates! No matter what kind of pirate captain , they will not sit idly by and ignore the killing of a major cadre under their command."

"If you really want revenge, even Kaido has to weigh himself." The ghost spider with a fierce expression and cruel personality, wearing a helmet with a two-headed dragon pattern on his head, said coldly with a cigarette in his mouth.

"The man who occupied the country of Wano and has always accumulated strength, and now his subordinates and himself are absolutely not to be underestimated. If there is a war, you must be fully prepared." Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan said Biting a cigar, he looked like a good old man, "However, will that man really give up everything he has now for a subordinate?"

"Jack may not be dead," said Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel of the Navy Headquarters. "If that guy's body was not found in the sea, then he should have sunk into the sea. That guy Jack is a devil fruit person, but he is also a murloc, so There is no drowning in the sea."

"Whether it's dead or alive, everything needs to be prepared, and many things can't be determined until it's completely certain." The expressionless, tall hat and long, good-looking beard Admiral Stoloberg of the Navy Headquarters said so.

"The most urgent task is to investigate the movements of Kaido and the Beast Pirates under his command. If he really does act, then the other pirates in the New World will not be able to wait quietly." Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel of the Navy Headquarters He said with a frown.

"It doesn't matter how this kind of thing happens, since it has already happened, then it's good to prepare both hands." Garp chewed Xianbei and looked at the others in the room, "And comparing this kind of thing, Su Qiu How will the matter be decided? Zefa..."

Speaking of the last, Garp's eyes turned to the Chief Instructor of the Naval Academy 'Black Wrist' Zefa who was standing by the last window of the office.


The first battle undoubtedly improved Su Qiu's original feeling on the entire warship.

After all, the strength Su Qiu showed was too terrifying.

It simply solved the 'drought' under the 'Four Emperors'. Let's not talk about whether Jack is alive or dead, just Su Qiu's strength can no longer be described as strong, it can only be described as a monster. , even if everyone knew that Su Qiu was originally a monster.


As the party concerned, Su Qiu didn't care about this matter.

Do what you need to do every day.

After three days of sailing at sea, Su Qiu still adhered to the principle of nine to five.

And naturally, he got up at seven in the morning, and of course, his waking up spirit still exists.


Regarding Su Qiu's anger when he got up, a major in the same room as him reported the incident to Dauberman on the same day after seeing it with his own eyes.

After Dauberman saw the alarm clock that Su Qiu had placed in the room and the small wooden barrel table on the warship, he subconsciously thought of Su Qiu's use of his peculiar ability to bombard the Mammoth.

So he immediately ordered Su Qiu to go to rest on the small warship when he was sleeping.

It's not that Dauberman exaggerated this matter, but he was afraid that if Su Qiu was bad, what would he do if he destroyed the huge warship...


Dauberman glanced at the permanent pointer in his hand.

"Still haven't got in touch with the flying squirrels!?"

Afterwards, Dauberman immediately turned his head to look at the communication navy behind him.

"Yes, until today, there has been no contact. Besides, since yesterday, even Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan and Lieutenant General Storoberry can no longer be contacted."

Beside this sailor, there are three sailors holding five phone bugs in their hands and constantly dialing the phone bugs, but without exception, no one can get in touch.

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