Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 212 Diary

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After fell back to five minutes ago, the entrance of Hugojing and Vinito at the entrance of the school hospital, the company was magnified many times in the corridor.

"The company has been in the enemy. Once we were discovered here, we will definitely be taken back to the public lounge." Looking at this empty corridor, Venus is anxious. "We must find a place to hide."

"Here -" Hugo ran over the wallet of the doorway to the door, opened the wooden door, and the two people hide directly and closed the door.

A mop is placed in the corner of the closet, several rags and one iron bucket, which seems to be ordinary Fairi labor tools.

Fortunately, these things are only stacked in the corner, and the large half of the hollow hairs is very large, enough to let riders two people stay inside.

"I will tell you that so many main ship sisters can also squeeze with you here." Two people barely squeezed into the closet, almost Hugo is proud of Venovai.

"Whether it is St. George or reputation, counterattack. They are now absolutely impossible to enter this place to protect your safety."

"- Ah, this is very good." This topic is slightly embarrassing, so the rain can think of a half genius to answer a answer.

In the next few times, two people heard the big steps in the absence of not far, Professor McGam guided a group of students returned to the public lounge.

Obviously, for the professors, this time the most important thing is to ensure the safety of the students, not killing or driveing ​​the snake blame, so they are busy withdrawing their students, rather than supporting the enterprise.

Of course, in addition to protecting the students, they have not supported the company's important reason, that is, the company just notified, but did not help.

Considering the background of the company is the essence of the US Magic National Association, so after listening to the business notice, professors will naturally think that she can drag that snake blame for everyone.

"Someone is coming." Shortly after the group of students left, Venus suddenly warys, and Hugo also felt that her muscles were tight.

However, it is strange that Hugo did not find anyone in this corridor through the gap of the buckle door door through the closet.

But after a few seconds, the body of the body was strengthened, heard very slight footsteps from the hallway. The walking persons clearly noted this, but because the structure of the corridor made this footsteps amplified.

"I will go out to start attack, you can act in." Venus took a sentence through the incoming network, and then went to the footsteps to go to this closet.


Under the Deni Tour, a door of the closet flew directly from the door frame to the footsteps, then the dimension was smashed out of the door and slammed it. Out.

,, ah -

After a while, a low figure appeared from the air, while grabbing his right arm with the left hand, a drop of blood is from the place where the left hand grabbed and drops on the ground.

"When is the Ravenk's student started to be so embarrassed?" The figure raised his head and showed Hannah. Aibo's face.

Only, at this time, her eyes turned black from blue, and there was no temperature in it, as the tone of her now.

Obviously, this existence should not be true Hanna Aibo, but the diary of Volden Devils borrowed her body.

Otherwise, a second-grade student is definitely impossible to fight the door to the sneak attack in Venus, and then blocked her a fatal blow to her spleen.

"Here, this is the door of the school hospital, even if a knife is in the heart of Ponfray can save it." Veni laughed. "And very poisonous words, spit out from your mouth, always feel a bit funny."

"It seems that you seem to know - Avada Cand!" Tom-Rid is like the exchange between ordinary people, but he just said half, he fiercely raised the injured right hand Holding the Deno Cuisine.

! A huge collision, the green light did not play on Venova, but hit a sudden rose stone wall.

At the same time, a few bottles of gray crystals have fallen to the ground around Tom Rid, and then a long confrontary stone bamboo shoot from the floor and shot from the floor. .

Damn! Reed whispered, but he could only change the goal of the magic in his hand from Venus's stone bamboo shoots.

After all, now he is just borrowing Hannah's body, and it can't be as smooth as he is doing his own body. And these side of the stone blends that have a thick, as long as one is hit, it will give him a fatal damage.

But at this time, Hugo has also grasped the opportunity by incorporating the network to maintain a contact. She fierce a jumping from the wall, under the cast iron fire, and then smashed the past.

Seeing the action of Veno, Reed had to escape the cast iron rack of the fist size very wolf.

As a result, the cast iron shelf like a black light, and slightly spoke from her, and then pulled a pit in the size of a foot basin.

"Damn!" Looking at the pit size of the foot basin, Ridel felt that the cold sweat suddenly came down. Because he realized that Venus seems to be augmentably like her, it will be killing people every trick.

From a certain point of view, this feeling of volt demon is not wrong. For the warship, the security of the incident when the supervisor is going out to perform the task, so that the people of others don't care.

And this also hit the soft rib in Rid, because he thought that he now has only two advantages. One of them is to have strong concealment after being attached to others, and basically cannot be discovered.

The other is that even discovered that he now attached to other people will make the wizard as an opponent to avoid hurt the possibility of innocent, and the beam is bundled.

But now these two advantages have disappeared in the face of Venova, which can be blocked in this place to explain that Venus has broken his identity, and now her, one, is more embarrassing the other person. The death of innocent people.

So, Ridel is really afraid. Because as the murder of his father and grandfather, he can obviously see that Venus is not in the equipment, but it really doesn't care about people.

But when fighting, any distinction will become a fatal issue. Just when Ridel was shocked by Veno, it took the opportunity to grab the opportunity to throw three rites to his feet.

In an instant, the stone floor at the foot of Reid became a quagmire, let him a murder, the magic prepared in his hand is also broken.

Taking this opportunity, Venus immediately plays the position of the Hanna's chest and abdomen. There was a huge rupture on the Ridel robes that did not flash.

Then, a black-sealed home was released from this crack. Hannah looked over the white and looked up.

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