Bang! Then, Zoro fell to the sky! In order to defeat him, he did that, but it turned out... he was not an opponent at all... He looked at the azure blue sky flying by.

Zoro remembered the vow he made with the girl when he was a child.

"Mr. Small, are you going to save people?"

Sauron, who was lying in a pool of blood, was immediately asked by a sailor who saw a large amount of blood flowing out.

"Not yet."

Smokey answered, biting his cigar.

Su Qiu looked back at Sauron, "When you become stronger, I also become stronger.

So it's a little heavier."

"Hmph, what nonsense are you talking about, the moment I pulled out the knife, I was ready to be chopped, and... I understand, you are better than me, and I also understand if you want to. , when I just met, I was already dead.

Thank you for sticking around with me."

Su Qiu, who came to his side, said with a smile as if he had relieved a lot of things.

"However, I will come again! Although I don't know who is stronger between you and that man, but I... will come to you! Whether it is you or that man, I will defeat you in the future! And become the world's number one Swordsman, I will never give up!!"

The water from the eyes of Sauron's face merged with the blood and flowed down his cheeks.

Su Qiu stood there, looked at Sauron, bent down and picked up the Hedaoyi character beside Sauron, and pulled it out...

Even though it has just experienced that kind of ironing against the blade, there is no groove mark on the blade of this knife.


Holding the word Hedao in his hand, Su Qiu looked down at Sauron.

"I don't know how to use a sword. Even if I use a sword with you, I learned some simple moves from others after I came here, but what I want to tell you is that I only learned about it after I went to the Navy headquarters. The so-called The sword, if wrapped with domineering..."

When it comes to this... hum!! Su Qiu's hand with the word Hedao, the sword body and blade that were originally white as snow instantly turned into pitch black like a moonless night.

And this scene... let Sauron surprised.

It also made Da Siqi completely stunned, the black knife... the knife, turned into a black knife! As a swordsman.

Da Siqi, especially a swordsman who has been studying all the famous swords in the world, and vowed to snatch all the famous swords from the criminals...

Dasqi is very clear about... the black knife.

Because of what he knew, all the knives among the most powerful knives in the world today, the 'Twelve Masters of the Supreme Great Knife', the strongest postures are presented in front of the world in the form of black knives.

At this moment, Smog, who was beside Da Siqi, frowned and said with a displeased expression, "That kid, have you mastered domineering so quickly!"

But no matter what other people think at this time... Su Qiu just held the word Hedao with a domineering look of armed color wrapped around his hand and looked at Sauron.

"Then, when you swing it hard, it will turn into a very strong slash."

Swish! Facing the sea, Su Qiu slashed sideways in mid-air with a knife.

Boom!!!! Instant!! The deafening sound shook all directions! The sea was tens of meters high in an instant, and a huge wave over a hundred meters long appeared in everyone's field of vision! The sun is certainly not counted, but everyone's vision at this moment is full of these monstrous waves.

Moreover, the entire sea surface seemed to be completely cut in half, and the trace of a sword cut completely appeared on the sea water.

In the next second, a huge wave with a height of tens of meters crashed down and returned to the sea.

And the slash that seemed to divide the sea in two also dissipated immediately... And Su Qiu, who had been looking at Sauron from beginning to end, didn't care about the horrified look on Sauron's face at this moment.

I just heard Su Qiu continue to say: "So, if you want to become stronger, you have to learn a lot, but you can't learn anything by training all the time.

Dreams are things that powerful people are qualified to pursue.

I'm strong, so I've fulfilled my dream."

After saying this, Su Qiu took the words He Daoyi back into the scabbard and put it next to Sauron, "I know an old man who is very wise, and he is very good at teaching and willing to teach people to learn, if you want. , I can introduce to you.

Then, you can become stronger to fulfill your dreams.

Will you come"


: Please be automatic!! Feilu reminds you: three things in reading: collect, recommend, and share!

Chapter [-]? This, presumably, got used to it.

Zoro stared at Su Qiu, unable to speak.

The knife just now is still there: in his mind, and now listening to Su Qiu's words... Zoro clenched his fists, and his eyes showed even more heat.

Without waiting for Sauron to answer, Su Qiu seemed to know the answer. After pushing his glasses, he looked in the direction of the sea soldiers, "Medical class, treat him."

But...even though Su Qiu said so...but no one responded...everyone...all the seamen, including Smog, or the townspeople...everyone at this moment He opened his mouth wide, and his eyes were completely rounded as he looked back at the calm sea.

What was that just now...Everyone has no idea what just happened, they only know Su Qiu....That...the admiral waved a knife towards the sea...and then there was a huge wave Not to mention, the ocean is divided into two parts....What the hell...what did you do!!! "It''s an illusion, right?"

Some townspeople looked to the side, pointed to the calm sea and asked.

"Didn't nothing happen there now?"

The man continued.

" could I be hallucinating! Just...I just saw it clearly."

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