Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 244 meeting

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"Why have this book this year?" Looking at a green paper bundled by a belt, the Hugo is a little inquiry, because the book's cover is written with the bronzed letters "monsters' monsters".

If you have not remembering the wrong, Veno should pass the ditch with Haig, so Hugo is somewhat why this year is also selected this book.

"I have passed the Higgou, and the other party is firmly believed that this book is the most suitable textbook now." After receiving the inquiries of Hugo, Venus said through the income network.

"But when I told him that this book is not better than a cat, it may be more troublesome for some numb students. He agreed to tell the students through the bookstore to cope with this book."

"In fact, the content of this book is not bad, this is not much from the side, it is not bad in the professional level." Hermiona also raised this book at this time.

"And touching the book before reading the book, it is also a very good practice, which fully reminds our magical creative uncontrollable and as long as we master the corresponding technology, then we can also coexist with them."

Obviously, there is no premise that the book is suddenly attacked. Hermione still looks carefully to books, and then gives a relatively fair evaluation.

"That is to say, this book is good?" Looking at the books that were shaking there, Hugo asked some curious.

Because the impression of "Monsters' Monsters" in his mind is like a beast, it will make it calm down like a beast. But the content of the book is not very clear.

"It is really good." Hermum was nodded. "This book is very complete for a variety of magical biological habits, and involves a lot of" magical animals where "this standard textbook book will not involve some knowledge."

Early the next morning, Hugo had encountered Harry in the store in Hhu De. Since I stayed in Hoh family, Harry will come here to write homework or practice magic every day.

"This is given birthday gift." After a few words, "Hugo took a small parcel from the body, handed over."

"I am sorry late, because I have been busy visiting a few alchemists, so I have not yet saved this gift after I bought a gift."

"Nothing." Harry smiled and said, because Hermione complained that Hugo has never written this, so Harry knows that Hugo is really busy.

"This is -" After opening the package, Harry unexpectedly discovered that the package was a quiccy magazine in the next half of the year, and there were some Japanese who didn't know.

"This is a Japanese Quei Qiyue," Today, Quiiti "." Hugo pointed to this book. "

However, there is a different magazine, and there is a signature of all team members and coaches of this magazine, which is a 50 signature special issue. "

"Ah, this is great." Open the title page and looked at the signature of a row on the side, Harry looked out of the surprise look. "This wind and bridge is very powerful. If there is no accident, it is likely to get the International Quiiti Club Cup champion."

"You like it." Hugo has a smile on his face. This magazine is a ribbon auction from the company to help.

People who participated in the auction basically have not interested this kind of thing, so the company has bought a lot of things in California, California, who was cooked into hugua.

Similar to the magazine this three or five Calong, it can be given to friends as an important gift, and like a battles used by a Qiiti star or even flying a broom. These is more expensive. Flafted shop sells.

Of course, there is a part of the selected souvenir will be placed in the hotel counters and unicorn in Hogmad, used as a decoration of some theme box to attract guests.

"How is the summer vacation?" After all, after sitting on the attic, Hugo asked Harry. "I heard that you have a little thing over there, I accidentally blow your aunt."

"This is not quented." Harry did not answer, Hermioni, who has been known in advance, said. "When his aunt said, he was too much, and Harry did not use his wand."

"If this is the case, the other party is indeed too much." He nodded at Hugo recognized. For wizards who have not been trained in a non-stick, they can only apply themselves extremely fierce. Spell.

Harry can only show his aunt in this situation, can only explain that his aunt is really bad, so that Harry's emotions are completely out of control.

"Now I think I should calm down again." Listening to Hugo said that Harry is embarrassed to scratch the hair. "After all, it is not a good idea to make trouble to everyone."

"So, so, your Hoghmad license is also bubble, right?" After a few people laughed, Yuyu said.

"Yeah, this is where I last regretted." Harry shrugged helpless.

"As far as I know, the only pure wizard village of this British wizard has a lot of interesting things. For example, the maid of Hug's family has opened a small restaurant in Hogold."

"Reassured, the restaurant is taken, and the food that has been taken back will be the same after the insulation curse." Hermion was comforted at this time, "What you want to buy, I and Hugo Can help you. "

"Or looking for the Wesley twins help." Hermionic voice has not fallen, and the rage is in the side. "I have listened to several seniors to have seen them in Hogmad when they were in the twin first grade."

This information is not huge, and the average person mixes into Hogmaden, it is really difficult to compete, but the twins are too conspicuous.

"Hugo!" Hugo's words have not been finished, Hermione turned to anger his brother, "You should not encourage Harry to violate the school rules, especially this year's situation -"

"Okay, okay, I am wrong." Sil's sister, Hugo hurriedly got, then converted the topic, "How do you two books?"

"Oh, don't I choose more than you?" Hermione said, "Those are arithmetic divination, protect the magical creatures, the textbooks of the ancient magic research, and the reference books in this area -"

"Really, now there is no more valuable reference book in the ancient magic in the market, and valuable is often used by those pure blood families as the baby in the bottom of the box." After listening to Hermione's book, Rain fruit is conscious.

"But this is already the best book written on the market." Hermione hugged shrugs and said, "I don't know where you said."

"This is a good office." Yuyu said that he took a pure hand-written notebook from his own school bag.

"This is Venus shared to me. His sister has a friend in this area, so it is quite studied in this regard. And she doesn't mind sharing this knowledge with others."

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