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After the entire Tibetan treasure room was completely searched, the racer would be discussed to discuss the arrangement of this island future.

Considering that this knows that the person in this place is dead except for Grindviv, and Green Divo is not possible to disclose this matter to others, so this island can be seen as a very hidden location.

"I think this place can be used as a temporary anchor." The company puts forward his opinion. "At least when you need to go to the far sea, there is such an anchor to play a big role."

"It's right." St. George also speaking, "more importantly, we don't need to consider the problem discovered by others. So you can build a real port area."

The real port area in the ship's mouth may not have a few small docks, but a large-scale building system with a series of facilities such as logistics, maintenance, replenishment, defense.

According to the standard of the maidi, such a port area needs at least six hours without the confession of the lady support.

And if the deep-sea offensive is when there is a BOSS-level deep-sea command similar to the purple coffee, the port is also allowed to hold 30 minutes by its own strength.

"But this island has only four football stadiums, even if you take this island to dig empty, I don't have much space." Listening to the wars, you said that the discussion of the harbor area, rain There is a mouthway immediately.

"It's enough, my dear Admirement." As an expert in this area, O'Do, now in a weak state, is standing on the shelf.

"The port area you know before is actually built in the case of sufficient space, so we need to consider our warship status, natural area is very huge, similar to a true military port."

"But in fact, we also have a port area that only accommodates the state of the woman, and the area of ​​this place is just suitable for such a port area."

Soon, the warships started to discuss the construction of the first functional port area in this world, and they did not stop the sort of underground bases.

After more than two hours, everyone got a detail information on the construction of the new port area, but also completed the cleaning work for the entire port area.

However, there is a meaningful thing that rose, this time his system tells him that he has now had 3200 treasure wealth, so you can get a powerful skill.

"How did you suddenly have more than two thousand plus?" Hugo immediately called the victory. "Do you have this money and I have a relationship with me in this base?"

"Incover, you are right, these should be your trophy." The victory of the slap size suddenly appeared on the shoulders of Hugo.

"Because you add BUFF that the aura that you can increase in this action is not very important, there is only a small part of those who belong to your trophy in your war."

"This quantity has been much more." Rain is more satisfied with this money.

Think about the three-strongest competition of the game, the whole school year can get a whole academic year before you can get 1000 Garlon, you only have a difference between this kind of trip to this, it is obviously bigger. .

"Hugo, what are you thinking?" Narvik belongs to the huts of Mrs. Granger, Hermione puts a playing card on the side of the look.

"I feel that you have always been a bit abnormally in the past few days, although there is no difference between it, but when doing all kinds of things, I always feel a little strange."

This is already rid of the next day after returning from the island, the day before, the rain fruit, the family is still asleep, and before you replace your own identity. .

"I think it is because of this place to weather." Hugo looked at the dark sky in the outside. "This is not too much like Oslo in the south, only a short period of time a day, so it may affect me."

"Then how do you feel now, is there any place to be uncomfortable?" After listening to the rain, Hermione immediately made a concern.

"Rest assured, old sister." Hugo showed a smile shook his hand, "Just because the environment is too dark, it is more sleepy, I think I will have a cup of tea, I should recover."

I have to say that he is an amazing observation, especially after living with Hugo for more than ten years. Any minor change in this twin brother can quickly discovery.

Therefore, when Emden imitated the rain in the first two days, even if the two people can contact the network, but some subtle differences have no way to pass Hermione.

Fortunately, Emden can directly absorb the compound soup in the enhanced space, so it is not doubtful because of the need to supplement the problem of complementing the compound soup every hour.

Even so, Eagle now needs to find a reasonable excuse to make a relatively reasonable explanation of his own exceptions a few days ago.

Fortunately, the Narvik area has a very night of night because of the very reasons of north. So Hugo can use this excuse to push the problem.

However, because of this reason, in addition to the first day of this, they turned the gun in the woods for more than an hour, and the two hands were empty. The arrangement in this time is mainly skiing and practicing shooting in a target field.

In addition, everyone uses most of the time in reading or some simple game. According to Mr. Granj, it is a less tranquility in the edge of this civilization.

"Really, my father said that the kind of tranquility I didn't feel." After finding that my brother did have any problems, Hermione said about these days. "But I think this time is a good time to learn."

"Okay, I understand." Hearing here, the rage suddenly understood what his sister wants to do. So I got up the playing card and took a book next to the book.

Just a few minutes, I was immersed in the ocean of the knowledge. Hugo immediately removed his attention from the book and transferred to those in the mind.

These knowledge is that the rain fruit 3000 Gabung learned from O'Din's knowledge, and this kind of knowledge is so expensive because this inheritance is very comprehensive.

You must know that the wizard is now almost completely disconnected for the inheritance of Nicen. Even if the top magic of the top magic schools in Hogwart, most of the ancient magic is also introducing the content of theoretical knowledge and alchemy.

However, the various theoretical knowledge in the inheritance of Hugo now accounts for only a small part, and most of the knowledge is related to the practical application of all kinds of Nikin.

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