Because...too soon....don't know what's going on at all....or rather, didn't even know when the garden floor was completely destroyed and the pirates all passed out.

It's just...., this battle hasn't even begun.... It's over.

And as the only person standing in the large area at this moment... Su Qiu pushed up his glasses and looked at the fallen people. He didn't fluctuate. He just turned to look at his adjutant Colonel. , "The next thing is for you, I'm off work."

After speaking, Su Qiu took off the navy cloak on his body and folded it on his arm.

It's just...a look of being off work.

I always feel that I can be a little stronger. This tyrant is domineering, but he is still unskilled... In his heart, Su Qiu thought so.


But even after hearing Su Qiu's words, and looking at Su Qiu's actions, the colonel was completely dumbfounded, standing there in a daze.

But immediately, the colonel reacted and said quickly: "Yes... Yes... You have worked hard."

Domineering and domineering! This colonel of the headquarters is also a sailor from a country that is at war with the pirates in the new world, and he also knows something about... domineering.

In such a scene, he immediately knew what Su Qiu had done! Domineering and domineering... Lieutenant General Su Qiu actually awakened the domineering look of domineering! Looking at Su Qiu, the colonel's eyes showed even more awe, and even more I understand, what made this man a lieutenant general at this age.

However, I was surprised, but I must not delay the important thing, so immediately, the colonel immediately shouted: "Everyone immediately lock up all the pirates here! The bear king is a devil fruit person, so he uses the Shanghai Tower Stone. Handcuffs!"

The colonel saw that the sailors had not yet reacted, and shouted again: "Execute immediately!"

This time, no matter how shocked they were when they heard the order, no matter how they looked at Su Qiu with awe, they all stood up and started to get busy.

On the other hand, the dwarf King Cerberion I of Kobia swallowed his saliva, looked at his garden, and then looked at all the pirates lying unconscious. The shock in his small eyes naturally existed... However, the next moment in the eyes of this old man showed excitement, extreme excitement!! Too strong!! The navy sent by the Tianlong people is too strong!! If so, as long as these navies are used, not only can the... unfilial son Killed, even other rebels hiding in this country can be wiped out in one fell swoop!! Thinking of this, the old man's eyes on Su Qiu became: eager.

But at this time...he saw his own son... his own son who came out of the palace, as well as his son's... lowly civilian followers.


Looking at them, the corners of the old man's mouth rose, and he stepped forward and shouted: "There is no way out, Eliro!! If you kneel down and beg me now, I will let you go with great mercy, after all, you are my only one. My son, but all your followers, just go to the mines in the mountains to mine every day and night for me!!”

On top of the words, the old man has a complete tone that he can dispatch naval soldiers at any time.

And those who heard this, those... the members of the resistance army who had not fought in the garden just now, all had expressions on their faces.

In particular, Eliro clenched his fists and looked at his biological father with resentment, who he hated all his life.

But no matter what, when he saw the scene just now with his own eyes, Eliro knew... that he had failed... that he had failed completely.

Taking advantage of his hatred of human beings, especially human nobles, he attracted the murloc pirate Huck.

Then he coaxed himself to have a permanent pointer to Clockwork Island, and after the event was completed, he would tell where the permanent pointer was hidden by himself, thus deceiving the bear king of the Poker Pirates... Finally, he used his identity as a prince to launch After a coup d'état, he successfully controlled King Cobia, whose father was also an enemy. Although he escaped due to negligence, the entire king was completely controlled by the help of Huck and the Bear King.

It can be said that the bear king and Huck are his trump cards and also his trump cards.

But now...failed....Huck is completely out of touch, obviously has failed.

The big bear king was bound by the navy with sea tower stones, and he failed completely.

The only thing left is him and the dozens of civilians who are following him to fight against this aristocratic kingdom that has rotted to its roots... Thinking about my careful planning, I still can't resist the navy that the old man found... Hate! Of course Huck does, especially hates those navies! But more...he hates his own father! Just kill him! Just kill him! It's all over! The country's nobles, Huck, fail He must have killed a lot! As long as his father is dead, even if the nobles are alive, the rebels can overthrow them! As long as he is dead.... No one will torture and oppress the common people of this country. .. The more he thought about it, the more he looked at the... exceptionally prominent old man in front of him, Eliro's eyes became more red.

"I'm going to surrender and then find a chance to kill him! You run away! Run to the mountains if I kill that guy.

, you will go back with everyone to overthrow this country! If I fail, I will go to sea with everyone and escape as far as possible!!"

Eliro clenched the dagger that he had kept in his sleeve all the year round, and said in a low voice to his companions.

And after speaking, he strode out of the palace, where his father was...

Chapter [-]? Do you want to answer the call of the Five Old Stars?

When the comrades of the resistance army were going to stop Eliro... Eliro had already walked out of the main entrance of the palace.

Even if they wanted to stop it, it was already too late, everyone just looked at each other, but no one made the decision to leave Prince Eliro just like that! Because they knew, if there was no Prince Elilo for so many years Secretly trying to help them, I am afraid that they have already died in the mines or been used as slaves by those nobles, living a life inferior to pigs and dogs.

On the other side, noticing Elilo's actions, King Cyberion I of the Cobia Kingdom immediately showed a strange smile.

With a small body dragging a long fleece robe, he immediately ran out from behind the artillery set up by the navy.

"Hahahaha, my good son, just walked towards me like this, and then surrendered. As a father, how could I possibly kill my son..."

King Cyberion I grinned and looked at his son like an old father. The strange smile and the strange teeth exposed made people feel very unusual.

And while walking towards Eliro, there was a small gadget in Cyberlion I's hand that looked like a musket, but it was much smaller than an ordinary musket, and there was no gadget. One person noticed.

Eliro looked at his father who looked very 'kind', and while clenching his fists, he tightly clenched the dagger hidden in his sleeve.

There is only one chance! Eliro knows that he only has one chance! Therefore, he must succeed!! The sailors who were restraining those... pirates all stopped their movements at this moment and looked at the pair Father and son.

Because the sailors knew...or not only knew about the father and son, but also knew exactly why the entire Cobia kingdom rebelled.

So seeing the actions of the father and son now, they are all very curious.

"It seems that something is hidden..."

On the side of the marines, the captain of the bodyguard beside the king noticed the strangeness in Eliro's sleeves and muttered to himself.

At this point, Eliro was only a few steps away from King Cyberion I.

And it can be clearly seen that Eliro's expression is solemn and deep, while the smile on Cyberlion I's face is strange and unusual, and his face is even more excited.

"No, definitely hiding something!!"

The more the king's bodyguard looked at Eliro's sleeves, the more wrong it became.

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