I saw Huck bite off the nobleman's head in one bite.

But the next moment... Maybe it was no longer... Unable to hold on anymore, Huck fell directly to the ground.

At this time, looking at the headless corpse, the other nobles turned pale, not to mention approaching Huck, that is... they didn't dare to approach at all.

"You... where are you going?


Some of them noticed that Su Qiu was about to leave, so they immediately shouted.

"Don't forget that you were sent by His Majesty the King to ask the nobles of the world to protect us, so you must protect us here!"

Su Qiu, who originally planned to take Hubbard for treatment, reached out and pushed his glasses when he heard this.

But before Su Qiu could speak, Huck's body moved again.

And this time... Naturally, the nobles were frightened.

At the moment, some nobles kept retreating.

Shouted to Su Qiu: "You must not go, you must not go! We will tell the king that you have done a good job, and then let him tell you, your credit!!"

"Bring that trash on you to us to protect us, navy!"

"Again... move again, a murloc is not dead! Kill him, kill him! Navy!!"


These nobles roared at Su Qiu as if they were completely fried because of the moment Huck just moved.

Some of them ran towards Su Qiu themselves.


Su Qiu pushed his glasses and looked at these nobles indifferently, "Did you misunderstand something?"

Hearing this, the nobles were startled and looked at Su Qiu suspiciously, not understanding what Su Qiu said.

I just heard Su Qiu continue: "My job here is not to protect you, but to settle the war in this country.

And...the Navy is responsible for protecting ordinary people, yes, but protecting those who should be protected."

"You... What do you mean, aren't we the ones who should be protected! This country is compared to those... pariahs, we are the best! Everyone is flattering us, the guy on your shoulder is like this, for sure It is to flatter us that we get the benefits of our charity, so we will try our best to save us, but the result is just like a waste, and he says he is a hero or something, and he is completely boasting himself to us, but it turns out...

When it came to this, the nobleman stopped talking.

Because he saw Su Qiu come to him.

This made the nobleman pursed his lips and took a small step back.

But probably thinking of his own identity, the noble continued: "You...you changed your mind and wanted to apologize to us. I tell you, if you apologize for your rudeness just now, my lord can forgive me mercifully. you!"

When it came to the end, the aristocrat stared at Su Qiu with his head held high.

Su Qiu pushed his glasses, then looked at the nobleman and said, "I'm just going to do something that should be done just now."

"Ah since just now....!!!!!"

At first, the nobleman was still a little puzzled... But it was only for a moment! The nobleman's shape changed completely in an instant, and the whole person fell directly to the ground, rolling his eyes and completely fainted.

Seeing this scene, the other nobles all looked at Su Qiu in astonishment.

And Su Qiu, who clenched his fist, swept towards the other nobles coldly, "I don't care what you say about yourself or how you are, but... don't insult the hero who just saved your life in front of me!!"

After speaking, he stopped looking at these nobles.

Turn around and walk to Harbert's side, and carry him on his back again, the port has been completely suppressed by the navy, so just send Harbert there.

But just before Su Qiu left, a nobleman said in a trembling voice: "I...we will tell His Majesty the king...let him tell the world nobles that there are five old stars!"

"Tell the Five Old Stars"

Su Qiu looked back at these nobles, and then took out a phone bug from his arms... After a while, he heard a voice from the phone bug.

"What's wrong! Su Qiu!"

Hearing the old and majestic voice, these nobles don't know what the voice of the Five Old Stars is like, but they don't know why they think that the other end of the phone bug is... Five Old Stars.

At this moment, one by one stood completely dumbfounded.

"Aren't you going to tell them! It's...them on the phone."


Hearing Su Qiu's words, these nobles didn't know what to say.

Not to mention the self-righteous momentum that has long since disappeared... "Su Qiu, here..."

Slap! Looking at these... the nobles who were completely stunned and dared not speak, Su Qiu directly hung up the phone bug, and the five old stars who were talking to the phone bug didn't care.

As for why Su Qiu had the phone number of the Five Old Stars, it was given to Su Qiu by the Five Old Stars, and after the naming happened, why did they give Su Qiu the contact information, I don't know.

Then I didn't bother to care about these people anymore, but I suddenly understood what Zefa said before he came, when he knew that he was going to the Kingdom of Cobia, "Just be yourself".

But... thinking about what I just did and what I said... Sure enough, what this kind of hot-blooded character does is not suitable for me at all.

Su Qiu thought so in her heart.

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