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Things just happened in the street were an unconscious attack. Two claims that the wizards who were a white robe suddenly attacked a wizard from Demtron.

As a result, these two wizards are obviously unskilled. Before the attack, it is wasted for a few seconds before the attack, and the target is prepared.

More unlucky is that the goal of this choice is the strongest Demr Lang student in this competitor, so when two people really attacked, they found it at all. I can't get this. More than their young wizards.

Obviously, such personnel are also intensive areas of the Japanese Magic Ministry. So in a short period of time, these two attackers were deployed by the Magic Department in this area and concentric arrest.

"Is this a big attack before the White Robe?" Looking at the two attackers sent by the Magic Ministry of Magic, the rain frogged. "If you are just this level, then they have nothing."

"You are right, but we don't know this scene now is what they showed to us, or the fact is true." When the company came to the ear, the ear is quietly said.

"So, I think we will take a good visit to the store in this street, then collect more information for analysis."

As a result, Hugo is temporarily separated from the company and its own actions. And when they restore the original look at the original time in the afternoon, the two people's faces have a serious expression.

"Now the situation is obviously wrong." After the online fast exchange of information, Hugo said to the business. "A lot of important items have a significant price increase this time, and the reason is basically someone under the big list."

"In addition, I just missed the news in the pub. Some people recognized the two people who were arrested were not a member of the White Robe, but only a small mix of life in Jinzhiji."

"More importantly, one of which seems to be a little drinking, has always been saying that two people are not just simple mix, but also the line of the Magic Ministry."

"Your news is very important, at least I haven't listened to it." The company shrugged.

"And I have a big discovery in the street, that is, a lot of Japanese wizards think that their current problem is because of the reasons for opening the country, there are many people who have just hitting the attackers just now."

It doesn't feel wrong with the overall atmosphere of the Japanese wizard world. Because he also saw a lot of newspapers and magazines in addition to reading books in the library.

None of the newspapers and magazines accused the International Wizard Federation and the International Wizard Federation and the Summer Magic Union in the Ming Dynasty, and it is also a good reason to get it from the so-called openness.

But the real situation is not the case, truly causing the Japanese wizard dilemma to themselves.

On the one hand, although he now seems to be left and right, it will only put some of the most peripheral things here. And then they naturally have a good interest in get enough interest.

On the other hand, Japan's wizard's family's control of the Japanese wizards is much higher than the British magic world. This can see the least in the world's famous Wizard's college from the top of the world's huge human resources.

This is not because the proportion of the wizards in Japan is lower than normal, but the magic itself is a noble school, so that the wizards of these wizards will have a significant difference from other wizards from the beginning.

This internal contradiction has also caused the benefits of Japan after the founding of the country, and is also engraved by those pure blood families, and unfavorable faces are borne by ordinary wizards.

As a result, the white robe will be born. Part is partially marginalized by the aristocratic wizards with the unity of the society, and then the aristocratic wizards of the Japanese Magic Ministry are struggling.

As the struggles between the two sides have gradually become hot, a variety of violent incidents have emerged. According to statistics, the Japanese wizards in the Japanese wizards in the Japanese wizards have doubled more than ten years ago.

Until the Minister of the Japanese Magic, the Minister of Magic is now intended to suppress, these well attacks have begun to reduce it. But in the valley of the raid, this is just a way to rush to boil, the standard is not ruled.

After the Magic, Hugo and Enterprises informed the situation of the Japanese Magic Department of the Japanese Magic, but the official did not think about it.

"Reassured, those sporadic attacks for foreigners are just some accidental phenomena." This middle-aged male wizard did not say it.

And you don't have to worry about encountering attacks during the next game, because according to what we know, the organization such as the White Robe will only attach some foreigners at the street. "

"Especially from last year, our magic ministers began to clear the members of the White Robe and the companions, and caught many people, now their organization should have been completely embarrassed."

"More importantly, for the place where the last game is now in strict confidentiality. So the other party really wants to attack your location -"

"I think this guy is obviously unreliable." From the office of the Japanese Magic Office left the way back to the house, Hugo said to the business. "It feels that I feel like this now, Japan's wizards are more dangerous than before."

"Anyway, they don't matter, I don't have to do it. I really want to have something to do. Don't come out when we play." The company has passed the network to the rain.

"Of course, I have a very stupid thing to pin it on others, so I hope that you can send a call, convene now with empty warships to prepare for possible emergencies."

At the beginning, Hugo didn't intend to do it according to the idea of ​​the company. Because he felt that only a kind of conjecture, he mobilized it, it was a little labor to hurt money, and it would appear some kind of timid.

However, after the company puts this news, the resolution of the warship is still letting the fruit of the preparedness.

Since the situation on the Balkan battlefield has entered a key period, most European ships are busy with the work related to the war, temporarily can't open.

In this case, except for St. George, all other ships come from the United States. It can even be said that the rest of the people are almost pilgrimously outside the beautiful woman.

"Will it be single to be thin?" After dinner, after dinner, Hugo, who received the list of dispatched personnel, was received.

"Reassured, now there are two people there." Looking at four no people, the company slightly jugged over the cheeks of the robes, then whispered in his ear.

"And saying that you are too short to get along with everyone, so everyone wants to stay with you for a while."

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