Dauberman, who has always been unsmiling, said this...  

Chapter [-]? The kingdom of war? (Please subscribe!)

Kingdom of Cobia.

A country that is one of the world government members, it is a spring island in the first half of the great route.

Although it is a small country, it is very developed in terms of economy, especially the annual payment of heavenly gold, which is constantly praised by the nobles of the world.

But now...the country has completely turned into a battlefield.

The battlefield caused by the nearly one-week war in which the alliance army of the prince and the pirates completely invaded the kingdom of Compia!

The once prosperous city, at this moment, is burning with fire, red and raging flames. Just after the wind blows gently, it will immediately rekindle... Every corner of the city, you can see people fleeing everywhere. , or citizens in hiding.

But... you can also see massacres in many parts of the city.

However... in this city, which is called 'hell on earth', one can clearly see that there is resistance and protection in many places.

"It looks like it's all hidden, obviously I saw a lot of people here just now."

On a street in the national capital, you can tell that it is Rich Street just by looking at it. There is a man who is at least two or three meters tall, with a naked upper body and exploding and terrifying muscles. While looking around, he said to himself. Speaking eloquently.

However, rather than... a man, it is better to say that he is a murloc.

Because there are fish fins just at his ears, and the sharp teeth are like shark teeth, very sharp and sharp.

"The 'Mad Shark' Huck actually met a guy with a bounty of more than [-] million here, but he should be the only one here."

A masked man with a red cloak was lying on the roof of a building on the side of the street, holding a monocular in his hand, carefully watching the murloc.

However, when he noticed that Huck was slightly moving, he immediately retracted the telescope in his hand and lay flat on the building to avoid being discovered.

"The citizens are all hidden in the building below me, and the guy has gone far away, so he shouldn't be found, but... I really don't listen to that idiot brother, if I had known 'Mad Shark' Huck Don't come here no matter what."

When the man was lying on the roof carefully, while talking to himself, he thought of his younger brother who was obviously weak, but always liked to do extra things, "Just take that stupid brother and run away..."

When he said this, the man thought of his... little brother who wanted to be a hero since he was a child, and that... because he wanted to be a hero, he made him strange clothes and dressed himself, and he liked to meddle in his own business.

"In that case, I should be able to win... um"

So he immediately put aside the idea of ​​running away, and also planned to get up and see if Huck was gone.

But just when he got up... Suddenly his expression froze.

Then he looked back immediately! "Looks like a guy with some strength, he can hide."

I saw 'Mad Shark' Huck standing behind him, and a pair of little ones stared straight at him.


The man was startled at first, but, without any warning, he kicked the 'Mad Shark! Bang! A crisp sound! But it was the man who kicked Huck directly in the face.

But just as the man was about to continue his next attack, he immediately rolled back and fell to the ground.

Because he saw that after Huck got his firm kick, he was standing there unharmed.

This guy...what the hell, why doesn't my kicking skills have any effect on him! Also, when did he appear behind me! "Remember, you are the older brother of the... twin brothers.

I have heard that a pair of brothers have appeared in this sea recently, dressed like heroes, doing business as bounty hunters.

And I like to think of myself as a hero.”

Huck put his chin in one hand and fell into deep thought, "What's the name, Brother Dett or Brother Lint..."

Looking at Huck, who was completely normal, the man clenched his fists and his face became solemn, "It's Brother Kent!"

I can't beat... If I keep fighting, I'm sure I can't beat this guy! If you want to run away, find that idiot and run away from this country immediately! The man named Kent Harbert looked at Huck and made up his mind.

"Yes, that's the name. I heard that my elder brother is wearing a red cape, and my younger brother is wearing a black cape. He always appears like a hero."

Huck looked at Hubbard with a mocking expression on his face, and when he finished saying that, he pointed at Hubbard and asked, "Then, why don't you do it? The tickling attack like just now is still very good. Oh."

He even said that my kick was tickling... Hubbard clenched his fists and stared at Huck.

"However, if you don't do it, I can..."

Swish in an instant! Huck has appeared in front of Harbert, not to mention, he has already punched directly on Harbert's stomach.

"Go on."

Just in Hubbard's ear, Huck finished what he just said.

The murlocs originally have strange powers, not to mention that Huck is a murloc who has specially trained himself.

With one punch, Hubbard immediately spat out a mouthful of blood.

But it was when Harbert's body was about to fly out...crack! I saw that Huck grabbed Harbert's head at the moment when Harbert's body was about to fly out.


The face that looked quite scary at first showed a scarier smile at this time.

Bang!! And then... I saw Huck throwing Hubbard to the ground so forcefully! The solid roof exploded in an instant! And with the explosion of the roof, screams and panic At this time, a voice sounded from inside the building.

Huck, who was standing at the opening of the roof, looked at the number of hundreds of people below, his mouth instantly turned into a crescent shape, and his sharp teeth were instantly exposed because of excitement.

"Hahahaha, meeting everyone for the first time... and then, farewell."

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