Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 17, Snake

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Even I have seen similar scenes in the movie. But it is still very shocking when you look at it. At least Hugo has never seen a professor level to this extent.

"Let me come -" Everyone in the field was watching the brilliant smile on the Lohan face. He lifted his wand and threatened to the snake. Suddenly, only heard the loud noise, the snake did not have disappeared, but he fell to the floor again.

It is furious, and the students who have spurred their belongings to the trails of the gathering, then, it is standing, revealing the toxic teeth, putting the attacked.

At this time, Harry, which is nearest from the snake. At the same time, there is a strange hizzar.

Then, the snake was soft. Surprises like a pile of thick and black watering hoses, while lifting your eyes on Harry.

After all this, Harry looked up and smiled and looked at the students who were close to.

He thought that everyone would show relaxed, confused or grateful expressions, but unexpectedly found that everyone here exposed, disgust, horrify, and angry expressions.

"Walking away, far from us -" A five-grade female who looks scared to Hurchpi Pache, fiercely lifted his finger at Harry, and others also started with Harley shouting. Get up.

In these called shouts, Harry appeases the hands and foot, standing on the table, showing a very uneasy expression on the face.

"Don't be afraid, I believe that you didn't make any mistakes." At this time, the company waved the magic stick before, the serpery became a black smoke, disappeared. Then she gently patted Harry's shoulders and revealed a very mild smile.

"At least I think, you just didn't attack your classmates in the snake."

After this thing, the game naturally can't. In the surrounding people, the whispering and even finger the point, Harry and Ron took out the auditorium with the fastest speed.

Then everyone left the auditorium three or two, while walking on the road, I started discussing about what happened in the auditorium.

Hugo naturally did not have interest to mix this boring gossip speculation, so he accelerated his footsteps to the direction of Ravenklata.

But unexpectedly, in the three-way corridors through the three floors, they were unexpectedly watching Harry in an empty classroom door, they waved their hands.

"Hey, here -" Harry shouted, then brought them into the empty classroom, and Ron is sitting on a chair in front of a desk with an expression of an eye.

"How is one of the two expressions?" After entering the door, I looked at the same face ugly, Harry, "You won't really feel that Harry said a few snakes are very serious. Think! "

"Isn't it serious enough?" Ron glared his eyes, but soon exposed a look.

"You are not a wizard, you may not be very clear about this, like Harry, people who have this skill in the wizard, called the snake cavity in the wizard, and this skill is also considered an evil black witch unique. skill."

"This is just a language, how can you think that a language is evil?" Hermione's face revealed the idea.

"And, although we can't understand what Harry said to the snake, at least it can be seen that he should discourage the snake launch."

"Unfortunately, people who are willing to think like this is too small." Ron seems to shake his head, then explained.

"As for why snakes are evil symbolic reasons. Because you can talk to the snakes is the famous skills of Sarachas, so, Srinelin's college has chosen a snake as their symbol."

"Although I don't like Sletrin's students, I can't accept some of Sletlin's ideas. But I don't think Harry, which is the same as Sletary, is the evil." Hermione appeared very Fairly said.

"This is just a coincidence or accident, everyone is really a bit of nerves."

"In fact, I think so, but everyone will not think so." Ron seems to shake his head.

"Because the snake cavity represents the black wizard, this is recognized in the wizard world. Especially in this case, everyone is likely to think that Harry is the descendant of Sletrin."

"But I am not." Harry said. He produced a panic he could not explain. "You will find this difficult to prove," Hermioni, who has been studying the history of the wizard, said recently.

"He lives around for more than a thousand years; in all the circumstances we understand, you are likely to be his pass."

"My sister is right." Roinger also added this time.

"The Potter family in the wizard is not short, considering the complex maritime inside the British wizard, so you are not a little bit it."

"It makes sense to Yuyu." Ron added this time, "For example, my family is basically married with most of the British wizards."

"You are not a joke?" Harry's eyes asked. "Do you have a relative relationship with the Malford family?"

"Although I don't want to admit it, there is really some relatives between us." Ron poor shrugged. "If you want to say, Draco Marfford can be a distant hunteau."

When I said that Luo was paused, let Hali shocked the mood after hearing this news, and then continued.

"There is relatives between the purebred families, especially today, the family can keep the pure blood in the selection of spouses, the room is very limited.

"So I think things should be like this." Venus listened to the summary of the road. "This thing that Harry has made should just awaken some kind of power to spread in his blood, and try to save everyone."

"So I don't think this is a very bad thing, even somewhat envious, because Harry has mastered a knowledge that other people have not mastered." Say here, Wenden to watch Ron asked.

"You won't think Harry will become an evil black wizard."

"Of course, I certainly don't think Harle will become evil." The voice of Veno has not fallen, Ron immediately showed his attitude, but immediately lowered the voice, "But others - "

"Harry, you are not living for others." After listening to this sentence of Ron, the Venus trocked the head to the Harry drum.

"You know, we often pay more attention to knowledge than students in the college. Therefore, there is no kindness or evil for us, but it is just how you use it."

"You are right, for example, when I just use the snake language, I tried to stop the snake to the attack, not using some evil black magic -"

After being said by Venio, Harry is a determination to hose to Hugo as the same as the beads. They are determined to master this knowledge and will not use the evil place.

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