Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 21 9 and 3/4 of the station.

You can search "Hogwarts' Admiral Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Unfortunately, after further study, Hugo realized that his previous ideas were still a bit too ideal.Although it is said that every time he summons a ship girl, his body will be strengthened, but after the head is exchanged, the whole person can be further strengthened.

But compared with so many souls on the admiralty network at the same time, this enhancement can be said to be insignificant.Therefore, before Hugo can use his destiny points to exchange himself for a powerful avatar to completely improve his level, he can not enter this soul connection state for more than one hour a day to learn.

If it takes more than an hour, Hugo, who lacks soul, will immediately enter a state of degraded communication network in the admiral network.In this case, Hugo can do nothing except to communicate with the ship's ladies.And this state must be resolved by sleeping well for more than four hours.

But for Hugo, although this learning method has many limitations, the benefits it brings are absolutely powerful.At least he can feel that in this state of soul connection, his brain has a sense of clarity that he has never had before, and he can learn magic with a very high efficiency.

Therefore, during the period before the start of school, Hugo has mastered more than 60 spells in the first grade textbooks, an average of one per day.At the same time, all ship maidens connected to this network also mastered these spells.And all this is done entirely by the ability of the admiral to open and hang up the network.

"It seems that you can pretend to be a master after you enter the school." Hugo was quite satisfied with the results of his studies during the holiday, but what made him a little uncomfortable was that the so-called skill of using money to exchange ship women was limited to wizard's currency, and now it belongs to him. The six gallons and the twelve sico can not even be exchanged for one skill, because the cheapest skill requires ten gallons.

After a holiday of crazy study, September 1st, the school day finally arrived.Just after eating breakfast early this morning, the Grangers threw the luggage that had been packed earlier into the trunk of their home RV, and then drove to central London.

Because of the early departure, they did not have the luck to encounter the common traffic jams in downtown London.So at 10:00, a family of four arrived at Kings Cross Station smoothly.

"After you arrive at school, you must take care of yourself, especially if you two try to take care of each other as much as possible—" After walking into the station hall, Mrs. Granger babbled to Hugo and Hermione."As for your learning ability, I don't need to worry too much."

"Mom, don't worry, we can definitely take care of ourselves." Hugo said helplessly, and Hermione nodded vigorously beside her.The two of them naturally knew that their mother was kind, but the problem was that Mrs. Granger had been talking about it since breakfast today, which made both of them feel a little unbearable.

Professor McGonagall was not a careless person like Hagrid, so when she handed the ticket to Hugo and the others, she told the Granger family the location of platform 9 and 34.Therefore, Hugo and the others did not spend too much experience looking for this platform.

"It's amazing to be able to set up the platform in this place!" When he came to platform 9 and 34, Mr. Granger touched the wall separating the magical world and ordinary people. He knew that the platform was inside. The wizard can pass through this wall.But in his perception this is an ordinary wall.

Perhaps because they came earlier, Hugo and the others did not meet any wizards who sent their children to school.Therefore, Mr. Granger also did a good study in front of the wall. When he felt that his research was about the same, he returned to Hugo and they said to them: "Okay, you go, remember to go to school From now on, write us a letter every week." Bashan Academy

"Don't worry, we will write." Hugo and Hermione said in unison, and then shook their hands to their parents to say goodbye, pushing their own carts and rushing towards the wall.

Hugo closed his eyes subconsciously when the cart approached the wall.Even if he knew this was not dangerous in his heart, there was always some instinctive fear when he watched a red brick wall approaching so fast that it seemed that his face would be photographed in a second or two.

Because everything is operating normally on platforms 9 and 34 today, Hugo successfully passed through the wall separating the magical world and the ordinary world.After opening his eyes, a crimson steam locomotive stopped by the platform crowded with passengers.The sign on the train said: Hogwarts Express, 11 o'clock.

Hugo stopped at this time and looked back, and found that the wall he had just passed through was now a wrought iron archway, with a sign on it saying: Platform 9 and 34.

"It's amazing!" Hermione beside her sighed.Because just a wall separates two seemingly different worlds.Before they came to a standard modern station at the end of the 20th century, but now they appear in front of them is an old station full of Victorian style.

The thick smoke of the steam locomotive wafted over the chirping crowd, and cats of various colors were pierced under people's feet.Amidst the buzzing voices of the crowd and the noise of dragging heavy luggage, the owl screamed harshly, and you called me.

"Why didn't they renovate all these places?" Hermione turned to Hugo, looking at the platform, which was much darker than outside, and said, "It feels like it's too old."

"Maybe wizards are more accustomed to some classical style decorations." Hugo shrugged and said: "Think about the wizards' commercial street we saw before or the wizard robes we bought look like It is the style of Shakespeare's time, so I think this style of train station is probably relatively new to wizards."

"It may also be that the wizards do not update at all when they use ordinary things, but choose to maintain what they are like when they get them." Hermione said: "Because I saw a textbook that can be used It is used to repair various items of magic, so for wizards, those items are basically not bad."

While complaining about the conservatism of the wizards, Hugo and Hermione pushed the car towards the red train.Because they came earlier.So neither met the Weasleys nor Neville and his grandmother.Unfortunately, these should not be important in the original plot, so Hugo did not get any fate points.

There are not many people in the first few carriages, and the first long carriage is even more empty.Some of the students in the carriage leaned out of the car window to talk to their family members, and some played in their seats.On the platform stood a group of wizard parents who were seeing off the children.

Because he has been strengthened by the famous head of the non-chief, he has the physique of an ordinary adult who has been trained.So Hugo easily moved the luggage of the two people from the platform to the carriage, and was lucky to find an empty compartment closer to the front of the car and settle down.

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