Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 208 Shimen

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In the entire dark and depressed tunnel, only the misty eyes flashed with weak light. As a dark vision, they often use any light sources after entering the darkness.

Because their combat experience tells them that lights in the dark are actually equivalent to reporting their position to those hidden enemies.

After more than ten minutes in the dark passage, they didn't smash themselves in a huge hall. This hall looks like the Great Gifts in Hogworth.

The side and surroundings of the hall are all raised stones, while there are a large or broken or complete snake left between these stone blocks.

"Let's take these things first." Not scratching, then and counterattacks have collapsed those large snakes. And the unicorn released his carrier to become a bird, collecting the scales that scattered the ground.

When they collected the snake blame in the Millennium Time, they also collected them, and Hugo also ended their courses returned to the public lounge.

After another transferring the network, Hugo saw that he did not scratch them before standing on a stone door. The upper side is written in Nikin: Only pure blood can be placed.

These ancient words carved on the door and the big and small snake-shaped reliefs carved around the door, and they did not smash them, they determined that they did find the place.

Because they are looking for the Sletlin's room, while Hogwarten founders, such concern is only a Sletary.

After all, according to everyone just observed, and the pipelines built in the Victorian era are different, this big hole and Shimen should be the supporting project of the Millennium.

"It seems that you want to pass the door, you must prove that we are pure blood like this door." After waving the pole to check, you can't score the usage of this door.

"The problem is that there is only a motor oil in my blood vessel -" The voice has not fallen, and it is not scratching and slamming the wand. He looked at a dark hall, because she heard that there were some .

"There is something close to -" The counterattack and unicorns also touched the wand and the guns and the guns of the firearms made a warning.

Although the surroundings are very small, they can not only capture these sounds, but can even judge some of the basic situations through the sound. ""

"A group of four-foot creatures, between 30 ~ 40, with weight between 60kg ~ 75kg -" With the approach of those things, the three ships quickly put their intelligence into the network, communicating, and summarized .

When those black shadows rushed to the most upstanding black shadow, when they were 10 meters away from the wars, they had a preliminary thing on these guys immediately pressed down the guns to pull the trigger of the guns. .

"Oh -" After the Magnoli's Runner Runner, a few groups of black shadows were like being hit by the heavy hammer.

But the death of the companion did not affect these speeds of monster attacks like small wild boars, and they were still crazy to rush.

In an instant, shooting sounds in this huge cave, and simultaneously starting to use magic to try to attack those monsters. At this time, the warships have seen the opposite monsters specific to the fires of the guns.

This is some animals that look like a rough mouse that is full of chopsticks, maybe because these animals live for a long time, they are all blind.

It may also be because of this reason, these strange mice can be survived in this passage that is the dead snake blame.

"These mice have magical resistance." Do not scratching some of their own prostitutes playing in the mouse to make the opponent's farther a few seconds, she immediately put away the wand and took out a Bright machine gun.

Although it is not difficult to do this monster, it is not difficult to kill these monsters, but the guns are smaller than those with more powerful magic.

"I feel that these creatures are more artificial to cultivate it." Two minutes later, the counterattack from the bunch of bodies, and took a simple anatomy with a knife.

"These guys are close to the skin with a layer of fine scales, whether it is a certain defense ability to physics or magic attacks."

"In addition, the teeth and claws of this stuff will secrete some mucus filled with various harmful microorganisms, which can cause serious damage to the attacker."

"Do you say that they have physical defensive power?" Not scratching, looking at the big mouse that was opened under the counterattack, and then he said. "But just now, one shot, one."

"This physical defense is also equal to the horizontal of one or two millimeters thick steel plates. It is still very difficult to block a cold weapon, and the front gun is quite big. As for our modern weapon, the other party can't stop."

The counterattack was scratched by the small knife in his hand. "This happens can also be understood, after all, this channel should be built in the Victorian era, and the firearms of that era can be more than our weapons."

"Yes." Unicorn looked at these stacked monster bodies and quickly remembered something.

"And responsible for guys in this area comes from the Gamst family, with that family's characteristics, it is estimated that there will be someone who will not be magical. So it will not be stupid, fragile Macho in their eyes. What definition is made. "

"Okay, now I am going to focus on the door." After using the flame to burn those bodies into ashes, several ships have studied this stone door.

After discussion, everyone consistently thinks that the snake language should not be required, otherwise it will be written on the stone door, and it will pass.

"Will it be painted to paint blood? It's like the guy who has no nose is set for your own soul." Hugo puts forward his own ideas through the income network.

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible." Not scratching this stone door and surrounding the situation replied, "and the nose guy is not the same, Sletary is a great wizard, absolutely will not use that kind Obviously the tactics of the three roads. "

Think about it, it is possible to become one of the three giants of Hogwartz, rather than the ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, To the extent of Vulid Magic.

"In fact, if it is hard, it should be able to open a hole from the side of the stone wall." The counterattack was carefully checked.

"But in this way, we are not as good as the pool in the female toilet. After all, we wo the big circle to install some monitoring in the secret room, and then seize the diary, and Not only killing the snake blame. "

After listening to the inspection report of the counterattack, it was silent in the network. Everyone strives to think about how to pass this stone door without alarm anyone.

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