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After bid farewell to the company, Hugo took the four destroy ship of the Tafi three teams into the woods on the side of the beach. After all, the woods are more secure relative to bare beaches.

"Let's wait here to be here." After found a small floor, Johnston took a machete to cut a small piece of trees, and then he said to the rain.

"Don't we go to see what the wizards of this group of White Robe do you want to do?" After sitting down on a canvas, Hugo asked some unconnected.

"Let's of course go see, but not now." Hoerre shook his head softly. "On the other person's way, the wizards of the White Robe will not intend to kill, but is intended to deduct the hostage."

"Yes, so our initiative is not so big." Johnston said at the side.

"Relative to only five people run to gambling luck, or wait for them to have more powerful foreign aids to have the most powerful foreign aid."

"After all, even if you don't consider our own safety, the light is too small, let us really need to solve the problem of hostage,"

"Well, you are right." Rain nodded, then took the sandwiches that clamped Spmh lunch from the hands of Johnston. "I think we are still better for us."

Just like Johnston, although this time it was in the same place, it was a reasonable choice for people who had rational people.

As for the situation on the sea, although the big security boat was hit by the shelling, it appeared. But as an embodiment of the millennium accumulation of the Japanese Magic Ministry, the huge house is not just a furnish.

At least, according to the company that has been mixed with the fleet, although it was a wolverine when he was suddenly attacked by the ship, it was gradually recovered, and there was a fleet that belonging to the White Robe. Back.

This also represents the 79th special blend of enterprises, which does not need to rush into the battlefield, but can wait for the 77th special mixed formation of those veteran veterans to take the water planes in the ship. They are engaged in.

After all, the Japanese Magic Ministry has shown a short-distance flash and a short distance flight, which proves that the boat that this magic transformation is likely to be much stronger than prototype. In this case, the wars will naturally concentrate their strength to meet challenges.

During this time, there will be no free white robe occupying the islands. They prove through their own behavior that they are completely qualified.

For example, the wizards of these White Robs will focus all the people's hand and the hostages in the original headquarters, and the defense of the ground floor is trying to change.

Then start mobilizing all the strengths including a variety of magical creatures and alchemy, trying to catch or even kill the only one of the only members who are not controlled.

This kind of action naturally affects the rain, and when they have been preparing to chat, several of the ships suddenly stood up, while launching the ship's clothing huge surrounded by the center.

"Is there an enemy?" Huo fruit asked, while taking a wand.

"There is an enemy." Hoer is vigilant to watch the surrounding trees, "listening to the sound should be those who die."

"Yes, the commander, if you are not necessary, you'd better pick up your wand." After the rage, Hoer reminded.

"Just now Salesmie tells us that the mobilization of the other party is to lock the participant's position."

"It turned out to be like this." Listening to Hoer said, Hugo immediately took the wand in his hand. I want to come to the organizer to detect whether you use the wand cobs through this means.

After putting the wand, Hugo took a Tomson from Hilman. As a cassette weapon, this thing is not to go where most of the attacker curse is worse, but there is only a misty and tenth to use.

I have to say that the body's body's physical quality is much higher than humans, so the scope of detection is much better than human beings, giving everyone's adequate preparation time.

Until everyone completes the prepared war, the black shadow of a few sheep rushed out from the surrounding plants, then split this small defense circle that can easily tear in their eyes.

"Hey -" However, when these guys just rushed through the defense line, Johnston's first trigger of the 20 mm Ehefo machine gun in his hand was first turned into one. Slowing out the hedgehog of the flame.

The fire of the guns illuminate everyone's face in the defensive circle, which in this time, the rain found that although these artillery seem to be more heavier than the ship, they can hold these artillery. Continuous shooting.

The artillery doped with a tracer is like a flame long whip that is invincible. It is easy to put the enemy of these ships into the enemy of these ships into pieces.

Unlike the wizards who have mastered the defense magic, whether it is a strong magic defense, this also makes them in the face of 20 mm machine guns.

After 30 seconds, Johnston issued the command of the ceasefire, and suddenly it was quiet. Only the flames were left on the branches and the branches of the sporadic branches.

"The enemy has been destroyed." Johnston took the machine gun in his hand, and then turned to the rain fruit.

"The surrounding can now confirm security, but in order to avoid the enemy further pursue, we are now best to transfer our location to reduce the possibility of enemies."

"You are right, we really have changed a place." Rain is nodded.

"Although I don't know how the other party locks me, I don't know if the other party can find me again. But it is indeed possible to cause a little trouble to attack the attacker."

Just when Hugo decided to play a guerrilla with four wars in the island and drag the time waiting for changes, the battlefield on the sea was about to break.

When the distance between the two Japanese fleets narrowed to the three sea, the Japanese Magic Ministry of Magic first lit up a glory of the sun.

Then, a golden rays shot from the boat of the big madget ship affiliated to the Japanese Magic Ministry, from the only one of the unique light cruisers from the fleet.

After Jin Guang disappeared, a light cruiser had a black red trace of two halves.

With the explosion of "bang", a flame is wrapped in the entire vessel with the smoke. Then, the entire light cruiser was broken into two trip, and the huge wound and the flame quickly sinking into the sea.

"They actually take the Baptu." Looking at the only light cruiser in the fleet, they will sink into the sea in less than a minute. It was originally sitting in the White Robe on the big and bridge Royal Street.

"But this is good." Looking at the flames that are being dissipated on the sea and the sporadic shift to the White Robe on the ship's deck. It will reach the command. "The other party can only launch a hair in a short time, and it is inevitable to extract the magic on the entire ship."

"So next, let's take the shipper into the bottom of the sea."

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