
When Zefa hadn't spoken yet, he could only hear Sakaski tilting his head and looking at Su Qiu, "How dare you be so arrogant as a new recruit? Then, start working with my troops tomorrow!"


PS: This is the second update of the evaluation ticket plus update, please collect, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, thank you for your support! ! ! !

(month day to month day)

Chapter [-] Never Work Overtime This Month

Under the night, the sea breeze blows this naval fortress that protects the world in the name of absolute justice.

Seagulls occasionally cut through the air, exposed to the huge searchlights of the Navy Headquarters at night, but they would soon disappear.

The current naval headquarters fortress is brightly lit.

And in the most remote part of the port, Zefa sat cross-legged alone in this place where he usually piled up debris.

Because it is quiet and remote, Zefa has always sat here alone, and next to him, his favorite sherry wine 'JEREZ' is placed.

"Hahaha, it really is here."

But just after Zefa picked up 'JEREZ' and took a sip, he heard voices talking behind him.

Without looking back, Zepha knew it was the Navy 'hero' Garp.

He is also a man of the same era as him, who has been at the forefront of fighting against pirates to this day!

"I heard that he is a terrifyingly strong kid." Garp sat cross-legged beside Zefa directly, then picked up the bottle of 'JEREZ' and took a sip.

"It is very strong, and it is not domineering. Although the ability is relatively special, it can be determined that it is not the ability of the Devil Fruit, and the body is also a strong body that has been tempered."

"It looks like you've found a good student. You obviously have taught so many outstanding brats." Garp took out a large bag of senbei from his arms and put it next to the wine bottle.

Zefa took out a senbei from the bag and put it in his mouth. After swallowing his stomach, he put one hand on his forehead: "Although I must admit that he is quite a recruit worth training, he is a very troublesome guy."

"Hahahaha, I heard that kid Kuzan said that today he contradicted that kid Sakaski, right, hahahaha, and also asked about salary and so on." Karp bit off a large piece of senbei. , Hearing Zefa's words, he immediately burst into laughter.

But after laughing, this lieutenant admiral, one of the top combat powers in the navy, had a strange smile on his face, looked at Zefa and said, "However, you can handle these things very well, don't you? Sakaski, Polu Salino, Kuzan, Peach Rabbit, Tea Dolphin, and other guys were all problem children back then."

Hearing these words, Zefa reached out and rubbed his eyebrows, obviously remembering the days when Garp mentioned that these people were a headache in the academy, but he raised his eyebrows and looked at Garp and asked, "What about your grandson? When you go back to the East China Sea this time, don't you want to bring that kid to be a sea soldier?"

Hearing Zefa's words, it was Garp's turn to have a headache.

I saw Karp picked up the sherry 'JEREZ', took a big sip and said, "That bastard boy still resists me! And the other bastard actually went out to sea and became a pirate, and I only watched it on the way back. To his bounty! The most irritating thing is that the guy from the world government actually invited him to be the king of Qiwuhai."

Hearing this, Zefa shook his head helplessly. He had no right to interfere with his old friend's family, but he also felt guilty because he taught Karp's son. As a result, the man left the Navy directly after graduating from the Naval Academy. .

And now that man's name can be said to be resounding throughout the world, in the name of 'the most vicious criminal in the world'.

"Sure enough." Karp knew Zefa's feelings for him, and when he saw Zefa's appearance, he immediately avoided the topic and asked Zefa's hand.

One of Zefa's left fists was splinted because of a broken relationship.

"Well." Zefa had nothing to hide, so he nodded and said.

"A monster-like recruit?" Garp sighed again, but after so much emotion, Garp looked at the sea in front of him, "As expected, you are all old, the last time I saw Sora, that guy said that his waist was a bit small. It hurts, even in the Warring States period, you can clearly see that you are a little powerless now. And now you have been injured by a little devil."

"Don't make such a sigh of relief as if you were a young man." Zefa rolled his eyes at Garp.

"Pfft hahahaha, of course it's you, don't forget that I am a guy who can work for [-] years before retiring! How can I admit that I am old like this!"

"A brave guy!"

While saying this, Zefa picked up the 'JEREZ' in his hand, looked at the black sea, and hummed the song "Guidance of the Sea".


At the same time, it was in a rental house in the small town of Marinfando.

After finishing everything, Su Qiu, who will treat this place as his home in the future, walks to the window facing the sea.

After pulling out the stool, he sat down and took out the notebook in the drawer.

Take a pen and write in a notebook.

Haiyuan calendar year, June [-], Thursday.

Today, I was forced to work overtime for ten minutes, which is the sixth overtime this month. It has exceeded the total number of overtime in the previous month. I will not work overtime this month.


PS: The fourth chapter of Jiageng! !I will continue to work hard, everyone, please continue to work hard, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for collections, ask for all kinds! !

PS: This song "Guide to the Sea", formerly known as "Sea Guide", is the song sung by Teacher Rizefa in the theater version.


(month day to month day)

Chapter [-] The Unknown Side

Su Qiu is very strong.

He has acquired the ability to control his qi since he was a child, and he just insists on exercising every day, so that's it.

But he doesn't have any dreams of being a hero or protecting the world.

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