Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 229 Attack

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"Stand!" Looking at girls who are going to themselves. Hugo immediately hit a shot with a pistol to the direction of the other party and warned. "Otherwise, the next shot will play on you."

"I don't have any malicious -" Looking at the pit being hit on the ground, the bisbarten girl immediately slowed down, and both hands were highlighted and did not hostile.

"Okay, talk about what happened." Hugo asked his pistol, "I think a Bosbarton's sixth grade elite students should be scared by a magical creature. "

Hugo himself is the youngest entrant in the entire game, and after the previous two games, several young people are not eliminated, and they are all six-grade students in the field.

"A group of worms as long as , will spit a lot of acid solution." The girl said in French. "They are rushing here."

"Are you looking for me now I hope to escape with my strength?" Huo fruit asked in French. "If so, what kind of price do you intend to exchange for my help?"

"No, now the situation is not the case." Listening to Hugo said that the girl immediately exposed an extremely nervous expression. "When I couldn't support it, I tried to issue alert as stated in advance, but I didn't wait until rescue."

"So under apostation, I can only take out the wand directly from the siege of the group of monsters, and the result is just that you."

"What do you say!" Listening to this girl, Hugo also exposed a nervous expression.

Before the game, the organizer specially sent them a refiner props for the rescue. It is said that they can call the soldiers through this equipment when encountering the dangers that cannot be resolved.

After all, everyone is doing is only a game, so I will choose to give up the game when I have a problem that I can't do it. It is also a sensible practice.

But if these props are invalid, then the problem is serious. This means that some people don't want this competition to hold smoothly, and even hope to achieve certain purposes through the death injury in the game.

"Then you try to use me." Rain fruit said that one hand pointed to each other, and the other hand removed the brass disk from the waist, and then threw the girl. .

"No problem." The next conscious looks at the direction of his own fleeing, this Bosbarten girl launched the disc in accordance with the previous organizational.

According to theory, this disc should first emit red light after the correct operation, then launched a red spark on the red agate inlayed from the center of the disc.

But now, this disc just bright, but did not launch sparks to the sky, but thoroughly calm down after a while.

"Let's leave here." Because it was strengthened by many avatars, the rose is getting closer and closer.

When he thought of this girl said, he immediately realized that these sounds were likely to have the sound of the bugs catching up.

After running in the east, after a few hundred meters, I get rid of the rain fruit of the chasing troops to start checking the brass disc. Under the non-scratched remote support, Hugo quickly discovered the problem in the disc.

It turns out that several critical places inside the disc replace the original material with a magic material that is relatively low in the magic carrying capacity.

This material does not have much difference from the appearance or daily magic flow and the authenticity, and can even respond to daily inspections, but when it is really excited, it will quickly lose energy and block the magic spread.

However, because the abundance is unchanged, it is impossible to find problems in this unless a comprehensive examination is made.

"Enterprise, how is your situation now?" After discovered the problem of this thing, Hugo immediately contacted the company.

"We look very normal here now." The company said with a glass of wine, because it is a lunch time, so a buffet is held in the tent.

Whether it is a local Japanese wizard, or those wits from Europe all wear a dress, elegant walking around those long tables, and conduct some social and diplomatic activities through this opportunity.

"But this kind of normal is the biggest abnormal." The company gently swayed the champagne glass of the hand, "The thing you should be able to monitor your actions, but now, there is no receipt of any news."

"Theoretically, there will be a patrol team to check the entrant. It should have been reported here. So I will ask for a while."

"Well, if you find something abnormal, I will notify me."

After the end of the contact, Hugo started to go to the beach with the French Sisenisie called Emma. Because this is now scared by the previous attack, she chooses to act together with Hugo.

Different from the three strongest competitions, wizards participating in alchemy competitions may not be good at this and wild survival and game associated with the battle. This is why Emma is willing and Hugo signed the reason for the al alliance in the game.

Because the fruit is very young, it is far better than her in terms of combat level. At least in the battle encountered on this road, Emma felt that many enemies who would need to spend a hands and feet, they were a relaxed solution to Hugo.

Along the way, the company will contact Hugo every other period of time. However, just like everyone expects the worst case, the conclusions you have received over the company have always been normal.

Because now in the contest, add some other considerations. So enterprises have no excessive hosted organizers for confidentiality after obtaining such an answer.

But this does not mean that he didn't do anything, just over a few hours in Hugo and his call. The two wave formations of the periphery got the command and all entered the highest alert state.

With the sizzling sound, the two ships completed the prepared war in the first time, and ready to initiate attacks on the island and everything around the island and the surrounding waters.

When two or five in the afternoon, two people stopped going to find camps. At the beginning, all the work was all smooth, but when the sky was dark, and the rage was preparing for lunch around the bonfire, the company suddenly issued alert.

"Some people in the Japanese Magic Department suddenly attacked us." In the context of fighting noise, the company said through the income of the rain. "They under the food and wine, then attack us."

"You are nothing now?" After listening to the company, Hugo asked nervous.

"Rest assured, this is just a small scene." The company said he said to the magic behind him. "There are two guys who don't have long-eyed try to block me, and now they have been killed."

At this time she has ran to the edge of the camp, and the front is a bright lake water.

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