Looking at Su Qiu, Dominic didn't have the gentle look that he had when he was outside. He stepped forward and grabbed Su Qiu's collar, and then continued coldly: "You're a good thing for Lao Tzu."

Dominic, you idiot! Do you know what you are doing!! Watching this scene, Bensong scolded Dominic in his heart.

"Is it about your extortion?"

Su Qiu pushed up his glasses and let Dominic tear off his collar.

"But the other party said they want to compensate me, what are you talking about extortion, boy."

Dominic's eyes were rounded, and he looked imposing and said harsh words at Su Qiu.

"If you're going to fight, go outside."

But at this time, Bensong said, but it can be clearly seen that beads of sweat have appeared on Bensong's forehead.

Although there is no need to save the idiot Dominic, if I let this... do it, my shop will definitely lose.

In his heart, Benson thought so.

However, the reason why Ben Song knew Su Qiu... There is no other reason... When Su Qiu fought with Zoro yesterday, Ben Song was on the dock and witnessed the amazing things Su Qiu did after the fight. Act of.

Moreover, to this day..., Ben Song can't forget that scene! Ben Song also traveled the great route when he was young, and even traveled to the new world, he met many big people by chance.

And what Su Qiu did at the time reminded him of the one he saw in a small island town by accident... a samurai, a powerful samurai holding two famous swords in the world! At that time, the samurai also waved like this , cut the sea in two, and cut the sea king in half! Hearing the words of Yibensong, Dominic looked at Su Qiu with a look of disdain, "Tsk!"

After a click of a tongue, Dominic sang Su Qiu away, and walked over to Ben loose, slammed a big box on the counter, and said with a smile: "This is the five million bellies you want, now You can give me your snow."

Bensong frowned, and then said: "I'm sorry, I won't sell you Xuego."


Dominic, who was still smiling and looking forward to it, suddenly showed an unhappy expression on his face, "What are you kidding me! I am raising money everywhere because of your saying, 'I'll sell it to you with five million Berries.' "

"I was also forced by you at that time! Don't forget that I have said many times that Xue Zuo is my family heirloom sword and will never be sold."

Yiben put his hands around his chest and frowned as he said this.

Slam! Dominic listened to Bensong's words, and grabbed Bensong's collar, "What do you mean by forcing you, I'm just holding a knife around your neck, this is called forcing, if it's not because there will be a reward, I But it will kill you directly and walk away with a knife."

"Even so! You'll never get the snow to go!"

In the past, Ben Song, who was very timid in the past, was full of anger at this time, and said to Dominic: "A small character like you, if you use Xue Go, Xue Go will cry!"

"Ah little character!"

Dominic pulled Benson directly from behind the counter to the table, "Uncle Ben is a famous bounty hunter!!"

"It's just that he defeated a few little thieves in the East China Sea, and he even brazenly claimed to be famous!! Stop pretending here, especially here now!"

Benson roared without flinching.

However... Sweat dripped down on Ben Song's forehead, obviously he was still a little scared.

And this time... Dominic stopped uttering a word, stared at Ben Song coldly, and suddenly... opened his mouth and said, "Then I will kill you and take the snow away!"


Chapter [-]? Because it's a demon sword

Gu Dong looked at the expression on Dominic's face, Bensong swallowed his saliva involuntarily, and there was even more fine sweat oozing out from his face.


Seeing such an expression on Benson's face, Dominic showed an excited expression on his face.

Because killing pirates does not violate the laws made by the world government, let alone the laws of various countries, and can get a lot of bounty, so there is a kind of bounty hunter, who exists to kill.

Dominic is one of them, and the reason why he is famous in the East China Sea is that the pirate group attacked by him did not leave any survivors.

In particular, Dominica enjoys the most fearful expressions on other people's faces before they die.

And at the moment, looking at this book, which made him very timid and timid as a mouse, showed a hard side.... At this moment, there was a look of fear in his eyes, and he was even more excited.

Keng! Without warning, he pulled out the large samurai sword behind him... Halfway through the blade, Dominic immediately laughed and said, "Snow go... I use it well!"

Huh! I saw that the big katana sword in Dominic's hand was completely detached from the scabbard, and even cut it straight at the slash! Bang! When Dominic was able to cut down the big samurai sword with one hand, the samurai sword's blade roared and roared.

But when Dominic slashed with a knife, the sound made was the sound of something breaking, not the sound of a slash.

It was other voices... But... at this time... Dominic, or Benson looked down at the large samurai sword in Dominic's hand... Or it can no longer be called a samurai sword, after all A knife without a blade can only be regarded as a broken blade, and it can't even be called a knife....How could it be....the blade....Without subconsciousness, Dominic raised his eyes and looked at a pine, but what he saw was a pine. He was also staring at his knife in confusion.

No... No... When I thought of this, Dominic suddenly felt something, and immediately turned his head to look to the side.

I saw Su Qiu, who was originally standing at the door, standing beside him at this moment. The most important thing is...the blade with his own knife in his hand...oh!! Why...when .……"what have you done.……"

He looked at Su Qiu with a dull expression on his face.

The crisp sound of bang was released in Su Qiu... The blade, the blade fell to the ground.

As for Su Qiu himself, ignoring Dole's words, he just pushed his glasses lightly and said indifferently: "I told you on the street just now, when you draw out the blade and aim at someone else, Be prepared to be cut."


Hearing this, Dominion watched Su Qiu take a step forward, and his strong desire to survive made him involuntarily take a step back.

Not an opponent...I'm definitely not this guy's opponent!!! In his heart, Dominion is quite sure about this.

Because he didn't even know how the other party broke his own knife, so the difference in strength between the other party and himself can be imagined! Swallowing saliva, Dominion's eyes and face showed fear and panic.

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