(month day to month day)

Chapter [-] 'Black Wrist'! Zefa!

Boom boom boom!

The battle between Su Qiu and Zefa caused strong vibrations on the port, and even more loud noises resounding over the entire Marin Vado!

This sound rolled like thunder, blasting the sky!

All the seamen above the port, including some of the students who had just stood up from the dizziness, and the instructors such as Ain all retreated. Only some of the Vice Admirals of the Navy Headquarters were still standing in their original positions, but no matter who they were, they looked horrified at this time. , and even some very weak sailors were directly dizzy by the huge collisions.

Just above the huge Naval Headquarters work building above the small town of Marinvando, in the Office of the Marshal of the Naval Headquarters, which has the highest authority in the Navy.

Admiral Sengoku of the Navy Headquarters stood at the window, watching the battle below.

On his desk, there are all the information of the navy soldiers dispatched from various naval bases into the headquarters this time, and Su Qiu's information with the special enrollment logo is placed on the top.

"That guy Zefa, what kind of place do you take the port terminal!" The Warring States said angrily.

"But aren't you also very happy? To see a recruit with such strength. Mr. Sengoku."

On the Sengoku side, Qingzhi Kuzan, who has always represented one of the 'Three Generals' with the highest combat power in the navy, leaned against the wall on the side of the window, with a languid look on his face, watching the battle below.

"Tell Zefa that all the repair costs for this damage to the pier will be deducted from their Naval Academy funds!" Warring States did not respond to Kuzan's words, but turned to look at a man standing in the huge office. Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

"But..." Kuzan pulled the blindfold on his head, with a look of surprise on his lazy expression, "It's really scary, at such a young age, you have this terrible strength."

"As a special recruit, if you don't have this strength, you won't be able to bear this title, don't forget." Speaking of which, the Warring States turned his attention from the battle below to Kuzan, "And don't forget, back then, you guys Several guys are also such monsters."

Kuzan smiled slightly.

At this moment, Su Qiu's fist and Zefa's fist collided again!

A powerful force burst out from the fists of the two of them!


The ground of the port under the two of them collapsed suddenly, and in the shape of a spider web, it instantly expanded or even dented outward with the two of them as the center.

The powerful air wave formed by this powerful collision is even more turbulent and rushing towards the direction.

Such a scene caused everyone around to take a deep breath again, whether it was the sailors or the ordinary officers, all of them exclaimed and uttered an uproar.

"It's too strong, can a naval captain fight like this with Mr. Zefa?"

"Is this the legendary special recruit that only monsters can become?"

"The East China Sea... is another monster that came out of the East China Sea. It is obviously the weakest place, but Mr. Garp and the pirate king Roger are all people who came out of the East China Sea..."

"It's useless, neither Mr. Zefa nor that special recruit have used their full strength!"

"Name, what's that guy's name!?"

"Su Qiu, seems to be called this name, just heard Mr. Zefa call him that."


Apart from them, the surrounding vice admirals were also full of surprise and astonishment at this moment. They had personally experienced getting along with former special recruits and looked at the current Su Qiu.

Especially when they saw the strength Su Qiu showed, in their eyes, Su Qiu was no longer a recruit, but a monster, a man destined to take the position of admiral of the Navy, and a recruit like Su Qiu had not been for a long time. appeared.


These vice admirals looked at Su Qiu, just like Zefa looked at Su Qiu, what they saw was the future of the navy.

"I want to see your true strength, kid."

After retreating two or three meters away from Su Qiu, Zefa and Su Qiu were only five meters apart at this moment, which was the best attacking distance and the best defensive distance for the two of them. Follow is the strongest attack is the best defense!

However, looking at Su Qiu, Zefa no longer cares about where he is now or what he wants to do. There is only one thing he has to do, and that is to do his best to know Su Qiu's strength.

The stronger Su Qiu is, the more excited Zefa is, because in this era only strong, only absolute strength can do everything you want, and as a navy, absolute strength can destroy the sea that he hates Thief era!

"And I will use stronger power to test you!"

The moment Zefa's voice just fell, he saw that Zefa's arms turned black completely, but instead of turning black, it would be better to say that his prosthetic right hand and left hand to the wrists of both arms, all turned black. Suddenly, a layer of black and purple gauntlets appeared.

'Black Wrist' Zefa!

Except for the younger sailors, some sailors who know some legendary stories of Zefa see this scene, and only have this title in their minds!

'Black Wrist' Zefa!


PS: Add the first chapter, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for collections, thank you for your support

(month day to month day)

Chapter [-] 'Black Wrist' is here!

After he finished speaking, Zefa charged towards Su Qiu again!

But this time, the bluestone slab under Zefa's feet suddenly exploded with Zefa's rushing out, with a great momentum and banging away!

The moment Su Qiu reached out and unbuttoned the top button of his shirt, he also rushed out!

And just at the moment when his body moved, an air flow suddenly appeared around his body, and then the air flow gradually shrank like a crop, and suddenly appeared around his body like a protective film, like a flowing armor generally!

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