Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 219 Second Match

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After the test paper appeared, the rain was probably turned over, and it was found that most of them were all mastered, and only a few knowledge points had a certain issue.

These problems are not because of their content inside, but because these issues are biased towards practice. It is the way to teach his knowledge to have its own techniques.

"Use the non-scratched manual." After knowing the inner question of Hugo, the company said to him by taking the network.

"The skills of Salem have obvious US characteristics, and this competition judges mainly come from Europe. So try to use popular European skills in the judges."

"How do you think I just answer?" When you go out of the examination room, Hugo asked by taking the network. "I think I have written all the content I have mastered, but I always feel that it is still a little bit."

"Don't worry, my dear introduction. You have a good answer to those questions." The unomailable sound appeared in the ear of Hugo. "Although the answer is really not perfect, I can guarantee 100% to take a high score."

Just now, Hugo actually lives in a live broadcast of the mother when the exam is in the exam, but the maidies are almost in the whole process. The reason is because this theoretical exam is only qualified exam.

After all, the overall alchemy level of Hugo is very general because of the reason for beginners. If this is premised, if the theoretical test score and the actual operation are too large, it is easy to be used as a high-end hand and even cheating.

That's right, although I can make convulsions, it can be exposed to massive and alchemy related information, but do not represent the high-profile alchemy skills.

Since alcoholism itself is a practical discipline. So now it is only possible to make rural stone and some simple alchemy products, the level of alchemy is now only a relatively low level.

Of course, because the competition is strange rule restriction, the alchemy level of the entrant is not high. The competition organizers apparently realized this.

For example, the topics of the topic have not been put forward from the difficulty of being in the difficulty, but the topic involves a wide range of coverage, covering most common knowledge points.

As for why it is very simple, although this game looks very regular, but it is actually just Nickle Mime for picking a test of knowledge inheritors.

In this context, these exams or more scores can only play a reference role, and the core of the truly want to get the victory is needed to meet Nick Leme.

Therefore, Hugo did not win a great victory against the game, because it was for people who have been lived from hundreds of years ago. As long as he doesn't open his own ideas, no one can know why he is in this regard.

In this case, the best way to contestants is to show yourself as much as possible. Then prayed that the greatest alchemist's greatest alchemist has been watching yourself.

As for the first exam, it is estimated that in addition to making everyone warm up, the only use is not enough, but the foundation is not solid, but the filling guy is filled out.

Sure enough, when you have breakfast in the morning, the results of the first game have come out. In addition to the three players have obvious flaws on the basis, all other people have entered the next round of competitions.

"I am very happy to see that most people still stay here, and the previous games are different, the second game is a practice game, you will have a week time to complete."

After breakfast, the officials of the International Wizard Federal officials said on the competition in the chairperson. I saw him with a wand, a box appeared in front of them.

"The next game, your topic is this golden egg." The official said with a wand, and he only heard the lock. The lock was opened, and more than 20 pieces were revealed. Goose egg size metal egg.

"The next week, what you have to do is using alchemy's techniques to open these metal eggs and take out things inside."

"In this process, you have 200 Calong's material costs. Anyone who is still eliminated by this game after the time due date, or after spending money."

"In the course of the game, you can only stand this game independently in the designated room, you can't communicate with outsiders. However, you will get a booklet, you can use the book to find information on the book on the price of the five Galal. "

After the announcement of the content of the game, there are some magical volunteers who stayed at school to introduce them into their respective rooms, and then close these rooms with magic.

In addition to the automatic opening of a week after the past, this door can be opened at any time, but once opened, it is equivalent to an automatic admission failure.

"This is better than I imagined. After the door is closed, Lawrence immediately checked the next week you had to wait, and found that the overall level of this room is very good.

The entire room has a standard alchemy room, a living room and a bathroom with a shower equipment and sanitary equipment.

At the same time, on the table of the living room, there is also a menu with magic. As long as you say the food and drinks you want, those things will appear on the small dining table.

After the trial, after drinking the cup of juice, the rain started his work immediately. In the golden egg on an analytical magic pattern and started, a large white rune appeared on the golden egg.

"Block, hidden, fixed, fusion -" Hugo quickly took out these runes, the number of rosents raised, but the number of runes was not high, but the overall difficulty is not high.

For him, you want to solve just need a lot of time.

"Three days can get it -" Record all the runes on the golden egg and after the analysis, the rain is gently comforted.

Because this topic is not too difficult to say to him, although there are several traps in those runes, they have not escaped his eyes under his meticulous observation.

The next time, he quickly redeemed the material from the material table. Then start attempt to relieve the seal on this golden egg.

Just like solving a complex line group, he can use the rune as long as he can crack the rune in accordance with certain laws.

"This is the last rune." On the third afternoon, with a small trick carrying with you on a silver version, the ancient Nikin runes were engraved with mercury Edition, and the groove was filled with a mixture of mercury and sulfur. Place this release of the silver version on the few runes left on the golden egg.

After the two runes are in contact, a rays flashed from the contact. In an instant, whether it is a rune on the golden egg or the runes on the silver board.

Then, now the smooth golden egg surface begins a little crack, and finally the entire egg shell is like the flowers, which is generally opened, showing something placed in the egg.

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