Admiral of Hogwarts

Chapter 253 After the door

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"Dear Admire, you are finally here." After seeing Hugo from the tunnel, the calvescence pretends to open the arms and made a welcome gesture.

"What is this door?" After all of the few ships, Hugo asked the flagship prestige here. "Is there anything you find now?"

"It is important to find that there are a lot, such as the carving of the door, let us determine that this place is indeed a very important place to be Hogwart."

It doesn't scratch your fingers, and then the rage will notice a stone monument with green serpentine.

The content on the stone monument is very simple, but it is said to commemorate the Commemorate of the Hogworth Method, after all, it is only the private castle of Slettel, wants to use it as part of the transformation.

"Wesley, Port, Gunte, Blog, Black -" Looking at the name of the stone monument, Hugo does not know who these people are, but those familiar last names have already explained the problem.

Obviously, Although Hogworth was opened by the four giants. But in the process of establishing it, many pure blood wizards are supported.

"Some strange." After watching a complete inscription, the Rainy Brain is full of doubts. "I feel that this stone monument seems to be aware of the role of this building."

"In fact, this door is hidden in the stone wall." The reputation looks at the rain. "When we found this serpentine stone stone, it was very curious to represent anything, so A variety of attempts here. "

"When we started, we used a lot of detection magic, but basically didn't use it. The surrounding Magic interferes with all of our investigations."

"But later, unflamings, I have a little familiar to us, so we finally found this door."

"And this thing is our key." Glorious opened his own cassette, then took out a silver crown with huge blue gems.

"Raw Welk's crown?" Looking at a familiar crown, the huguo face showed a surprised look. "Is the soul fragmentation already handled clean?"

"Of course, it is cleaned." Glorious smiled, "and we also returned this crown to the best state, just as it was on the top of Ravenk's head."

When I came out this crown, the door in front of the door suddenly highled out a lot of mystery runes. At the same time, I started to vibrate, but it quickly calmed down.

"According to my research, this door needs a person with Hogwartz to sign the crown to open, but the company, Veno and Fireflies can not be opened after trying." Indication.

"I guess this is because of the wizard in that age, or the entire human beings are in a disadvantage, so this area should only allow pure humans to open this door in the case of holding troming."

"Okay, I understand." Hugo nodded, then extended his hand to the light. "Give me this crown, let me try this door."

"There should be no problem, at least the result of not scratching the research is this." Gloriously handed the crown on the hand to the rain, as he said.

"Reassure, we will be able to help you in this process, once there is any problem, can help you solve it."

"I certainly believe in you -" Yuyu said that the crown of Ravenk, just in the moment he wore the crown to the head, the rain is quiet, then gently squinting.

"What is the feeling of this crown?" Through the admiration of the network, it is now normal, and it is curious to ask if everything is normal.

Hugo opened his eyes, and found that in addition to indomit, other ships were all curious, and then looked at him with a doubt.

"Do you have to worn this after cleaning?" After listening to indominable questions. Hugo asked someone. "Before I don't get a command, your initiative should be not so low."

"Of course we tried, or most people here tried to wear this crown." Inspired, the eyebrows said. "Unfortunately, we didn't feel any changes after this crown was put."

"According to the later studies, we found that Ravenk's crown and the same security magic, so the crown naturally won't have any use."

"It turned out to be like this." Hugo nodded and said. "At least I can feel that the crown can play two roles. On the one hand, it is calm down and focuses on, and on the other hand, it can make people simultaneously think."

From a certain point of view, the crown can indeed enhance the wisdom of people. Because it allows users to do a multi-threaded thinking. It is equivalent to several users all concentrate on handling one thing.

But from another perspective, the crown is indeed different from the average wisdom of the average person. If you don't have extraordinary wisdom, the crown can not make you get higher wisdom on a basis now.

"However, this thing is not a general generic product." Hugo looked at the crown, "For ordinary people, it is really possible to be crazy in this calm and multi-threaded state. "

Of course, Hugo himself is not worried about this, at least in the case of accepting the network, this problem is fully immunized.

After this thing on your head, Hugo went to the front of the door and injected into the magic in several places in the door according to the indominations.

Magic will quickly activate the rune arrays on the metal door. This heavy metal door begins to vibrate, along with the runes above, which is slow and solemnly on both sides in front of everyone.

There is also a layer of energy barrier like the purest water in the metal door, and everything in the door is in front of the rain and the ship through this barrier.

This is not a cave that everyone imagines - but it is more strange than the cave in the imagination, and the platform of a large number of colored crystals is floating in the dark space, and emits light to illuminate the surrounding environment.

Between the platform and platform, the ladder consisting of a variety of crystals will be associated with them. Like the necklace of the gem. In this huge space, a thing attracts everyone's gaze.

That is a huge golden door in two or three layers, with a variety of reliefs, and in the middle of the gate, Hogwarts' column emblem is shining there.

"This is really a big hand -" Looking at the door of the metallic gloss, not scratching the materials of the door, "actually uses the bronze to create this door."

"Let's go in -" After observing it for a while, the first of Hugo walked into the door. Then he walked through the barrier in the direction of the center of the space. The mother is also penetrating behind him behind him.

They don't know, that is, at the same time, a hole in the mouth of the fist, appeared in the corner of the Ravenklata, and then a pre-claw smashed a paw mouse looked at the hole. Drill into it.

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