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Because these three boxes found in the interlayer of the big cabinet look too important, huguo first saved these boxes in the casual space of St. George, ready to handle all things, last processing .

Because the book is only the last reason, in addition to leaving a few ships continue to scan the contents of these books, most of the ships began to clean up all kinds of materials on the shelf.

For the wars, it is obvious that the difficulty wants to carry and take away these things. Because they can use the ship to put them in.

Just in the process of cleaning, the rain can only find that those on the top of the floor is not a brick or stone, but a few layers of metal ingots.

After statistics, these metal ingots are mainly difficult to buy in some markets, such as refining gold, such as mirro. However, the largest amount is a artificial metal: a fairy silver.

"Where is these demon silver?" Cossacks grabbed the metal block from the floor into their own cassette space and asked.

"It's not that this kind of things are very tight, is it necessary to sell?"

"Unclear, there is no record in this area here." I have always been responsible for checking the surrounding situation. "But considering that the Grindevo swept Europe, you can get these wealth is not a strange thing."

Just in such a chat, the various treasures in the treasure house are classified, marked, and inventive, then in the respective cassette space.

Since the wars are all being a hands and feet, everyone will soon organize all the treasures in the treasure house. Seven or eight.

When several ships have finally inspected and deal with the three golden boxes before the previous three golden boxes, Hugo has been admitted to the enterprise to consult the company.

"There is a question that may involve privacy ...." Hugo's emotions of the experience of venting the network by taking the network carefully, and organized their own wording.

"Of course, I will authorize you on this issue. If you don't want to answer this question, you can choose not to answer, this does not violate the contract between the war and the ship -"

"Well, my dear will." Looking at the look of Hugo, the company smiled helplessly. "I can feel that you have no malicious, so no matter what you ask, I will not be angry."

"Well - I actually this time. I want to ask what you have realistic about me?" Knowing that the maida will not lie in front of himself, so the rage will directly ask the question directly.

"You know, in my impression, I can say that it is intimate. But from the first ship Shengli and I first met now, I have already contacted a lot of ships. But you give me a feeling of--"

When it comes to, Hugo has become an Ai Ai, because even if the company will not be angry, he doesn't know how to express it in a relatively suitable language.

"You want to say why we don't seem to be intimate as you think, is it right?"

"Please rest assured, dear, we are firm and loyal to your love and loyalty, you don't have to question or worry about it."

"And since then in this world, we also feel your innerness, and can determine that you are the most inquiry of our minds."

"As for why we look a bit cold, and the reason why usually communicate also matters is also very simple." Say here, the company smiled in the company.

"Because you have not prepared it now."

"Prepare, what do you mean?" After listening to the business, Hugo felt that he was more confused. "Do you have any contact with my body?"

"There is no mandatory connection, but there are some things we have to consider someone." Say it, the company paused. "I think you should have never seen our true side."

"Real side?" Hugo felt that he was more confused. "Do you refer to Wanted warships like Belfast on the Thames?"

"Of course not." The company smiled and shook his head, and then thought about a few seconds.

"In fact, as a woman, we only have a clear different in appearance and ordinary people, so we have not exposed formal appearance since it comes to this world."

"In addition, we have also converge their own breath and tighten the structure of the body. Because we must imitate ordinary people as much as possible, avoid attracting unnecessary attention."

"What is your true look?" Raino is anxious asking, he can't understand why the ship will cover the appearance in front of this.

"Well - is like this." The company used a few words with other misty people, and then brought the rain to a corner, then closed his eyes.

In an instant, the company scattered out of the whole body, and a white light that did not glare but very bright. After the white light disappears, the company still maintains the original posture battle there.

First, Hugo did not see any difference between the company and just now, but soon, he discovered that compared with the company just now, the current enterprise is obviously more beautiful.

If the original company is just a very beautiful girl, then the extent to which the business is now far exceeds the limits of humanity. It's just a small-scale adjustment on the body, and her appearance rose a grade.

More importantly, she has also been drafted at this time that she is also showing, so that she gives it more like an angel or elf, not human.

"This is -" Hugo felt that his heart fierce, and the face also started fever. "Just like we say, we are not a bloody creature, but the elf of human fantasy."

Looking at the rain of the rush through deep breath, it flashed the brilliance of the thumbs up.

"We have the most perfect imagination in human awareness, so naturally more than human beings." The company shrugged and said. "You should now control some of your ideas."

"Yes -" Yuyu opened an embarrassed smile, he felt that he didn't have to conceal the ship in this regard.

"This is not an embarrassment, saying, if you don't have this idea, I will feel worried." The company said that there is a little mother.

"Think about it, my dear will now have the inner and children of the adult, so in this case we are not only hidden in our true image, but also keep as much as possible and your distance. Otherwise it is definitely a bad impact on your development. "

"Of course, if your body enhances to some extent, these preparations will naturally don't need it. So you must refuel your efforts, become ancient god of the gods as soon as possible."

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