It's something they can never forget! !


Walk out of the world government's huge castle [Pongle Castle].

It was only in the Warring States period that he spoke to Su Qiu.

"Because of your performance this time, it is no longer possible for you to continue to study in the academy, so I will let you graduate early, and in the name of special enrollment, I will be promoted to lieutenant general of the Navy Headquarters. This is what I mean, and it is also from Zefa. mean."

While Sengoku was talking, he casually responded to the salute of the naval commander stationed in Marijoa.

"However, what happened just now..."

Sengoku couldn't help but ask.

He, who had been waiting in the hall just now, just felt something roaring in his brain. Although it was nothing, he clearly heard the movement from the Five Old Stars' room.

As for what happened, Sengoku has a bit of a clue, but I'm not sure.

"I tried to learn Whitebeard and let out a bit of domineering."

Su Qiu didn't intend to hide this matter, so he answered bluntly.


Warring States was stunned for a moment, then frowned and looked at Su Qiu.

I just heard Su Qiu continue: "It's the domineering look of the overlord, and at the same time, he should have awakened the armed color and the knowledgeable color. It was awakened when he was fighting with the white beard. It was a little uncomfortable at first, but it will be fine soon. Xing, because he was a little angry, so he imitated Whitebeard and released his domineering arrogance."

"Overlord color?!"

Warring States stared at Su Qiu with a look of astonishment.

The overlord is domineering, this child has awakened the overlord!

Only one in a million people...

Thinking of this, the Warring States looked at Su Qiu with even more solemn eyes, strange but powerful abilities, terrifying own strength, and now he has awakened the overlord's domineering...

What the hell is going on with this kid!

In the dignified, Warring States swallowed a saliva.

"However, it is still a little unskilled to use, and it needs a little practice."

Su Qiu looked down at his palm.

Hearing this, Warring States couldn't help thinking of the scene in Wu Laoxing's room just now, as well as the appearance of Wu Laoxing...

Not proficient?

In addition to the wry smile, the Warring States also took a deep look at Su Qiu, and there was a rumbling in his mind just now. Although it was slight, it was obviously caused by Su Qiu's domineering arrogance.

Because I'm not skilled, that's why...

So, what if you are proficient?

Thinking of this, the Warring States stopped thinking about it, because I didn't dare to think about how terrifying Su Qiu would be if he grew up in the future...


It is not impossible that the balance of the three major forces will also be broken!


PS: A free chapter for everyone's apology! ! ! !

PS: The launch is delayed! ! ! ! !

The listing has been delayed, and it will be changed to tomorrow during the day! ! ! !

I'm all stunned! !

It was a force majeure that made me change...


sorry! !

Launching tomorrow day! ! !

(Event time: August 6 to August 25)

Chapter [-]? Probably planning to get off work on the boat? (Please subscribe!)

What was the dialogue between the Five Old Stars and Su Qiu... The Warring States period didn't ask, because it wasn't needed.

After returning to the navy headquarters, the Warring States announced the promotion of Su Qiu to lieutenant general of the navy headquarters, and announced that the navy reported in the newspaper before was... Su Qiu's matter.

Right now... the entire naval headquarters is boiling.

All of a sudden, what Su Qiu had done before, such as the naval academy's report on the battle with Zefa on the first day, and the incident of crashing a huge multi-masted warship during training, and even... In the assessment that morning, it was just a matter of subduing more than [-] people in an instant... Wait, wait.

It all spread to everyone's ears at once.

It's not because the people in the navy headquarters are so bored, but because what Su Qiu has done is too appalling.

After everyone saw the news before, many people began to look for who the sailor was, and even many people said that it was Lieutenant General Karp, but the photo was too blurry so he looked young.

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