Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 235 ends

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When the second batch of attack waves from the ship arrived at the big and level battleship, the battleship had successfully sinking the Tiandi Pills belonging to the Ministry of Magic, and intended to kill the survivors on the boat.

However, this Japanese traditional brutal behavior is timely stop, because the second batch of carrier is more than if everyone is imagined, so they have to take part of the firepower for air defense.

In an instant, a large number of shells drag the golden rays to the sky and hide the whole sky in a brilliant golden light. Even the outline of the entire battleship occurs.

However, because of a round of attacks, the mother pointed to the carrier machine to destroy the air defense fire, so the air defense fire in this round of attack is still a lot of quarterly.

Especially after those who are bound on the deck, the wizards of the two knives can also order the fireballs, but the accuracy is more than one level.

Therefore, the carrier machine of the second round of attack quickly found the flaws in these air defense firepower. The scattered team turned into a small group of three two aircraft launched an attack from all directions.

After a burst of explosions, the boat was blown up from the boat, and there was a six water column on the ship because of the torpedo burst.

Although the wizards on board are full of renovation, but as those magical structures are destroyed, the injury on the entire ship has become more and more, and the firepower is getting worse and weak, even the speed of driving and turning is falling. .

Because the company has experience in hidden , in the face of this big and level battles who don't know where the wizards who will dig, they often find the other party's weakness and apply attacks.

In the case of the opponent's focus, the veterans of the Pearl Harbor, with the help of their fighters, they couldn't be near the ten sea from the large and level sate, and then set into a column start shooting.

"Cannon!" The six-year-old main gunshots shot have spanning the long space between the main artillery shells and formed a large-scale battleship.

In a white water fog, the white robe on the boat will shout the wizard.

After aware of the nearby shelling, the white robe on the ship will make the wizard to make the ship turn, and try to resist those fatal shells.

But everything to do is in vain, those temporary magic defense in the face of dozens of large-scale caliber, the arm, is like the arm, will be crushed soon.

"The second batch of the second batch of the Japanese Ministry of Magic has arrived, the other party rides a giant Haiyan, the speed is very fast." Just when these ships can pour their own fire to the enemy, the bee suddenly passed a message.

Before the battle begins, several aircraft carriers sent a part of the fighter and constructed a warning line outside of several tens of ha. At this time, several fighters in the northern scouting fighters were found in the Northern Scout.

"How long have we?" After listening to the words of the bee, the company immediately asked.

"If there is no accident, we have 7 ~ 10 minutes." Probably estimates that the distance and speed of the other party, Hu Feng gives a preliminary judgment.

"This is enough." The company nodded and then shouted to all the wars by taking the network. "Plus hard, hit the damn boat within five minutes, then retreat."

"I understand." I heard the company's order, all the wars on the field immediately replied. Then I fully pour my firepower to the big and level battleship.

In the raindrops, the shells and bombs were completely chemically formed by magical ships into a volcano in the sea of ​​maritime bear, and those mysterious deep purple texture gradually returned.

According to the airplane and near the bride's investigation, the whole battleship has almost no longer, and there are also a large hole visible to the water line. Moreover, the overall is oblique to the right.

Finally, I don't know if it is a shell or a bomb falling. The middle and rear of this vessel have a huge explosion, followed by quick sinking and forming a slot of nearly 100 meters in diameter.

After a few seconds, those shells who don't know what the Witch's wizards will have also happen sharp explosion. From the bottom of the sea, the huge sound of the sea, the hoste and the water column of hundreds of meters and the water column are high.

"I saw this magnificent scenery again." There are dozens of sea, and the company looked at the huge smoke colon with slowly rising. For her, this scene and more than half a century ago, it is really like it.

"Business Sister, what should we do next?" Demme, who has always escorted, is a nervous run.

"Retreat now." The company said. "The next thing we should do."

At this time, through the investigator, the maidies also saw the second batch of renewal of the Ministry of Magic, who were approaching, and lost their vessels, but quickly stood on the ice that became magical. White robe and Japanese magic department.

"You are right, business sister." Looking at the more fierce people on both ice, the bee had to recognize that everyone is not a good idea.

After making a decision, the maidies immediately recycled the carrier and mix together, and then prepared to stand in the complicated waterway of the Western Rhodes before the previous.

When the war on the sea was coming, Roago took the four destroy ship's four destroy ships in the Tafi three teams to the position of the headquarters, ready to conduct an investigation of the headquarters.

At first, Hugo just plans to wait for the Japanese Magic to reach the arrival and their convergence, or after the end of the sea, the main fleet is engaged in attack.

But later found the situation on the island and the difference between them. Because after the start of the two rounds of attack, the rains and five people did not encounter any attackers.

"Some of the situation is not right." Shortly after the third batch of attackers attack.

Recognizing that the situation is not pair, the rain is immediately discussed, and what should I do immediately on the next. The solution given by Johnston is very simple.

"Let's take a look at it, and then make a decision to be more appropriate." As a result of courage, Johnston's tactics can be said to be simple.

"As for security issues, it is not too worried. If you have any powerful enemies, our four people have enough to grasp prior investigation to cover your success."

"That is doing this." After listening to their suggestions from several ships, Hugo followed them to the position of the command center occupied by the White Robe.

Soon, Hugo realized that the headquarters did significant changes. Because he saw the eight-eye giant spider who wandered around and stayed there.

Surprisingly, when Hugo passed, these guys still kept their own situation and did not make any reactions, let alone attack.

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