Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 181 Dosage and Summon

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"Yes, after searching for these files. We found Norwegian Magic Ministry of Norwegian records for that time through some reliable people."

After listening to the raincarative answer, the company immediately said that he and other ships did after discovering this problem.

"Wellness because these things happened for a long time, nothing confidential, so files are basically public, and anyone will be approved."

"At the beginning, we put the investigation in Norway. But after the query, I found that the files in Norwegian were very vague." Speaking here, the company licking his mouth with the slack attitude of the Norwegian Magic staff. dissatisfied.

"After a few major files, we found the records of the region in this area from a file that has been yellowed in a page."

"This record is only a short sentence, and it is true that the Swedish Magic Ministry has a group of Ao Luo issued an off-border request and has been licensed. After a week, these Swedish wits have been withdrawn."

"This kind of thing is very rare." Yuyu frowned, as a student in the wizard of the wizard, he didn't know everything in the magic world as before.

In the magical common sense of the magic world, the Mo Luo's Outro's Outue over the border, it is obviously a very strange thing to leave this sentence in the file.

To know, the combat hand of the mission main force of the Magic Department is performed relative to us. Ao Luo is completely calculated that the core power of the National Magic Ministry, each is the elite in the elite.

Although there are many people to apply for this profession every year, I can finally talk with the test and tested.

According to the report of the guns that are experiencing the trains of Ao Luo, this training is fully comparable to the training intensity of those who are in the ordinary people.

I don't say those who insisted on, even if some people have passed such intensive training, and finally they can still have very few proud of the official inaudial.

Take the UK, in this Western Magic World, there will often occur in the case of a few years without a person through the assessment.

Therefore, the situation of people who have entered Norway in the Swedish Magic Department, but only the situation left in the file, it is naturally very abnormal.

Under normal circumstances, these eligibles will be strictly monitored and detailed in detail and leave detailed monitoring reports.

"It is actually likely to have a detailed report, but it should be our invisible report." Enterprise reported to Hugo, "and we can't rush into Norwegian magic department to grab those confidential reports. "

"So what are your plans now? I think so many people can't come to the Arctic Circle." Listening to the company said that Hugo immediately asked.

"There is only one of our plans, that is, what happened to your grandfather's father who met those strange events." The company replied directly.

"The problem is that this time has passed for approach for a few centuries. If there is anything wrong with what is wrong, you should not leave any traces." Hugo's actions on the enterprise are not very good.

"More importantly, a group of Sweden is still searching for a week in that small place, even if there is something that can be taken or destroyed by them. I think it will not be too big. "

"This point we analyze is just the opposite of you." The non-flexible access to the network and said.

"If there is anything important thing that is really important, the Norwegian Magic Ministry will definitely make some reactions, rather than do not have any response as the information we have found before."

"This will not find the corresponding content because you find it just public information, so I can't find the corresponding content." Hugo asked.

"No, according to our analysis of public information. At that time, all core members of the Norwegian Magic Ministry were busy with their own things. No one was involved in this incident." Indication directly denied the guess of Hugo.

"Have to say that this wizard is lower than ordinary people for the management level of the file, so their attitude towards the confidential file is the part of the confidentiality."

"But through those public files, we can analyze where the core personnel of Norwegian Magic Ministry of Magic is in that time, and do something."

"But to tell the truth, you can find these things from a pile of not-confidential files, only you can do it." Hugo said to the warship.

To make this conclusion, you must read a lot of information and stringed with the spider silk contained in those materials.

Considering that in order to avoid unnecessary annotations, query these public information cannot be used to use too many people and take a lot of time. In this case, only the yards can organize so many information under demanding premise.

On the evening, after you fall asleep at your family. Hugo leaves the room and has been waiting for business convergence downstairs.

Emn, who was rushing in the afternoon, turned into the roof after drinking the compound soup, and turned to him to avoid being discovered by his family.

"Is these prices that are also useful to you?" Looking at the rapid changes in himself became another Emden, Hugo face was full of curiosity.

"Of course useful, but it is only limited to our human state and completely blocking the body of the body belonging to the strength of the waves." The company said that he shrugged here.

"But you don't have to worry about Emden's security, because when you have encountered some dangerous, our power will automatically release the blockade, there will be no serious injury, which will cause serious damage."

"That's good." Listening to the company said that Hugo also put down the inner concerns, then began to pay attention to this evening. "Right, how do our actions this evening arrange?"

"Let's go to the Wickekiji to summon some companions, then let's go to take risks tonight." Corporate said, "At least from a safe point of view, this adventure is called some people to better."

"Yes, I think you are right." Hugo nodded his thumbs up, and then and the company entered the greece to start this evening.

After half an hour, the entire summoning work was over. One of the batch of ships is the destroyers who belong to the Germans of the Germans, such as Z21, Z22, Z17 and Z18 in this fjord.

In addition, there are two colors and Eskimo destroyers who belong to the British party. However, it is expected that rose fruit is that he actually summoned a tired battleship in the fjord.

"How can it be!" Looking at the tired of a Victorian red dress, the hugue face showed a surprised look.

Because the legendary battle she has experienced, Narvik's battle should be just a small scene. So Hugo has not thought that she can summon her in this place.

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