Su Qiu stood there, the air wall in front of him had completely disappeared, that is, the air wall helped him resist the terrifying blow of the old man in front of him.

But at the moment when his words suddenly stopped, his body shook and disappeared directly in front of Whitebeard's eyes.

"So, save those colleagues no matter what."

And when it reappeared, the right fist clenched tightly, directly facing the right face of Whitebeard, carrying the cyclone that appeared on his fist, and slammed it down!

One punch fell!

The Moby Dick let out a "wheeze" and the whole ship tossed up and down over the sea.

The bow of the ship, which was already dilapidated, had a huge crack again at this moment!


Whitebeard just stood there, pressing Su Qiu's right fist on his right face.

And this old man, who can be said to rule the whole world and lead this entire era, raised the corner of his mouth, "That guy in the Warring States period has really hidden a very rare treasure."

The moment the voice just fell.

Whitebeard's direct fist once again entangled the terrifying power, and then slammed towards Su Qiu's front!

And this time...


Su Qiu's figure disappeared instantly.

boom! ! !

The punch of the strongest old man in the world once again triggered a terrifying giant wave, but a passage appeared directly on the sea surface.


But the next moment, the white beard directly clenched the pheasant knife in his hands, and while the corner of his mouth rose, he threw it out in the air! !

boom! ! ! !

The dark clouds above the sky are completely shaken!

The wind is howling, the sea is roaring, and the waves are surging!

But it was right where Whitebeard slashed, and Su Qiu was there!

Moreover, the Qi sword in his hand directly blocked the sword of Whitebeard! !

"If you want to save your comrades, you can't do anything with just such power!! Marine boy!!!"

"I'll do my best."

Whitebeard and Su Qiu finished their words, and their figures almost disappeared at the same time.

next moment...

The pheasant sword and the air sword collided again!

Violent momentum, flock to the direction!

Fight, still!


PS: Ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation ticket~~~~~~

PS: I have a dream!That is, the number of people rewarded is more than one person. I don’t care how much the reward is, I just want to make up the number of people. I hope everyone is satisfied! ! !

PS: The author is working hard to update! ! ! !


(month day to month day)

Chapter [-]: Comparable

"Compared to..."

All the people of the Whitebeard Pirates who are watching this battle are watching this battle...

Look at the two people who are constantly fighting on the Moby Dick in midair.

Everyone's heart is like the sea at this moment, completely in the tumbling and boiling!

too strong! !

That sailor is too strong!

It can be on par with the father!

And he has such power at such a young age! !

"Everyone, immediately drive the boat to the small island we found earlier!!" Marko, the captain of the first team, looked at the battle that kept roaring, and immediately shouted at the people around him.

He was also shocked...

Because he never imagined that the sea soldier that he admired from the bottom of his heart could fight like this with his father! !

Otherwise, from the moment the sailor said he would stay and let his companions escape, Marco had actually planned to let this guy pass out. After all, he was not a pirate to kill.

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