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Nikuli said, let Hugo nervously, and there is nothing wrong with this alchemist, it doesn't think there is anything wrong. After all, this is to find a heritage for yourself, and how care is not too serious.

But he didn't want to distinguish between the other party, distinguished the buddy and the people, because even Dumbledo's strongest white wizard did not recognize their non-human identity.

The buttons of the ships have been significantly more strong. The destroyers of the Tafi three squad have launched the case that just collected, St. George also burned the sword of the sword in the sword.

"Reassured, little guys, I have no malicious." As an old man living for more than 600 years, Nikuli even if he didn't have to be magic, his experience is also enough to understand what hugo is worried about this time.

"For those who have no one hundred days left, now everything in the world is not important to me, I just came here just not want this because of my game."

"As for the reason you just come in, it is very simple. This is only a curious thing to walk for a lifetime on the path of alchemy."

Looking at Nikuli with a pair of children, when you look at you with a child's general pure eyes, Hugo felt that he understood why he did so.

After all, this is more than a long life than others, Nikuli has not stopped pursuing on alchemy, so they naturally produce certain curiosity after seeing the ships.

As for it, it is a bit surprised, but it is absolutely not understandable. As an alchemist of a long-lasting year, Nikulme is likely to master some unknown capabilities.

"He is really true." Several ships have notified Hugo through the gradient network, and they also felt that Nikuli is now in the heart.

It may be for the friendly, or may be a general wizard, and everyone will block their brains like Professor Snape. Therefore, the maidies are now naturally able to feel the idea of ​​Nikulme. .

"Hey - Mr. Le Mei, the situation may be different from what you imagine." Confirm this Alchemist master said that it is only because of a purest curiosity, the rains are also relaxed.

"Although they are different from humans, they are definitely not a golden creature." Said here, Hugo has paused and received some of the ships in the network through taking the network. Then he said: "It is accurate that they are English."

This answer is actually not the answer to Hugo. He has only less excuse to put the past, but he still chooses some of the truth under the request of the ship.

Although Hugo does not know why the wars will make such a decision after discussing, he decided to believe that those who have experience in this regard.

"British", "After hearing the rain, Nikuli is spit out on the back of the chair. "Sure enough, like what I think. The essence of the magic will become a realistic thing."

"Yes, my companions are the traces of history and the fantasy of humanity." The voice of the company suddenly passed from the outside of the tent. Then she and several battleships of the battles opened the curtains of the tent and came in.

"This is a incredible." Seeing more ships, Nikuli revealed surprised look. "I used to feel that the wizards can be able to think, but never thought that ordinary people can do this."

"The biggest difference between wizards and Mapgeta is that the wizard has magic, but everyone does not have much difference in the soul." At this time, "I only need a special seed, we naturally can be from everyone's soul. Medium generation. "

"Ah - Yes. You are right." Nikuli shot his arm with his hand. "Just regret, I have never found this seed in 600 years -"

With the voice of Nikulme, a mechanical bird flew out from the motor chair he sitting and called, and the company also received a warning of the reconnaissance machine in the periphery.

"It seems that the Japanese people have decided to win." Nikuli said after receiving the information. "I think we may have to change one place."

After finishing, he raised the wand in his hand, with a few silver dishes on the table, and then read these silver dishes: "Doom Tos".

After being cast, the silver plate was trembled for a few seconds, and the singular blue light was sent. Then gradually rest and restore the original silver.

"I think you don't want to be blocked by the Japanese wizard." Nikuli said that the silver disk that was transformed into a door key. "So before others come, we'd better leave here, yes, will you use the door key?"

The Nikul Mei said, everyone nodded at the same time, then put his finger on the silver plate. "Very good, then let us depart, one, two, three -"

With the last "Three" said in the mouth of Nikuli, Roagi felt what was smashed behind the navel.

In an instant, the tent disappeared from his eyes. His hand sticks firmly on that silver dish. It hits others to quickly advance in the rotating color and the whispers.

The silver plate has been pulling them, then - his feet suddenly hit the ground, shocking his knees. Silver dish also fell on the ground.

After standing hard, Hugo found himself in a gorgeous garden. Magical is that everything in this garden looks alive.

Rainy can feel that the three-story building of the three-story building of the sculpture in the fountain is still in curious trees, whether it is a trimming trees, the three-story building of the building of the courtyard.

"Here is - Tokyo!" The company suddenly said, and the direction of her fingers, Hugo saw the Tokyo Tower in the red and white is standing in a near place.

"Mr. Flamel, is this house be a magical defense?" I perceived a layer of magic that condensed into solid state, as well as the entrance. But the office workers who have been invisible to the room, and the curious asked.

"Yes, this house is one of my most proud of a few alchemy products. In addition to gaining people who have licensed, there is no possibility to find this house."

Nikuli is located in Tokyo, it looks like a fairy tale world. Because the whole is alive like the rain fruit.

Whether it is a small beetle that sang in the air, it is a new feeling that is refreshing and a small-eyed mechanical parrot, which is in the genus, whether the people who have passed by people.

"Here is something that I have been studying for the last 100 years. Unfortunately, it is like this. It is a very complicated thing to create life from the power of life."

Just when Hugo is curious about everything, Nikulum operates the alchemine chair and then came over and said.

"So this is the reason I invite you and your companions, at least I hope that I can determine the direction of my research before you can die is correct."

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