
The phone bug imitated the horrified look on the Warring States at the headquarters at this moment.


World Economic News.

There is no specific place, nor does it occupy an island, or exist in a certain country, the world's best-selling newspaper publisher can be described as 'indefinite residence'.

But the so-called "no fixed abode" is the reason why this newspaper has been able to keep reporting on the big and small events in the world, and thus still exist after offending countless people!

"You haven't written the news yesterday yet!?"

"You have to think of the best title!"

"Don't be kidding, how can this kind of news appear in the newspaper!"


On a small island, in a busy newspaper office, the editorial department of the newspaper office constantly has the voice of a phone bug, and the busy reporters and editors have no time to take care of other things, and can only look for the news on the table and the typewriter.

"Hahahaha, remember that the front page must report the [Pirate Attack in the Kingdom of Cooke Bello], that's a dead man, and the king who died is the king, so he will definitely sell it crazy!! Although it said, [Kebia Kingdom] This time, it turns out that the prince colluded with the pirates to make a rebellion, which is quite attractive... Wait a minute, in this case, use the [double-front page]!! Anyway, it will also be a full-page report!!"


Morgans, the president of the World Economic News, has the ability to become an albatross because of eating the devil fruit, bird fruit, albatross fruit, and after awakening the fruit's ability, he remains in the form of an albatross all the year round.

But at the moment, he was quite excited because he was talking about the headlines on the front page, but he almost dropped the top hat on his head accidentally.

"Mr. Morgans!! Some people say that they can provide very powerful information, but they want [-] million bergs!!" An editor rushed to Morgans with an envelope.

"Ah?" Morgans tilted his head to look at his subordinates, "Is that guy crazy! What kind of information dares to ask me five million!"

"I don't know, but that guy sent us this letter through the information channel." The editor handed the envelope to Morgans.

"When we were so busy, I sent this. If it's a prank, I can't spare this guy!!" While speaking, Morgans opened the envelope and took out the contents.

"Huh? What's this... eh?"

Morgans looked at the only photo in the envelope, stunned for a moment, and then carefully looked at the blurred and subtle scene of two people fighting in the photo.

But when watching.

Morgans's expression was originally just a puzzled expression, which gradually turned into hesitation, and then into complete shock.

"Wait...wait a minute! This is...this is...super...big news!!!!"

At the end, Morgans put the photo directly in front of him and looked at it carefully.

The next moment, Morgans immediately looked at the editor who sent the envelope, "Did the guy who sent this thing say something!!"

Just said that they are waiting for a reply, and also said that they have a clearer photo and a better photo compared to this one.The editor was startled and said this after being a little stunned.

"This is incredible!! Five million... no, ten million!!! Tell them, we bought this news for ten million!!" Morgans said loudly, looking at the editor.

And what Morgans said, all the staff in the editorial office were stunned, and they all looked up at Morgans.

However, Morgans just looked down at the photo in his hand. Although it was blurry, the scene of the battle between the big and the small was very real, especially the face of the larger figure, which was incomparably clear.

"This is a super big news that can be sold for [-]... No, even a few hundred million can be sold!!!"


PS: Ask for flowers, ask for collections, ask for evaluation tickets! ! !

PS: The author has been working hard, but the premise of my writing is to ensure the quality, so the coding speed is very slow, I hope everyone can understand! !

PS: The author is really the ultimate effort! ! !I hope you all will work hard on this book! ! (Super · Ultimate hint!)

(Event time: August 6 to August 25)

Chapter [-] That child can become the future of the Navy! (For collections, for flowers, for evaluation tickets)

Navy Headquarters, Marin van Dou

"The guy with the white beard is definitely not the one who will defeat the enemy and take them away... What the hell happened!?"

In the office of the Marshal of the Navy Headquarters, Sengoku was sitting behind the desk, clenching his fists.

"Lieutenant Admiral Dauberman and the others didn't find any traces in the nearby waters." Major Brannu of the Navy Headquarters with green hair noticed that the Warring States Marshal had ended the call and immediately reported.

Hearing this, Sengoku's brows furrowed even tighter.

"Even if they are defeated in the hands of the Whitebeard Pirates, it is impossible to leave no trace behind, and the Whitebeard Pirates will not take away the defeated guy for no reason, let alone the navy." Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters' The chief advisor, Crane, put his hands on his knees, leaned forward, and continued to analyze: "Then, although the current situation cannot be ruled out, there are other people before Polsalino and Dauberman arrive. Appeared, but there is also a certain probability that Su Qiu took them away by himself."

Sengoku raised his eyes to look at this old friend who was in the same issue as him, Karp, and Zefa, and who is still active on the front line until now, and is also a lieutenant general of the Navy's 'Great Staff'.

"Although I haven't seen Su Qiu, but according to what you said, his ability...is very strange, right, and if he can get a warship up, it's just a few people, how can he not take it with him." Crane's face calmly analyzed, "And that child, according to Zefa, is a person who is quite calm in everything."

Warring States did not disturb the crane, but continued to look at her, but he already knew roughly what the crane was talking about.

"So..." Crane raised his eyes to look at Brannu, "Tell Dauberman, and others who went to support, to search the nearby waters, and also search the nearby islands and the trade routes above the waters. , and also contact the nearby naval base. If he is a calm and thoughtful child, he should know that he has only encountered the Beast Pirates before, so it is not a good thing to stay there, not to mention There are so many wounded."

After being stunned for a moment, Branu immediately saluted, "Yes!"

Crane continued: "Besides, tell Zefa and Kapo, the two idiots, to return to the naval headquarters, and there is no need for them to do anything."

"Yes!" Brando responded with a salute again.

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