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There are many traditional Witch Magics that are different from Animagas or advanced human body deformation, but they can also become the magic of various animals.

These magic may be difficult because it is not easy, while needing a wide variety of accessories or materials to gradually be eliminated by modern magic for reasons, but in fact, there are some options.

For example, this magic of the permanent deformation of the wherewolies is, in which a large number of witchcraft traditional Chinese deformation is combined.

"So, we have gained a single magic." The corporate face revealed a smile, compared with normal wizards, the wars can easily suppress the wolf people with their strength and to show this magic.

"According to our plan, we will try this magic in the last hurts, and then gradually expand the range of people who accept changes."

"I remember that the wolf should have attacked others, can they be converted?" Listening to the company said that the rain frowned.

"They can accept the conversion, because the batch of the wolf we receive is subject to those black witches, and should be regarded as criminal tools instead of criminals." Enterprises explained.

In addition to the things related to the wolf, the wars have also made a lot of things during this time. For example, the unicorn is smooth in Hogwarten's ban in Hogwart, and the creatures in the ban.

For example, the "Soviet" of the Soviet Unions successfully integrated the power of all parties, according to their statement, when waiting until the Christmas holiday, everything will be completely solved.

"Oh, yes, there is another thing to tell you." Things said in the end, the corporate face revealed a smile similar to the success of the prank. "Harry has lived for three days in Hoors."

"Do you say?" After listening to the company, the ramroad looked up and looked at the company hanging on a smile.

He didn't know this matter in advance. After all, the Destiny Number of Destiny is to get after the end, so it is theoretically, this destiny changes must be started to get feedback.

"You know, Harry shouted his aunt, then left home -"

"Yes, I certainly know." Hugo sat up from the sofa. "The problem is, how did the other party appear in Hoorsen?"

"This is an accident." The corporate face revealed a helpless look. "It should be that Harry seemed to become a black dog, and the result is unintended to summon the Knight bus."

"But the actual situation is Huade to eat firefly and Venograms to Surrey, a famous self-buffet barbecue shop. "

"Then then the things will be sympathetic. After all, in this case, I met an acquaintance to let the other party wandering on the street, so I just brought him back home."

"Does the Ministry of Magic and Dumbledore not say?" Hugo asked someone.

"You know how Harry is regarded as the savior of the wizard, then do they don't take into account Harry's security issues? Don't forget, this year's little wolf star is still wandering outside, this situation let Harry live in one Will not be a good idea in people of magic. "

"Hu De and fireflies met with Harry, I met Macger at home, but her confirmed Harry safety, allowing Harry to live in Hooe." The corporate face is also revealed. " The expression of the solution.

"In fact, I also felt some incredible when I received this information three days ago, but I realized that this choice is not strange."

"The original Harley is arranged in the break bar, which has set a lot of protective magic, which is not even more than people in the safe level."

"I think, this may be that McGeg is asking Harry's intention, allowing Harry to live in Hu Deh."

"Well, it is really an accident." Yuyu smiled and said, he dared to betting this thing's probabilistic probability is not like an accident like a business, it is probably a misty mother wants to give himself one. Surprise.

However, in this case, Hugo nature also knows that he is best to keep quiet, pretending to believe that the current situation is really just a series of accidents.

After processing the work of the hand, the time is almost, so the rain is replaced by the school uniform, and then and walked together in a dress to take the magical ceremony.

Unexpectedly, the two people who rushed to the Magic Ministry of Magic, and the President of Dumbledor, who was wearing a purple robes, was waiting for them.

"Mr. the principal, how are you here?" Seeing Dumbledo, which is here, the face of Hugo reveals a shock expression.

After all, he is not the kind of people who are arrogant. I know that I have established some credits this time, but I should not let Dumbledo are specially waiting for themselves without exposing the identity of the ship.

As soon as to say that the honor of the Jazz Group, Melin, this statement is more funny. If Fogi or Pelps may be interested in this thing, but the experience of Professor Dumbledore has already passed the kind. The skin is old.

"I will take you to the honor." Deng unexpected professor smiled and said, "Now the entrance of the Ministry of Magic is surrounded by people. If you go from here, it is estimated that you may not walk for those reporters. Enveloped.

So I will pick you up after informing the Minister of Fuji, I am going to send you directly to the hall. "

After explaining, Dumbledor's principal pulled two people from Hugo and businesses, and then using Phoenix to transfer them directly to a hall of the Magic Ministry.

For this time I got the first-level medal, Hugo should be considered mean. Because the reason for Merlin Medal, the first-level medal is used to reward "outstanding courage or extraordinary magic."

Under the operation of Nikuli, in order to avoid exposed ships, the other party hiped the big contribution to the ship in the sea and transferred his own credits to the body of Hugo.

In this case, things turned into a young wizard in the third grade of school, using various means and terrorists fighting, and finally rescued humanity.

At the beginning, there were some members of the Merlin Jazz group opposed the honor to grant Hugo, because his age is too small, but in the final pressures of the UK and other national magic parts, the decision is made.

The reason why the Magic Ministry will shoot, because this incident is really too shameful for the European wizard industry. So they must find a highlight to transfer everyone's attention.

Obviously, Hugo is like that highlight. Therefore, at Dumbledor, Professor and Fuan Minister of Fuji, he finally successfully obtained the Grand Medal of Merlin Jazz.

After a few photos took a few photos, Hugo took the beginning of the designated seating in the designated seating.

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