Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 215, the last trivial matter this school year

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Maybe because this year's event is over a few weeks earlier than the novel, the final exam will still continue.

For Hugo, this change allowed him to get 0.5 fate points, although there are not many points, but considering that before killing the snake blame, the notebook has won 36 destiny, this 0.5 points are already good. .

As for why it was busy for a long time, there were more than 30 fate points. The reason is also very simple. Because the notebook did not have some fate points in Jinie, and the same thing is impossible to brush two Delivery point.

During this time, several students were taught by Professor Dumbledor to talk about her own office. In addition to the victim of Hechpaci, the truth of the victim of Hechpaci, the truth, the truth, Harry, which was unsatisfactory. And Venus is naturally within the scope of Professor Dumbledo.

It is only a little strange thing. In the chat with his chat, Dumbledo almost all the attention of the rhini used in the battle of Hugo Fight in addition to some details of the day.

"I think that your principal is looking for you, and this matter should be related to the production of Renshi." After returning to the dormitory, Hu De gave his conjecture.

"But no matter how specific circumstances, look at Deng's unfavorable now can guess what he should have to find you, so you can wait quietly."

This is the fact that all petrochemical victims have returned to normal, and the final exam is over. Before this time, there are two things that have also affected the entire school.

One of them is that Gedrolohart is directly arrested by two Ao Luoang's five-year-old students in the classroom in Wednesday, caught everyone a restless.

Only half-day time, the reason why Luohart was arrested was sent several versions in the campus. The most widely flowed message content points out that the monster attack in Rockhart and the previous monster.

The message of the next heat ranked 2, 3, 4 is basically some of the related content, the only difference is some difference between the CP object.

But the day of the night, the number of dreated points received by Hugo made him realize that Luohart was arrested and is likely to be related to himself.

And the fact is the fact that the next morning, the "Prognition of Home Daily" wrote Luohart by a large number of news because of a number of serious criminals.

After the treatment of nearly a year, the glory was finally helped the US old wizard to recover memories in nearly one month ago.

Next, those ships in the United States and the United Kingdom have launched the evidence together and then passed through the US Magic National Association.

Have to say, although this approach wraps a large circle, but it is the only effective way.

Luo Hased can get the Merlin Jazz 3 Medal with a best-selling novel writer, which proves that the other party's magic world must have some background power, and if the light rely on a foreign wizard, it is difficult to tell this celebrity.

In particular, the British Magic Ministry is in the leadership of Fuji. For more than a decade, it has always been a policy that does not ask for merit, but asking for no. If there is enough pressure, the other person is likely to directly cover this matter.

However, the maidies are naturally defeated, and they know that the US old wizard is a thing happening, spent a lot of time and energy, find the wizard who is cleaned by Luohart cleaning, and Concentrate to the UK for treatment.

So, shortly after the US old wizard rehabilitation, a French witch and a German men have returned their own memory, and at the same time, they also complained to the Ministry of Magic to the country.

This time, the British Magic Department has an ostrich policy immediately. At this time, the second round of complaint from the UK has also been delivered to the desk of the Director of the Magic Law of the British Magic Ministry of Magic.

At this time, the Director of the British Magic Ministry of Magic is Amilia Born, a witch of a tall, and a serious righteous magic department. So she will soon launch a secret investigation against Luhart.

Obviously, these criminal investigations are expanded in the secret state, so Luohart did not hear any winds before this.

After a month of investigation, I confirmed that Ms. Bornz, who did a number of heavy crimes signed the arrest warrant, and directly arrested the Luohart who was performing on the podium on the podium.

Lohart was arrested in the campus in the campus. But because of the poor performance in the teaching of a whole academic year, there is not much person thinking that he is being embarrassed.

Instead, there have been a batch of things in various colleges. Zhuge Liang, using a variety of opportunities to listen to their boasts, said that this has been discovered in this past, but considering that the school reputation did not say.

"When they got early?" When I gave a rumor, Hegel Patchewan born, Hermioni turned to the rain around him.

"You know, many people rely on this to achieve self-value, so let them blow, anyway, the listeners listen to this picture, there is not a few people to believe this." Yuchu shrugged . "Right, Haig is now at home?"

This is the afternoon of the end of the yearna, after I heard that Haigna is coming back from the Azkan, after the return of Hogwart, Hugo decided to visit him.

"Should be at home." At this time, the three people have gone out of the castle door, and Hermione pointed at Haigang. "You see, the chimney of his house has smoked."

", Haig, just have people have been here?" After being welcomed by Haig, Roagand found two cups of tea on the table.

"Harry and Ron didn't leave, if you came to say it earlier." Haid said that several new cups have been filled with tea to handed the rain.

"This time I really want to thank you, of course, there is Professor Harcy." Haijig said with tea on the side of Hugo.

"Thanks to your help, I can come out from Azkan, saying, that place is really bad. Those who guards people will always be happy forever."

"So after being released from the Azka class, I listened to the principal's suggestion to the sun in the south of France, until this morning is only back."

"Is there any compensation, Haig?" Listening to Hair said that Hermimin asked very urgently. "Although I don't know what the wizard world is like, this mistake is to compensate in the world of our ordinary people."

"No, there is no compensation." Haig shook his head helplessly. "But I finally wash away the suspects of murder before, from now on, at least I was innocent."

Speaking here, realize that Hugo is too small, not suitable for them, so many Haig forced torsion topics that belong to the world's dark face.

"Right, Dumbledore has agreed that I will serve as Professor Catelber's professor to protect the magical animal class."

This may be a major benefit that has been brought about by the case. After all, Hogwarts is the only magic school throughout the UK, and it is impossible to let a person who have the case to school as a professor.

"This is a good thing, you can just give you the book to everyone." Hugo thought about what.

After all, the book of Haig has also participated in the writing, so it is naturally aware of the books that have previously been prepared to be suitable for the textbook.

"No, I found a book that is more interesting than my book. I will find a way to give you the book in advance."

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