"Su... Lieutenant General Su Qiu's phone number just now is"

On one side, the two sailors knew who was on the phone from the conversation just now, but they still spoke like this to confirm the nature.

"Well, it's General Sakaski, what's the matter?"

Su Qiu looked up at the two sailors.

"No, nothing."

One of the sailors replied immediately.

Then, the two looked at each other and continued to look at Su Qiu feeding the fish in the pool.

For some reason, the two wanted to be surprised.

But, just... I can't be surprised... Maybe... I'll get used to it...

: Please be automatic!!! To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel!

Chapter [-]? Are you ready to be cut?

According to the colonel of the headquarters who is temporarily acting as adjutant Su Qiu, the supplies on board need to be replenished.

And Sauron was seriously injured.

Therefore, Su Qiu also decided to stay one more day in Rogge Town.

The next morning, Su Qiu woke up at seven in the morning as usual. Then... because it was a wall-mounted clock alarm clock.

Of course...the clock and the wall were "cut" by Su Qiu from the entire wall

It came down and was chopped into pieces! After all, it was someone else's place, and he forgot about the need for a table, so Su Qiu went to apologize to Smog.

But the answer he got was 'why would you tell him that little thing'.

So Su Qiu didn't take it seriously, and went to the training ground to complete his daily self-training.

Su Qiu completed the training mission under the amazement of all the Rogue Town seamen with their mouths wide open and their eyes widened.

After returning to the room to take a shower and change clothes, Su Qiu took out the phone bug and dialed Sakaski's number.

"What's wrong"

Just called, and immediately came the voice of Sakaski from the phone bug.

"About the matter that you asked me to go to the Water Capital last night, you can talk to me about it now."

Slap! When Su Qiu had just finished speaking, Sakaski hung up the phone.

Looking at the phone bug who stopped talking, Su Qiu pushed his glasses, probably this is the so-called arrogant.

After putting away the phone bug, Su Qiu walked towards Smoker's office.

After all, it is a working day and it is still working time, even if you stay here temporarily, you still need to work.

But after Su Qiu walked into Smog's studio, Smog was processing a lot of documents, and when he heard that Su Qiu wanted to help, Smog drove Su Qiu out directly.

Standing in the corridor, Su Qiu sighed, then looked at the prosperous Rogge town street through the corridor window, his eyes were a little sad: "Go shopping, anyway... there is nothing to do."


Roger Town, since the day the Pirate King Gerroger was executed here, this town has become quite a famous place in the world.

Every year, countless people come to this town just to take a look at the execution platform where One Piece was executed.

And to this day, there are still people who have this mentality.

But among them, since Smoker came to Rogue Town to be stationed in Rogue Town, the pirates who came here became less and less.

However, the law and order in Rogge Town is also getting better and better. After all, there are no pirates like before. Even if there are pirates, there are only a few, and they don't dare to show up.

Walking on the street, the traffic is very peaceful, especially the shops with many patterns make Su Qiu dazzled.

Because at this moment Su Qiu had changed into an ordinary clothes, so walking on the road was no different from ordinary pedestrians.

However, where there are so-called people, there are probably all kinds of things happening.

This is what Su Qiu sees now.

After just walking through a street, Su Qiu saw many people forming a circle, and in the crowd, a man who looked good-looking and had a gentle face stood there, the man was carrying a huge Katana, looking at the man with a smile on his face.

Directly opposite this gentle-looking man, an ordinary man kept apologizing to the tall man.

"I'm really sorry. I'll pay for your pants. My daughter is so happy that she didn't pay attention to the road."

The man protected the little girl with an ice cream cone in one hand and a crying face, and bowed to the man in apology.

The gentle-looking man smiled and stretched out his hand to rub his chin, and said with a smile: "If it is a compensation, of course I will forgive you and your daughter, then, how about a million bellies?"


The man was stunned for a moment, "One... million Berry"

Not only is the man's face in a dazed state, even the surrounding spectators are all blank, and a pair of pants is a million bells. At the moment, many people frowned and looked at the... gentle-looking man, even if No matter how stupid people can understand at this moment, this is clearly... extortion, extortion! In any case, how can a pair of trousers be worth a million berg.

"Well, what's the matter, is there a problem? You said you need to compensate, and my pants are worth so much."

The gentle-looking man still looked at the father and daughter with a smile on his face.

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