At the same time, this is the seat of the World Government, and also the place where the world's highest power 'Five Old Stars' live. It is also the place where the kings of the countries that join the World Government will hold the World Conference every five years, and the residents who live here are also self-proclaimed The world aristocrats of the 'Descendants of the Creator', the Heavenly Dragons!

From above [Red Harbor], take the elevator [Bubble Pod] that can use soap bubbles to fly to the Holy Land Maryjoa, and they can directly arrive at their destination this time, Maryjoa.

Sober and solemn.

Even from a distance, the huge city can clearly feel the prosperity of that city.

On the side of the city, surrounded by clouds and mist, stands an ancient castle.

Round towers, narrow windows, semi-circular arches, low domes, and door frames protruding from floor to floor are decorated.

When all these are combined, together with their own significance, it is inevitable that a kind of awe will appear in the hearts of people who see this ancient castle.

When Warring States and Su Qiu arrived, it seemed that they had been notified long ago, so someone with [cp] was already waiting for them.

However, this person simply saluted the Warring States and Su Qiu and then guided the Warring States and Su Qiu onto the moving walk.

"Let's just follow the common reason." Warring States waved his hand and rejected this person's invitation, and then took Su Qiu on the common road on the side.

However, Su Qiu noticed that the Warring States glanced at the automatic road with some disgust.

The person named [cp] smiled lightly, not saying much, just staying by the side.

After a while, under the leadership of this [CP] member, Su Qiu and the others came to the top floor of the World Government, and here, Su Qiu saw five old people.

The five old people were sitting around the sofa. Everyone's sitting posture was different, and everyone's expression when they looked at Su Xian was also different, but there was one thing that these five people were absolutely the same, the aura and strength of the superior the mood of the person.

When Su Qiu had just entered the door, the five old men all looked at him.

As for Su Qiu, he stared at the five old people so unavoidably, with no intention of evasion.

After the member of [cp] saluted the Five Old Stars, he respectfully retired.

However, he did not leave the house just like that, but came to the door of the room and stood respectfully, obviously waiting for orders at any time.

"You go first, Warring States." Among them, sitting on the sofa wearing a black suit, with white hair, a fluffy white beard, a flat hat, an old man with a scar on his left face said so sentence.

Warring States frowned, but thinking of Su Qiu's indifference along the way and Su Qiu's still calm attitude at this moment, he gave up the idea of ​​​​planning to fight with the five old stars to stay here.

Moreover, he also knew very well that even if he did his best, the Five Old Stars would never let him stay here, so he said to Su Qiu, "I'll wait for you in the hall", and then turned to leave.

Wait until the Warring States leave.

The eyes of the five old stars fell on Su Qiu again.

"First of all, congratulations on your promotion to lieutenant general." The old man with blond hair and golden beard who looked like the youngest among the Five Old Stars sat on the sofa and looked at Su Qiu very solemnly.

For what happened the previous two days, it was as if it didn't exist at all.

Su Qiu, who heard this for the first time, had a flash of surprise on his face, but the next moment, he pushed his glasses and responded with a flat face: "Thank you."

And the [CP] member at the door was a little moved and became... Lieutenant General?Still this age?

Even though he knew what Su Qiu did and what he did, this [CP] member was still a little surprised, and he understood in his heart, no wonder he was given the honor of meeting with the five old stars alone.

"It seems that the Warring States period has not handed over the appointment letter to you."

Although it was only Su Qiu's expression in a flash, the five old stars still noticed the expression on Su Qiu's face.

"However, this kind of thing is nothing. And about what happened at the Navy Headquarters before, we have determined that it was Adelaide's fault, and we have punished the guy."

I just listened to the blond old man among the five old stars talking to Su Qiu in a low-key manner.

However, Wu Laoxing obviously didn't plan to say anything more on this topic. Instead, he seemed to give Su Qiu their attitude, so he immediately put aside the topic.

I just heard the old man with a pair of upward curving mustaches say: "Then, let's get straight to the point, leave the military and join the world government."

Hearing this, Su Qiu reached out and squeezed his chin, staring at the Five Old Stars.

The [CP] member standing at the door was completely surprised this time, and looked up at the five old stars in the room, and even more towards Su Qiu.

"The Navy is an organization under the World Government, and it is also the World Government's organization of criminals dealing with the world, but it is only one of the many organizations under the World Government. With your talent, you should not stay there, but should be in the World Government. "


PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for all kinds of support! ! !

PS: Flowers target [-]! ![-] evaluation votes! !Duck! !

(Event time: August 6 to August 25)

Chapter [-] Let Me Reject (For Collection, For Flowers, For Comments)

After saying this, the old man with the mustache bent upwards just stared at Su Qiu.

I only heard another old man wearing a hat continue: "The whole process of this incident, we have learned very well from the Navy, for the heroism you have shown, and the loyalty to protect other navies, and We all applaud your ability to get out of your body in the battle with Whitebeard. It is precisely because of this that we want you to be transferred from the navy to the World Government.”

The tallest one, standing straight on one side with long straight white hair, and an old man with a neatly groomed long white beard watched Su Qiu and continued to speak.

"The stronger the navy's internal strength, the more stable the peace of mind of people all over the world, and the world government will be more trusted by people because of this. There is no doubt about this. But the strength of the navy cannot be like this. To stabilize the world, the world government is an existence that unites many countries around the world. Its existence is also the existence that can stabilize world peace. You must have your own ambitions in your heart when you join the navy. Joining the world government, we will let you enjoy Cast, to complete your heart... no, it's the goal you want to achieve."

But after the old man finished speaking, the others stopped talking and just stared at Su Qiu, because they were clear enough.

But at this time, the [CP] members who were standing at the door were completely tumbling and boiling!

Even if he has the power of a terrifying monster, he was so solemnly invited by the representative of the highest power in the world government [Five Old Stars]...


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