And, a phone bug.

"That country is also to blame for this,'re fine."

Zefa's voice came from the phone bug.

Su Qiu's eyes stayed on the blue sea, and he said, "What are you talking about, Teacher Zefa.

I just became a lieutenant general of the headquarters, how could something happen.

The salary is ten times that of my former captain, and although the work is a bit hectic, there is relatively easy time."

"Hahahaha, I'm probably thinking too much, but I've read today's newspapers, although it's not good to say this from our standpoint, but... if the king of that country is replaced by that prince, this is also good for that country. a kind of happiness.”

Su Qiu didn't respond, just continued to look at the blue sea.

"However, forget about this matter. I heard that you took two sailors under your command."

"Well, it's two brothers, although they are a little weak in terms of strength."

Su Qiu answered directly.

"Hmph, some..."

"Lieutenant General Su Qiu."

Just when Zefa's words on the other side of the phone bug were not finished, a sailor came over with a navy phone bug in his hand.

"It's a communication from Colonel Smog, the base chief of the East Sea Rog Town Base."

The sailor spoke up immediately.


Zefa on the other end of the private phone worm heard the sea soldier's words. Although Zefa only read a name from the phone worm, he seemed to have a headache as if he heard something.

"Is it a work thing?"

Su Qiu didn't call the bug immediately, but looked at the sea soldier and asked.

"No, I didn't say it, I just said I wanted to find you."

Said the sailor immediately.

After Su Qiu put down the fishing rod in his hand, he reached out and picked up the phone bug.

"Excuse me, Colonel Smalls, is it about work, and if so, please also call me at 2:[-] pm, I'm on my lunch break now."

Su Qiu said directly after picking up the phone bug.

"Ah, what nonsense are you talking about, even if it's a job, I won't look for you."

And just when Su Qiu had finished speaking, he heard a fierce-sounding voice from the other end of the phone bug.

"Someone is looking for you, a guy named Roronoa Zoro!"


Chapter [-]? Just invite him to join the navy?!

Roronoa Zoro is a swordsman.

, that's what he calls himself, a swordsman with three swords.

, the goal is to become the world's number one swordsman.

When Su Qiu was in the navy in the East China Sea, he got a request for help, indicating that there would be a pirate invasion in Seymour Zhiji Village, that is, Shuangyuecun.

Su Qiu, who was a second lieutenant at the time, took people there.

However, after arriving, he saw that the invading pirates had already been defeated.

And just on the coast, a young man with green hair crouched there, as if waiting for the navy.

Just seeing Su Qiu said that he defeated the pirates, and the reason why he waited here was to compete with the generals of the navy.

Then... he rushed towards Su Qiu, and of course he was beaten by Su Qiu.

But in the second time, the navy got the news that the pirates had invaded Frost Moon Village again, and it was Su Qiu who went there.

As a result... no pirates invaded, only a green-haired swordsman waiting to fight Su Qiu..

So... he was beaten by Su Qiu again.

After that, Su Qiu left the East China Sea and went to the naval headquarters above the [Great Route], and never saw Sauron again...

And now... Su Qiu heard Smog say that Sauron was looking for him, although he was a little surprised, but it was not difficult to think about the purpose of Sauron looking for him.

But... "Sorry, please tell him, I'm at work, so let him go home."

Su Qiu looked at the phone bug and responded to Smog like this.

"Don't be kidding, this guy has to see you.... And I learned from the headquarters that you are at the entrance of the Great Airway: nearby, so hurry up and pick him up!"

The phone bug imitated Smoker's action of biting a cigar in his mouth, and even more imitated the impatient expression on his face.

"Although I know someone, I have only met that person a few times, and I have no obligation to pick him up from you, so please drive him away."

Su Qiu said this very bluntly.

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