Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 217, Japan

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When the boat, Hugo felt that he was like a bathroom. A wet fever felt the face, and instantly wrapped him, especially the sun on the top of the head is not fully released with its own light and heat.

"I remember that Japan should be so hot." Looking at the tropical plants around the airport, Hugo took the wipes in the hands of the corporate hand and said it was said.

"Japan is indeed cool, but here is the Little Ogawara Islands." The company wearing short jeans and tsters gently pressed the straw hat on the top of the head and then took a deep breath.

"The second place is really good."

This competition is held in Japan's magic school magic, and the entrant can arrive before the specified time is not limited to the way there is.

Under normal circumstances, each of these important games will send their own transportation to participate in the competition in the competition, and will promote their own schools.

But because this huguit is elected, it is very hasty, coupled with his age and the fact that the trimming is really difficult to give people enough confidence, so the school did not agree with him using Hogwarts. tool.

A good person who can get a school-selling person knows the importance of being a leader, so 200 Garlon as their travel expense.

Think about that Wesley's family is going to Egyptian tourist 700 Garlon has not spent it, I know that 200 Garlon's travel expenses are already very plenty of rains and enterprises.

In this case, the two people of the rains and businesses naturally chose to go to Tokyo by plane, then they will take the ship directly in the Parent Island of the Ogashara. It is only an hour away from the Magic Lao Island.

In the next three days, Hugo two people visited some of the islands in the tropical area. Even the enterprises also visited the traces left by her that year.

For example, there is a mountain fort building on the sulfur island's folding mountain, that is, the company's carrier has been blown up after a 500-pound bomb, and there are also some bunker and ingots.

Even finally, the company also found a transport ship that was blown up by her in the surrounding seas, let Lauren help her with the wreckage of the vessel.

After the thorough relaxation, I came to the third day of coming here, and the two people played for lunch, and I came to the Parent Island on a unmanned beach after lunch, and then according to the previous requirements Ignited it. Zhang invitation letter.

In an instant, a purple flame swallows the invitation letter written with paper, and then turned into a streamless horizon, then blown a magic flame that wizards only wizards.

It took a few minutes, there were two huge gigants on the sea to fly over the sea. And when two figure flew, they recognized that flying is two huge Haiyan.

"This should be a vehicle unique to the magic." Looking at the Haiyan who landed in them, the company said. "Generally used to send students under the age of 7 and 11 years old,"

Unlike other magic schools, the students of the Japanese Magic Institute began to study from the age of seven. So they also have special reading systems.

Shortly after the takeoff, these two Haiyan came to the southernmost sulfur island in the Ogashara Islands with Hugui and Enterprises.

After breaking through a dissearable barrier, a palace like Hanbai jade suddenly appeared on the topmost of Nansulland.

According to the data seen during the previous travel, South Sulfdo is a conical volcanic island, with a maximum at sea level, which is the highest point of the Ogashara Islands.

At the same time, the top is often surrounded by clouds. The island is surrounded by waves, and the sea ethage cliff is formed, with an average height of 100 to 200 meters, almost no sandbank, and the reason why there is a sea-bottomed volcano is unlocked.

Because the region is designated by the Japanese government as the native natural environment preservation area, since the last landing exploration was the last time in the landscape, there was no longer hoped to board this island.

It now seems that the reason why this island is blocked except for the protection environment, it is because this is the location of the Japanese Magic School, so Japanese Machi Government has to help make confidential work.

Soon, the two giant Haiyan landed in a cave on the island, and then, a Japanese wizard wearing a golden witch robe came to register for Hugo.

"Stop, I will speak Japanese, let us communicate with Japanese." After listening to this Japanese, he said after saying a few Japanese English, I feel that some companies can't stand Japanese.

"When is this Japanese to learn? I have listened to my mother tongue." Listening to the company and the Japanese wizard's negotiation, Hugo asked by taking the network.

"In the 40s in the Pacific Ocean, after all, we will always understand their language, otherwise, even the most basic intelligence cannot be obtained."

Obviously, the Japanese of the company is indeed very good, so she quickly got the map and took the rain in the room assigned to them.

Because of the problem of island size, most of the architecture most of the magic is hidden in the mountains. In addition, these rooms have been displayed a large amount of space expansion magic.

"This is really too easy to get lost." After passing a tunnel again and climbed two stairs, looked at the trigeminal intersection in front of the sign.

"There is no way, this island is so big, most of the school space is built within the mountains, and they can only be repaired in order to use the mountain space." The company looked at the map, with Hugo to the left Go.

"I want to be in sulfur island, and we will encounter the same road as the labyrinth after entering the mountain. And with this side, there are countless traps and enemies who are ready to shoot."

The company did not say that those guided volunteers are also very strange. Some people are very enthusiastic, but some people are cold if frost, feeling with them.

Fortunately, in addition to the summer vacation, except for a small number of volunteers, most of the magical students have left here. So these tunnels are also very spacious.

And because of the role of the magic, the temperature and ventilation in the cave are very good, while those who have applying magic have also showed the weather in the outside.

"Although it is not very suitable with my identity, the internal environment is better than the Castle of Hogwater." The company pulled the escalast to climb the escalator, and evaluated.

"At least like Hogword's ancient castle although it is really comfortable in summer, but winter is obvious, too wet, and it is too cold."

"It is true." Hugo recognized some nodded, because the duty of the family, the public lounge is still quite suitable for living, but in the winter, in the corridor, the corridor is still in the underground classroom of Snape and cold. .

Finally, two people came to the dormitory of their own temporary residence these days. This is a suite with two bedrooms and a small living room, and it looks a strong Japanese style.

"Let's take a break first, then get up and clean up." When you enter the door, the company first looked up and saw a watch, then said, "There is a welcome banquet in the evening, all of us have to go."

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