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"Who is this?" After hearing St. George, Hugo took out several words from the teeth. Because such a big North Sea giantiflo, once the undead creature, the extent of the tricky increase is more than one level.

After all, it is already very powerful like this huge mild magic creature, but it is not only a defense, but also lost the life of the original organism.

For example, now the ship's attacks fall behind the North Sea giant killer, and it can also explode many flesh and blood and make a lot of wounds, and affect the actions of this giant zombie.

But the body can always produce a massive ink green liquid in the body to block those wounds, and then form some functionality like a hard rubber that blocks the lost portion and replaces the function of the lost part.

In the next battle, the wars surprised to find that these ink green colloids are amailed as the defense of scales and muscles in the monsters.

Even after repeated testing, they believe that if they don't consider the problem of magic defense, these colloids are even stronger than those who have the monsters.

But this kind of defense is not impeccable, because the mother is also discovered in the process of attacking this powerful regenerative ability and the same powerful physical defense capability is made by weakening magic defense.

This is why this North Sea giant suture is far from the energy level, but is not much stronger than before the simple magic defense.

Of course, this is not much more than the front of the North Sea giant. If the ordinary wizard is used as a comparison object, this Beihai giant can even be seen is invincible.

After aware of the characteristics of the North Sea giant suture, the maidies have adjusted their magic they attach to the ammunition into holy light and flame.

After these targeted ammunition attacks, those ink green liquid supplements slowed down, and then directly affected the combat power of Beihai Giant.

Taking advantage of the flexibility of the North Sea giant demon, the wars began to concentrate on attacking the weakness of those giant.

Although this giant demon should have no fatal weakness after becoming the undead creature, some of the shortcomings of the body structure itself did not make up.

In an instant, all the destroyers and the torpedo planes flying into the sky simultaneously formed a fish threatened, forcing this huge Beihai giant killer to recycle their claws to deal with underwater threats. .

In this opportunity, those large-scale mistes and bombs while switching towards the two blood-red eyes on the monster's head.

It was found that this huge monster wanted to recover his own tentacles when these shells and bombs were attacked to their eyes. So you can only block those attacks around the little tentacles around your eyes.

However, the flying speed of the shell is obviously far exceeding the speed of the biological structure, so those who have only come and make a little action directly by those shells and bombs.

In an instant, the two blood red eyes were instantly crushing the bullets and bombs that were filled with flames and holy light. Then there is more ammunition to continue to rush into this monster's head.

But these shells and bombs are just deep in-depth, they will stop, because they seem to be hitting what barriers have been stopped.

With the explosion of those shells and bombs, the flesh on the edge of the monster is directly blown up two blocks. Then, a group of emerald, translucent crystals appeared inside the wound.

Sure enough, even if you can't see it outside. But guys who have made this monster that year, it is clear that this is also considered and has made strong defense internally.

"It can make this monster is definitely the top bastard." Looking at the crystals that are gentle green, Yu fruit can't hurt.

"I have a way." The voice of St. George suddenly sounded in the network. "Next, you have to drag this monster all the tentacles for me for ten seconds."

"Understand." "Understand." The maidies have answered, and then began to shoot a monster.

Unlike Hugo Imagine, this time the destroyer's torpedo attack clearly has a better effect. Because this monster is now hidden underwater, so the underwater strike is significant for those surface blows.

This monster did not know because of the reason did not escape as normal creatures, but did not mean it for those attacks.

After realizing that the light is discovered by those attacks who have stopped those rain, the Beihai giant zombies immediately released a massive ink green mist distribution in their own surroundings.

In an instant, whether it is a shell or a bomb, it was swallowed in this fog, and at the same time, the ship was found to have completely lost contacts.

"The death, these mists have corrosive." Not scratching the case is wrong, so, the ten seconds of San George wants to talk about it naturally.

"If it is just right." I saw the scene on the scene, as a small sigh of the company of the general commander. Because the ability of this monster master is obviously a range of attacks, the scene masters the power of restraint of Saint George is a paladin, which does not have a skill in the range of attacks.

More importantly, as a site for a deadly presence of this monster. She can't make a range of attack pressing each other, while sagging efforts to play a fattening of the monster.

"In fact, I can also." The voice of the company has not yet fallen, and a tender voice that listens to some strangers in the kicking network.

"Odin, you are not a fighting ship." Hugo paused a real thing. The current speaking is the O'Don who has just summoned from Icelandic a few hours ago.

"Yes, but I have a special dressup. And that dressing can make me communicate into my mind." Odin is quite proud. "So I can get rid of this monster with St. George's sister."

"You will not hurt this?" Hugo asked. Because he knew that the power of these ships was tightly hooked with their prototypes, I would definitely pay some price for the previous one-tonnate guard boat, I want to play such a price.

"I just have a shortness of disturbing for a week, and I will not be treated." Tedin is asking such a question, Otind can only tell the truth.

"So let me try it, even if there is a failure, there will be too dangerous!"

"Okay!" After Auddin said, Hugo agreed his approach. Because the maiden is born for the battle. This time I refused her to participate in the battle. It is actually a huge humiliation for her.

Soon, Odin came to the front line from the rear of everyone to be protected by everyone, and then extended the long gun in his hands on the huge monster.

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