Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 15 Diagon Alley

You can search "Hogwarts' Admiral Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Dark and dirty.This is Hugo's first impression of walking into the Broken Cauldron Bar. As the facade of the wizarding world, Hugo thought the Broken Cauldron Bar described in the novel was just an exaggeration.But now after walking into this famous bar, he finds that the novel may have greatly weakened the badness of this house for reasons of children's literature.

A layer of dirty sludge accumulates in the room, whether it is a table, a stool, a wine cabinet or the floor.Although it is not very thick, it can be seen even in the dark in the room.

"It feels like these places have not been cleaned for hundreds of years." Mr. Granger lowered his head and said to Hugo. "I think every step needs to be pulled from the ground. I really don't know what these wizards are. How to endure this environment."

At this time Hugo has adapted to the dim light here. He saw a few witches wearing pointed wizard hats sitting at the table that could be illuminated by the sunlight through the window, drinking some alcoholic beverage beside him. There are also large bags of things stacked.It looks like it should have just been purchased and I have a drink here.And in another dim corner, two guys with hoods seemed to be talking sneakily.

The only good news is that both the clothes on the bar owner and the glass he wipes look very clean.The wine bottles in the cabinet behind him were also polished, making this bar look a bit worthy of its name.

After seeing Hugo and the four of them come in, the guests in the bar just glanced at them and continued to do their own things. Only the boss raised his head and looked at them for a while, then put down his glass and looked down at Hugo and his brothers Two said, "Are you all freshmen at Hogwarts this year?"

"Yes, my sister and I are both." Hugo stepped forward and said, "Following the instructions of Professor McGonagall the day before yesterday, we and our parents came here to buy some things for school."

Tom, the owner of the Broken Cauldron Bar, only glanced at Hugo's parents before continuing to focus on Hugo and Hermione."Then you want to go to Diagon Alley, please come with me."

"Thank you, sir." As a dentist who needs to deal with people all day long, Mr. Granger can naturally see that the owner of this bar ignores himself and his wife to some extent.However, out of courtesy, he thanked the boss for putting down his business and leading the way for the children.

Following the owner Tom, the Granger family of four passed through the bar to the small walled patio behind the bar.There is nothing here except a trash can and some weeds.

Tom walked to the wall at this time and drew out his wand. Then he counted the bricks on the wall and said, "Remember, the trash can counts three bricks up, and then counts two more horizontally."

After speaking, he used his wand to tap the brick he pointed out three times.Then, amidst the dull sound of the moving bricks, he turned his head and looked at the Hugo brothers and sisters."Then use your magic wand to knock this brick three times, and then you will be able to open the passage to Diagon Alley. After you have your own magic wand, you will need to do these things, so don’t forget this. Things. Finally, I wish you all the best in Diagon Alley."

"Thank you." Hugo said politely, and then watched the magic street appear in his field of vision little by little.At this moment, he suddenly thought of something that he didn't understand when he read the novel before."Then how do we come back in a while!"

"The same brick can be tapped three times with a magic wand." Tom, who was returning to his bar, turned and said."So the first time you enter Diagon Alley, you should buy yourself and your own wands. By the way, you should know that your Muggle world money cannot be used." Qi Shu Web

"I know, Professor McGonagall said this when he came. It allows us to go to Gringotts and exchange the money in our hands for the metal coins used by the wizarding world."

"That's good, Professor McGonagall has always been so rigorous." Tom said as he walked to the bar. "It's not like Professor Trelawney who teaches divination, who always forgets to say something."

After crossing the gateway, a magical street appeared in front of a family of four: a cobblestone road at the foot and all kinds of magical shops on both sides of the street.Some of the food shops set up umbrellas directly on the side of the street, and many wizards sat under those umbrellas while eating and chatting.

"It's really a street with a long history." Looking at the magical scenery in front of him, Mr. Granger held back for a long time, and only reluctantly said such a sentence after the passage behind him turned into a wall again.

Because if this street removes those magical elements, such as a blue bunny firework that can jump in the air in broad daylight, it will have an old and stale feeling.After all, under the condition of magic maintenance, those buildings with a history of hundreds of thousands of years can easily be retained to the present.

Fortunately, even the UK has the kind of quaint tourist town like Wuzhen visited by Hugo in his previous life, so apart from the initial shock, a few people quickly calmed down and began to look at the shops on the street.

The nearest store from the passage is a store selling various crucibles.The dazzling sunlight cast on a stack of pots outside the store.There is a sign hanging above the pot, and it says a large pot made of copper-brass-tin-silver, complete models, automatic stirring-foldable.

"I remember you need to buy a crucible on your list." Mrs. Granger said as she took a piece of parchment from her handbag and looked at it, and then put the parchment back into her handbag."But before buying everything, I think we should go to the bank and exchange the wizard's money."

On the way, the Grangers felt that their impression of the magic world had become much better.After all, TVs in this era are all cumbersome guys with huge picture tubes behind them, so the two parents find it very interesting that a thin piece of paper can display animated posters on the wall.

Soon, they passed through the group of wizards and all kinds of strange shops on the street and came to a snow-white building towering high above the surrounding shops. Next to the shiny bronze gate, stood one dressed in scarlet. A short figure in a gold-studded uniform.

"They should be the legendary goblins." While the goblin guarding the gate ignored, the Grangers passed through the bronze gate. Along the way, Hugo had been thinking about a question, that was his fancy. When translating a novel, why should the translator translate the word goblin into a fairy?Obviously, the appearance of the two creatures is in the sky and underground.

After entering the door, a young-looking fairy walked over and bowed to them, and then led them into a tall marble hall.

In the hall, there were about a hundred fairies sitting on high stools behind a row of long counters. Some used copper balances to weigh coins, and some used eyepieces to check gems, while registering hastily on the large ledger.There are countless doors in the hall, leading to different places, and many fairies guide people in and out of these doors.

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