The [CP] member standing at the door was completely speechless at this moment because of his horror. Even if he tried to control his facial expressions before, he could no longer control his facial expressions...

Is this sailor crazy! !

Threatening... no, not threatening, but totally resisting, and intimidating! !

He is threatening and intimidating [Five Old Stars]!

Does he know what he is doing! ?


The room became extremely quiet.

"Do you know what you are saying to us? Su Qiu... Lieutenant General!" The old man in the hat squinted at Su Qiu, the anger in his eyes was not concealed at all.

And at this moment, not only this old man, but also other old people were watching Su Qiu with a completely indifferent expression.

In any case, they have never been violated or even resisted!

but now...

A navy who has only become a navy for a few months dares to do this to them!

Moreover, they are still disobeying them one after another!

There is no wind.

Although the actions of the five old people are different at this moment, the aura emanating from the five people at the same time is a powerful aura that only those who have experienced hundreds of battles can have. , the coercion of the five people as superiors is also distributed at this moment!

In the spacious room, an inexplicable gust of wind suddenly appeared because of the momentum of the five old people.

But it subsided in an instant, but...

The air in the room suddenly became heavy, and it became difficult for people to breathe easily...

The [CP] members standing at the door swallowed their saliva, not daring to take a breath.

He just lowered his head and peeked at the [Five Old Stars] who was full of anger at this moment. 】

"Well, I know exactly what I'm saying to you, and I know your identities." Su Qiu calmly looked at the old man in the hat, "But, what's the matter..."

When Su Qiu spoke at the end, he looked at [Five Old Stars] indifferently.

There are some things that Su Qiu doesn't like to do.

That is to use one's own strength to bully others, but...

If you don't like to do it, it doesn't mean you don't do it...

Like now...

The bald old man gritted his teeth and stared at Su Qiu and said solemnly: "Don't forget your own identity and where you are..."

But at the moment when this sentence is not completely finished...

The five old men were shocked at this moment, and everyone, including the [CP] member at the door, opened their eyes wide at this moment!


Especially the member of [CP] in the next second, after his eyes rolled, foaming at the mouth, completely unconscious at the door of the room, completely unconscious.

And the five old stars all stared at Su Qiu, showing unbelievable eyes, and their hearts were directly roared. Everyone's heart was like an invisible mountain pressing down, making them move and have to say.

In an instant, he was sweating profusely, and his body trembled.

And not only that!

boom! !

A crisp sound.

The tea cups, coffee tables, and even all the decorations in the entire room shattered when various sounds were made in an instant!

And Su Qiu...

"Although I hate bullying others with strength, what I want to tell you is..." He just gently pushed his glasses, "I'm very strong, so I can bully others at will, and please don't touch me at will, I only I want to go to work quietly."


PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for all kinds of support! ! !Let my flowers exceed [-]! !Let my review votes exceed [-]! ! !Duck! !

PS: Preview again!Available tonight! !

(Event time: August 6 to August 25)

Chapter [-] Unskilled (for collection, for flowers, for evaluation and vote)


Just when Su Qiu's voice fell...

The pressure suddenly disappeared!

Five Old Stars...

The five old men gasped for a moment, and looked up at Su Qiu one by one with stupefied faces.

Domineering and domineering...

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