Although it was not a meeting, there were quite a few big people gathered at the moment.

Marshal Sengoku is naturally here.

In addition to the Warring States Period, there are also the headquarters general Sakaski and the general Kizaru Porusalino.

As well as the lieutenant generals who are the mainstay of the entire navy, they are also gathered together. The 'Great Staff' Crane, 'Hero' Garp, Flying Squirrel, Storoberry, Stierres, etc. quite a few of the lieutenant generals of the headquarters are sitting. Inside the office.

In addition, there are Chief Instructor Zefa of the Naval Academy, and Instructor Ain.

With just such a lineup, even if it is called a very serious and important meeting at the moment, it is completely out of the question.

With so many big people gathered together, the atmosphere in the entire office was low and oppressive.

Let Major Brannu, who was originally serving as the messenger in the room, and the other two sailors only dare to stand upright in the corner, not daring to make a sound.

When Su Qiu walked into the office, he looked much better than when he was at the G1 base. After all, he took a shower and put on his spare glasses.

When Su Qiu walked into the office, everyone's eyes focused on him.

Brannu and the other two sailors who watched this scene were really sweating for Su Qiu. After all, in such an atmosphere, and being watched by so many high-ranking navy officers, the pressure they had to bear in their hearts was beyond the capabilities of normal people. bearable.

However, after seeing Su Qiu push their eyes, the three of them calmly saluted the Warring States period, and then said: "General Sakaski's deputy adjutant Su Qiu, returning from a mission, failed in the mission, willing to accept the punishment ."

Hearing Su Qiu's words, Karp was stunned for a moment, and then the corner of his mouth raised.

Ze Fafa was still sitting in the corner, his arms crossed his chest, without saying a word, just staring at Su Qiu.

"Now, the tasks you go to perform are nothing. You should read the newspapers from the other day." Warring States sat on the chair behind the desk, with his arms supported on the table, his fingers crossed, and the bridge of his nose rested on his lips. Below, staring straight at.

Su Qiu pushed down his glasses, "Well, I watched some on the way back from the G1 base."

"Let's talk about everything that happened from the moment I met Whitebeard to what happened next." Warring States looked at Su Qiu and said.

The process of the task needs to be stated. Su Qiu has thought about this for a long time, or it is also a part of the work, so very calmly, he will briefly select the key points from the encounter with the white beard. .

Although Su Qiu said it simply and clearly, when he finished speaking...

The whole room is quieter...

Especially Brannu and the two sailors looked at Su Qiu with wide eyes...

It's too simple to say...

Simply over the top! !

That was a matter involving the two four emperors, but what Su Qiu said was too simple! !

I met Whitebeard, and then had a fight. After that, I didn't want to fight because I got off work. After Whitebeard agreed, they broke up. Before the Whitebeard Pirates left, I bought some medicine from them. , but the Whitebeard Pirates gave it to him directly. With the help of the Whitebeard Pirates, after briefly dealing with the injuries of the sailors, they left with the sailors because they had to return to the G1 base.

I encountered a pirate ship on the road. Because I was sure it was a pirate ship, I planned to requisition it. As a result, the ship was accidentally damaged, so I could only continue to walk...


Especially in the case of things that completely shocked the whole world after the news of the World Economic News Agency...

After saying it from Su Qiu's mouth, it became too simple!

A fight with the Whitebeard Pirates...

Then I encountered a pirate ship and accidentally broke it...

It's about two things that are enough to threaten the world's pirates, and it's because this incident has already shocked the world...


Is it as simple as you say?

Blanco and two other sailors swallowed and looked at Su Qiu's back with complicated eyes. They said they didn't understand the world of powerful people.

"That is to say, BIGMOM's ship is similar to what Prodi reported. It was just an accidental encounter on the way to get the so-called 'protection fee' snack outside." After listening to Su Qiu's words, the 'big staff' He was the first He broke the silence, "But that woman will definitely remember Su Qiu's name, but in this way, you have already met the three and four emperors of Whitebeard, Kaido, and BIGMOM. At your age, But there are not many sailors... no, among the sailors of your age, no one has such an experience."

"No one will shock the world like that. Hahahahaha." Garp added with a smile, holding the senbei in his hand.

Although none of the others spoke any more, everyone's attention from Su Qiu did not mean any reduction in the slightest.

Looking at Su Qiu, after Warring States let go of his hands, he stood up and looked at Su Qiu Wenwen and said, "It's roughly as we guessed, it's hard for you this time."

After pushing his glasses, Su Qiu said, "Because it is work, there is no hardship, but if I have to say, about the overtime work on this matter..."

Just when Su Qiu said this, there was a commotion outside the office door.

"What's wrong outside!?" Sengoku's originally mild face turned serious at this time.

Brilliant understood, and immediately planned to go out to check.

But when Bran was just standing at the door, he saw that the door of the office was pushed open just like that.

Then I saw four men with different physiques, but all of them wearing black and white striped suits, appearing at the door.

The man in the lead pushed Branu away and looked at the Warring States, "Long time no see, Marshal of the Warring States."

When greeting the Warring States period, this person glanced at everyone in the office, without any fear or discomfort, as if he had long been used to such occasions.

In the end, the man's eyes turned to Su Qiu, and after a short while, he smiled at Su Qiu.

"Adelaide, you know what you just did." Warring States' face was low, and his voice was even more low and terrifying.

And not only in the Warring States period, when this person appeared, the faces of all the navies in the office became ugly.

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